Durren quickly gets in front and readies himself to strike the first one
Yes I believe we're moving again
"There is no debt for an act of kindness, as long as you promise to ask for help when you need it" Durren smiles and claps Gax on the shoulder "And thank Bullpup! I'm afraid I'm a bit of a city boy and didn't know how to find the plants. Well, we should keep moving"
"Some mulwort root, and pink heart's leaves. I'm afraid I've only used them after they've been collected, so I haven't the faintest idea of where they'd be in the wild"
Durren explains what they look like
Survival1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Perception1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Heal1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
Lolz, paladin useless in wilderness
"Im fairly certain I remember the herbs for this, but I have no idea how to find them, or even if they are around here"
Durren sighs "Well we can settle down for a while and see if I can help him get over it by himself, or we can go back to town"
Am I aware of the closest town or do we have a map of some sort?
"No he's right, let's stay together. No need to fear just because we don't understand. I've seen nothing that makes me wary; only curious. Come, we need to find a better healer than I"
Durren says sternly "He's not going to die, I don't really believe his life is in danger. However he's going to be miserable and possibly useless until he is healed. Where is the nearest town?"
Taking 10 on a heal check gets me 16
"It seems you have cackle fever. You should be fine, but you're going to not be feeling the best for a few days. Also it's pretty contagious. Unfortunately I don't have the power to heal you, we're going to have to get some help"
Durren frowns "Averin, I may need some help here" Durren walks over and puts a firm hand on Gax's shoulder "I think we should rest for a bit, I'd like to take a look at you"
Durren smiles "No worries friend, just let me know next time" He casts a concerned look at Gax "Did you sleep allright?"
Perception1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
Durren smiles as he feels his pack rustled. After a minute he calls to the back "You know I might need that sometime"
Durren mainly stays in front with Averin, that way anything that jumps them has a strong vanguard to go through. Most of the time is spent chatting with Averin and looking around
Perception1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
Question (not sure where to direct it) am I aware of what a Dhampir is? I don't have knowledge religion so I would assume no
As long as no party member objects, I think I'll move things along
Durren gets things moving, taking point with Averin. Quietly "I hope this trip goes as planned, you always get restless when you're worried"
I was worried about a party member running around screaming about the boils on their skin or some other ailment lol
assuming nothing goes bump in the night Durren wakes up, touching Averin's shoulder and puts his armor on. He goes outside to the party "We all ready to head off?"
Do we notice anything out of the ordinary? Like a party member coughing blood? lol
Durren smiles and laughs, then turns and calls loudly to the party "How do we intend to keep watch? My darkvision should be useful for a middle one"
Durren keeps his face still while Averin talks, then nods as if he's agreeing about the weather "I'm not sure about him, but I can say this; I've met stranger men who are peaceful, and I've met more normal men who are pure evil. I won't judge him before he gives me a reason to" Durren hammers a stake of the tent in "However, I still intend to sleep with my sword"
Unless somebody else has an objection, I think I'll move us on towards the first night Durren takes off his armor and begins setting up his tent, where he begins talking to Averin quietly "Quite an unusual group eh? I'm not sure half of them would be able to travel on their own"
Hey guys, I'm heading out of town to a place that doesn't have internet so I'll be gone for a few days. Feel free to DMPC me if you need to, much cheers and have fun gaming!
Durren laughs loudly during the story, and at the end claps Gax on the shoulder "Now that's once I don't think I could repeat"
Ah my apologies. Since my character wasn't in on the last bit of RP I wasn't paying much attention. Well after we have enough food for everyone I see no reason to delay
How many days worth of food are we going to need?
Some food and a steel mirror. We probably need trail rations for everybody
Durren has a curious look on his face "Yes, I would enjoy seeing what that does"
I feel like Gax, Averin and I will be doing much of the campaign driving lol
Durren can't help but smile "Well you're quite the diviner aren't you?" He chuckles and claps Gax on the shoulder, just to let him know it's all in good fun.
