Dusk_Devange's page

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If you're going for being an archery powerhouse, then I would suggest sticking with the fighter levels, and then using wizard instead of sorcerer. The Gravity Bow spell will make your arrows do 2d6 instead of 1d8 damage, and if you go with the enhancement school specialization, you can give yourself a +1 enhancement to strength or dexterity, depending on if you want to hit harder with a composite bow, or to hit more often, which may help a little.

For feats, point-blank shot will give you an extra +1 to hit and damage, by level 10, you could get an extra +6 damage at a cost of -3 to hit with deadly aim, and Focused Shot would let you take a standard action to get one extra painful shot with your Intelligence modifier added in. The rest of them would just be your standard weapon focus, weapon specialization, precise shot, etc.