Wax Golem

EFSmick's page

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ok so we casting a sleep spell against a group of ((lets say the same example as the players handbook gives)) a rat, kobold , 2 gnolls and a ogre.and most of us know it of course only affects 4 hd of creatures starting with the lowest.Ok our question is what if kobold rat and gnolls make their saves..can the spell then effect the 4hd ogre?..

just wondering if anyone can point me towards a speed of A Greyhawk Rhennee barge? say open water and other.

did the Crook of Rao remove all evil outsiders in the entire world..we are wanting to lay this question to rest..if anyone can point us towards a answer it would be alot of help..the last update we have is Living Greyhawk Gazetteer dated 2000.