
Duneharrow's page

49 posts. Alias of Jason Beardsley.


Spot (1d20+4=12)
Guess not

Aid whoever is closer
Aid another (1d20+6=8)
Wow, IC hates me today

Is the vine that held Bri close enough to Duneharrow for him to slice it with a melee attack? If not, how far away is it?

No problem! :)

Wow, that's awful! Hope things look up for you soon! And Merry Christmas!

Javelin damage (1d6+4=5)

Duneharrow pulls out a javelin and throws it at the vine attacking Connor.

Javelin (1d20+1=17)

Whatever it was that fell, did that fall at our feet, or close enough to see what it was?

Init (1d20=8)

Whatever it was that fell, did that fall at our feet, or close enough to see what it was?

If you mean all of us, here's mine: Spot (1d20+4=18)

"Looks like the wheel is shattered. I wonder how much of the cargo we could salvage. I'll follow whoever's leading."

Are we fixing the cart and taking it with us?

"I'll agree to help, but I must return this cart to it's rightful owner eventually.. I have a score to settle with them anyway."



This cart was stolen from the dwarves i had an altercation with, right?

Is it just us three now?
"It's nice to meet you. May i ask, what brings you here to these woods, to this wagon?"

"I thank you again friend. I feel much better now. Are these friends of yours?"

"Hello. I thank you for healing me. I must return this wagon to its rightful owner, looks like he owes me an apology, and some money." Duneharrow says in his loud voice. "My name is Duneharrow, and you can call me friend. I've come from Narath-du recently, though I call no place home."

DM Dreamweaver wrote:
Duneharrow wrote:
It's okay, at least I have more than 10 hp now, and I won't die when Vigor wears out

Not yet you guys skipped over Skid and the goblin so you still have a chance at dying.

The goblin hisses and staggers on his feet nearly going down. He quickly grabs the wound and swings his mace at Bri but the little halfling ducks under the blow.

Skidd is up

Sorry not my fault, thought it was my turn

DM Dreamweaver wrote:

As Duneharrow rises the goblin is taken by surprise that the big man is still alive and clumsily swings and misses him. Duneharrow still a little uneasy on his feet swings over the goblins head.

Bri I7
Conner I8
Duneharrow H8
Goblin G8
Skidd H15

Bri is up

I figured since bri was up, and she went, then conner went, it was my turn. Even so, it won't change my action. :)

Large Greatsword Attack (1d20+6=23)
Large Greatsword Damage (3d6+6=17)
It's okay, at least I have more than 10 hp now, and I won't die when Vigor wears out

His eyes open, and from his mouth, a deep and large voice says, "I'm going to need another soon," as he looks at Connor. He grips his weapon and stands on his feet. Incurring AoO. Trying to finish this fight, he swings at the remaining foe. Assuming I'm still alive from his AoO
Large Greatsword Attack (1d20+6=11)
Damage (3d6+6=19)

Will save (1d20+2=11)
Failed, I'm now at -1. But vigor is still active, as soon as it ends (2 minute duration), i'll be at -11. Assuming i stabilize. Good game, looks like i'm dead. Anybody willing to notice, or look through my stuff will realize i have 3 potions. 2 are CLW and 1 is CMW.

How many living enemies to i see? How many dead ones do i see? If i remember, there was supposed to be 5 in total. Duneharrow wants to make sure they're all taken care of before doing anything else.


Duneharrow is going to be looking at the dead enemy bodies, counting in his mind how many there are. How many foes are still alive that Duneharrow can see?

I noticed several people were skipped.. what happened?

With a singular downward motion, Duneharrow brings his sword down upon his foe with the weight of an anvil.

Attack 26. Possible Crit. Confirm 8 (probably not). 16 damage. 30 if it actually critted. See previous post spoiler for links to rolls.

lol true.. but not as ugly..

Hey connor, if you're in J8, and i'm in H8, the enemy is exactly between us.. Meaning we're flanking him now.. and also means you can see my character now.. 7'5" man of muscle, wearing half-plate armour and wielding a greatsword that looks like it was made for something the size of an ogre..

Stupid Gnoll... I'm down to 6hp now, that's after i manifested Vigor, giving me +10 temp hp.. Which means, as soon as it ends, i'm toast.. -4.. that's okay, on my init, he'll get his..

I'm gonna have to use a potion soon..

