Ancient Time Dragon

Duskbreaker's page

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So first, is the amount of burn you reduce from the burn cost of a blast or a utility talent counted against your max burn for the turn?
Second, does the nonlethal apply to temporary hit points first and thus remove temporary hit points from your health pool while still leaving you with the accumulated burn?

School conjuration (creation) [fire]; Level druid 6
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (acorns or holly berries)
Range touch
Targets up to four acorns or up to eight holly berries
Duration 10 min./level or until used
Saving Throw none or Reflex half; see text; Spell Resistance no

Holly Berry Bombs: You turn as many as eight holly berries into special bombs. The holly berries are usually placed by hand, since they are too light to make effective thrown weapons (they can be tossed only 5 feet). If you are within 200 feet and speak a word of command, each berry instantly bursts into flame, causing 1d8 points of fire damage + 1 point per caster level to every creature in a 5-foot-radius burst and igniting any combustible materials within 5 feet. A creature in the area that makes a successful Reflex saving throw takes only half damage.

So my idea was to make a Mardi Gras Necklace out of holly berries, then use A few fire seeds spells and resist energy to go super nova on a baddie. Granted it's easily stoppable with a baddie using resist energy, but it has the potential to end annoying encounters that could otherwise drag on.

So from what I understand, each bomb is a separate source of damage and requires a save for each bomb used. That being the case, once you were high enough lvl that you could get 30 fire resist out of resist energy you should be able to simply detonate them on yourself when you have resist energy fire up and take no damage. The reason I ask is that I plan on making a bunch of holly berry Mardi Gras type necklaces so I can just go super nova if I have a couple of rounds of prep time and I expect a boss fight in about 1 to 2 hours

So the party consists of 6 11th lvl part members. 1 Bard, 1 Multiclassed Rogue, 1 Antipaladin, 1 Generic Summoner, 1 Fighter, and 1 Heavens Shaman(me). The problems are its 26 SR, Greater Dispel as an 18th lvl caster at will, Heal 3 times per day, and Firestorm 3 times a day.

So how useful is it to be able to use a standard action to teleport party members via Hex Vulnerability and Leap of Heavens?

Heaven's Leap (Su): The shaman is adept at creating tiny tears in the fabric of space, and temporarily stitching them together to reach other locations through a limited, one-way wormhole. As a standard action, the shaman can designate herself or a single ally that she can see who is within 30 feet of her. She can move that creature as if it were subject to jester's jaunt. Once targeted by this hex, the ally cannot be the target of this hex again for 24 hours.

So I made a lvl 8 shaman to replace me ancector oracle that got eaten by a dire tiger. Any suggestions on what wandering spirit would be good to have? Currently using Fire to be able to contribute damage to the party since the other casters are a summoner, a bard, and a antipaladin in this Way of the Wicked game I'm in. Also I don't need to breathe but me familiar does.

So I made a lvl 8 shaman to replace me ancector oracle that got eaten by a dire tiger. Any suggestions on what wandering spirit would be good to have? Currently using Fire to be able to contribute damage to the party since the other casters are a summoner, a bard, and a antipaladin in this Way of the Wicked game I'm in. Also I don't need to breathe but me familiar does.

So is a Life Shaman the second best healer you can play since it gets full spell progression and access to all spells on their list when preparing? Also one of the Life hexes, Deny Succor, can keep Cure Spells from healing an enemy and prevent spells or effects from removing conditions. This gives them the potential to shorten fights with Boss NPCs that have healing minions, or the ability to heal themselves. Life Link is a nice 5 point buffer to fellow party members hp totals and has a nice range at 100ft. Another bonus is, like the cleric, they gain access to Heal at 11th lvl.

It says "Add +1 to the caster level of any channeling feat used to affect undead" so if you use command undead would that also count towards the amount of HD of undead you can control?