Jade Mantis

Dzyu's page

21 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Hello forum!

I am going to play as a Sorcerer for the first time tomorrow, (I've played wizards before, but after reading about sorcerers every day this week I am starting to feel just how different they are) and all I've nailed down so far is that I'm going to be a merman (it's a caribbean pirate style campaign and I really like the idea. Also, I'm NOT going to take strongtail.).

I'm joining a level 6 party with a barbarian(strong melee), a ranger(strong melee), and a bard(He doesn't do anything. Not even sing, I hear). It's a RP-heavy group, with heavy and really dangerous encounters. They've had multiple player deaths already, but we hope to make it to lvl 20 (fast xp progression). I'm tempted to try a blaster, but intrigued by save or suck style.

I get the following stats to put where I want: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.

If I'm a blaster, after merfolk bonuses, I'm thinking:
str 11
dex 18
con 16
int 12
wis 13
cha 18

Or as a save-or-suck-caster:
str 11
dex 16
con 17
int 12
wis 13
cha 19

I might take darkvision instead of low light vision if I go for save-or-suck, as -1 to hit won't be an issue.

I've looked at feats, and spell perfection seems like a must-have spell for any sorcerer.

Draconic and elemental bloodlines look very tempting thanks to the flying. Celestial, too, a bit, but I'm not sure about this one.

I don't think crossblooded, while extremely tempting, is an option, simply because I wouldn't be able to start with the fins to feet spell... And the 2 lvls behind thing is really bad.

Other than this I'm pretty much uncertain about everything. So, uh, yeah, I wish I had more time, but I really don't, and studies have been killing me this week, so I'll gladly take extensive suggestions on what kind of merfolk sorcerer might be fun to play.

I always wanted to try an archery rogue, despite its challenges and shortcomings, so now I have a rogue lvl 8 with the current feats:
Improved Initiative
Point Blank Shot (Rogue Talent)
Rapid Shot
Weapon Focus: Longbow (Rogue talent)
Dazzling Display

I'm taking Shatter Defenses when I hit lvl 9.

My Cohort is a "tanky" half-orc fighter with +20 to intimidate and Dazzling Display.

Our group consists of a Cleric on healing/buffing duty, a sorcerer on buffing/nuking duty and a monk who receives said buffs and makes sure as many opponents as possible are lying flat on their backs.

The DM has said that he wishes to have us encounter every single monster in the bestiary, and what we do/what kind of encounters we have in our sessions can vary greatly, so sometimes we have up to half a dozen combat encounters during a session, while other times we can have only one or two, with the rest of the session being diplomacy/investigation/stealth.

As you probably can tell, I'm REALLY looking forward to my next level, and we're not really an optimized group. ("Where the hell is your precise shot?!?" I know I know...) Nevertheless, I am completely unable to decide what spell to take for my major magic talent...

So far I am looking at:

Vanish - Great for getting in ranged sneak attacks, and getting out of icky situations, AND for non-combat reasons... Though the 5 round duration and the fact that I have my cohort to ensure I get sneak attacks does make this spell less attractive.

Shield - +4 AC for x minutes twice a day... This is just awesome. I know I'll get a use for it most days as we do a lot of fighting, and I tend to end up on negative HP every now and then because of my low (19) AC. However, I will invest more in defensive items later, as soon as we catch up to the treasure tables (assuming we will) so I fear that the spell will become obsolete later.

Gravity Bow - Now this one is REALLY tempting as I'm after all going for a glass cannon/skill rogue... 2D6 for all of my arrows fired during the spell's duration? I just know I will use both charges of this every day... I just don't know if it's really worth it. Maybe I'm blinded by the fancy DPS-ness of it?

Shocking Grasp - What's attractive about this one is, of course, the ability to bypass natural armor of tough monsters. I have Acid Splash from before in my minor magic talent, though, so, I don't know. I haven't removed this from my list yet, though.

Any tips about other spells or advice to help me decide is really appreciated! :)

A headband of Vast Intelligence grants you one skill per +2 bonus it has at the maximum number of ranks you can have, but do you in addition get extra skillpoints to spend per level because you effectively have a higher int after wearing it for 24 hrs?

I have not found anything in the rulebook book that indicates that it shouldn't grant both the associated skill AND the extra skillpoints because of higher int from the headband.


We're having a problem adjudicating what to do about this spell(Tiny Hut) when used in a melee situation for concealment. The problem is that the spell says there's only room for 10 medium-sized creatures, although the actual size of it clearly indicates there's room for alot more, so what happens when more than 10 medium-sized creaturse enter?

I'm thinking maybe this sentence: "However, if you remove yourself from the hut, the spell ends." should read: "However, if you remove yourself from the hut, or more than 10 medium-sized creatures are inside it, the spell ends."


This sentence: "As many as nine other Medium creatures can fit into the field with you; they can freely pass into and out of the hut without harming it." should have the additional information: "If the hut is full any other creatures trying to enter the sphere will be held out by a force field." or maybe even "If the hut is full and additional creatures try to enter, the hut will bend away from them and not let them inside." or something like that.

I think the force-field effect is too good for a 3rd lvl spell, obvisouly, but if it ends because too many people try to enter, I think it's too harsh. Imo the part with it bending away to not include anyone trying to enter when it's full seems the most balanced way to make it. What do you think?