Perhaps I'm impatient:


If the gnoll in front of me does anything to provoke AoO:
Unmodified Attack Roll (1d20+7=14, 3d6+6=14)

On my Init:
Attack with Lg Mwk Greatsword; Power Attack -1 to hit, +2 dmg (1d20+6=26, 3d6+8=16)
Possible Critical
Crit confirm roll; extra damage in case of crit (1d20+6=8, 3d6+8=14)
Doubt they have AC of 8. Still, it's 16 damage though

Again, sorry for my impatience. The several day lapse between posts drives me nuts. lol

On my init:

Sorry that i keep doing this, I just want to keep things moving along. :)

Realizing he can't take another swing like that, Duneharrow gathers himself mentally, and prepairs to manifest.
Concentration, manifesting defensively (1d20+8=21)
After successfully manifesting a Vigor power (2 powerpoints, +10hp), and he's now coated in a slick shimmering substance that quickly evaporates (only lasts for 1 round). In addition, everyone within 20' of Duneharrow smells an odd but familiar odor that brings to mind a brief mental flash of a long-buried memory. The scent is difficult to pin down, and no two individuals ever describe it the same way. The scent vanishes in less than a second. Duneharrow steps to the side (H8, 5' step) to face the second gnoll.
Side note: Duneharrows AC is back to it's normal 17, and now has 18hp, 10 of which are temporary. The substance and odor are the material and olfactory displays of the Vigor power.

I thought i killed the gnoll in I8?

Edit: I see my mistake. Earlier (when setting up map stuff) you said the gnoll(s) were in I8 and i mistakenly drew one gnoll in H8. I assume that there in fact was another in H8 and his buddy is in I8?

Wow DM! Graphic! lol

On my Init:


I'll charge the Gnoll (at H8?), ending the move portion in G8 (assuming he's still in H8).

Charge, Power Attack -1 attack +2 damage (1d20+7=15, 3d6+8=21)

Rushing toward his foe, Duneharrow puts most of the force of his momentum into his giant sword. His AC is 15 till his next turn

Jump check 9 bonus with -7 penalty due to half-plate (1d20 2=21)

Let's cross the stream, shall we

On my Initiative:


I'll run (3xSpd due to half-plate, 60ft total) toward the wagon, crossing the river where the road intersects, and should end up in H-11 if I drew the map right.
Under his breath he curses the dwarves that ran him off, "You'll get yours, you bastards.."

Just curious, what type of terrain is this, am i in a forest/wooded area? Or is this open plains? What's the visibility like, I can see the wagon correct? Can i see the bridge?

Edit: HA! It seems i may have drawn the river and the road in opposite places.. i'll have to check my graphpaper drawing when i get home...

Where, oh where has dreamweaver gone...

Same here..

I dont know about anyone else, but i'm on at least once each night. I get off work, i relax, i check paizo, and i post if necessary, then go to bed. I thought this was going to be a regular thing. If someone doesn't want to continue this, at least let those of us who still do know.

Conner Kordson wrote:
is this game still happening?

i've been wondering the same thing.. i have an question posted on the discussion thread since saturday, and it's still unanswered...

Heh, good thing i got graph paper. Makes it easier to mark down items on the map. Also easier to visualize. One question though, we're in a wooded area, right? just curious where the treelines were, what areas are forested and all that..


Hide followed by Move Silently (1d20 0=17, 1d20 0=10)
I actually had no intention of being sneaky. I wanted be more direct, and cautiously approach the wagon with sword in hand.

Initiative (1d20 0=6)

Am i correct in assuming that Duneharrow is approaching a stopped wagon, with 5 goblins in it trying to fix the wheel? He sees nobody or nothing else, right?

Okay :)

Sorry about not responding to anything. Not sure if it's appropriate to do so at the moment. I'm unsure as to what's going on at the moment. I read what's happening, but i cannot visualize it. Could someone help me out with this?

As far as i know, i'm approaching a wagon with 5 goblins. The wagon crossed a bridge, and is now has a damaged wheel.

I also have to wait to learn what i possibly heard and/or saw..

Sorry for any headaches.. this is my first actual PbP experience..


He doesn't love or hate his psionic power, he sees it as an 'aide'. It helps, but there are times where it could end up being useless to him, or worse. To those that it angers or frightens, he doesn't do it intentionally. He can't prevent people from prejudices against him for what he does naturally, so there's no real reason to try and hide it from them. He is what he is, and if people don't like it, it's their problem.
On another note, he wishes that people would be a bit more 'enlightened', and just 'grow up' when it comes to that sort of prejudice. He'll help those in need, if he sees that he can, but he's not going to go on a suicide mission for anyone he doesn't consider 'family', or at least 'close friend'.

Listen and Spot checks, respectively (1d20+4=14, 1d20+4=7)
Do I hear or see anything?

Stopping for a moment to clear his thoughts: Concentration to gain focus (1d20+8=22)
"Hmmpf.. I'll show them," he says as he approaches the wagon with his sword in hand.

I am new to this, but i've seen that people use Invisible Castle to roll dice in their pbp's, so i've got an account there now. It's bookmarked too. I've read a little of the history of the world of this campaign, just enough to know where I'm coming from, so please bear with me if i seem ignorant on some things.

And now I've got a background. He should be fully fleshed out and ready to go. With DM approval of course.