Durren thinks for a moment "I've always found some rope incredibly useful. Also a small mirror for checking corners"
Durren smiles and nods to Averin, then becomes serious again "Well we shouldn't waste any time than. Let's buy some supplies and get going"
No worries, i quickly figured out it was a character thing
Durren sighs "I don't believe he needs as much help as he lets on. Perhaps on the next adventure we can help"
Durren nods again, then yes "Yes, indeed"
...not sure if Kharn is a prophet or a time traveler, grocery stores lol
Durren keeps a small smile on, nodding and pretending to follow along
Oh boy, might not have known what i was getting into lol
Durren looks at Kharn blankly for a moment, then shrugs "You're the storyteller, do tell"
Durren smiles at Gax as he leaves. He puts a hand on Averin's shoulder as Gax closes the door and whispers "I know, just humor him for now" He looks at Kharn "I'd love to hear a story"
Durren puts on his calm smile, nodding to the man but otherwise keeping quiet and letting Gax do the talking. He casually surveys the surroundings
Kharn, i think you should meet my insane cleric fiddle hixblitz. you'd get along nicely lol
After they have a bit of privacy,
Durren gives Gax a long look "Hmm, how about we make a deal? You let us tag along for a bit, and we can help without being told anything you don't want us to know. Then after a bit, you can decide if you want us to stay or go, if nothing else we'll put a little more muscle into your group for a few days. I can respect your oath of secrecy, it's a good trait to have. So therefore I'm given no choice but to prove our honesty. Sound good?"
Durren, knowing nothing of the going on's and also being an open book, has quite a curious and concerned look upon his face upon hearing about the trouble. "An attack?" Then realizing the horned man was being discrete he lowers his voice "See Averin? He's just trying to do the right thing. Well I hate to prod more than I should, but perhaps we can help. If you wish us away just say the word, but I'd like to see if we could aid you." Durren finishes with a smile and offers his hand
Durren puts a calming hand upon Averin's shoulder "Now it seems whatever has transpired is over, maybe we can help clean up a little"
A look of concern grows upon Durren's face "A sickness? Well...if I'm not intruding then maybe I can help. I can't speak for my friend Averin, but I'd wish to offer any assistance I can give"
Durren notices his limp. "Oh what happened? Here, you just need to to put some more pressure on the wound for a bit, then..." Durren trails off, talking about how to keep the wound so it heals faster.
heal1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
Durren binds it tighter than before so the leg can take more weight, but not so tight it's uncomfortable.
"Umm.." Durren looks at the large women barking out orders, and decides not to bother her. He makes his way over to dwarves and gnome who are near the man he was originally interested in. "Hello, I am Durren, paladin of Iomadae. Umm...what happened here?"
what? WHAT? haha what did you guys do in here?
Upbringing is like a regular elf, then after becoming a paladin mostly just traveling. Oh dear lord, hellknights and tieflings in one room haha
Durren walks into the inn, smile upon his face. Even though he's a drow, nothing about his expression or demeanor looks mean or evil, and his build looks closer to the human who walked in with him than to an elf. He has a polished set of scale mail that clearly has Iomadae's symbol upon it, and a finely crafted longsword sits at his side. He looks around the inn until he notices the horned man he saw earlier, then waves and heads over
edit:ninja'd be DM
Durren notices the unconscious people and immediately makes his way over, kneeling down and checking his condition
Heal1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
"Are you allright? Does anybody know what happened here?"
Perception1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
Durren claps Averin's shoulder and nods towards the strange horned man "Did you see that too? Seems interesting if nothing else, would you care to check it out? And you know how much I enjoy meeting members of the rarer races" Assuming Averin agrees, Durren lets his curiousity take over and he walks into the inn, looking for the horned man.
Since I have no trained knowledges, I'm assuming I have no idea what a tiefling is lol
Oh ya that'd be cool, a human that Durren really got along with, especially if you're on the lawful side of things. I could totally imagine us being friends
Hello all, i see i'm making an already diverse group even more so. Cant wait to start playing!