
Dustin Johnson's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.


I'm good for all 3 nights. I'm all for anything fair.

My family member isn't available to put me up as planned. I have two friends sharing a room in the same hotel, but I'd love a place to crash in the same building. Can you cut me a deal?

My name is Dustin Johnson, and I'd be interested in such a group. I have been looking at going to San Rafael for Pathfinder but I would prefer something closer. I'm 28 years old, started roleplaying games as a teenager but in recent years I've done more casual games like the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game and Descent. My group owns a pathfinder book or two, but I never actually got to play in a game. Most of my gaming experience was 3rd edition/3.5. I know the pathfinder rules in theory but I believe mastering them won't be too hard with my foundation in 3.5. Cotati works for me too, and I'm pretty knowledgeable about planescape, pre-faction war mostly.

Hope to hear back from you!