
Duke Seth's page

8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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the“collector,How to control Maliadi ?
What's Maliadi's motivations??

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Who your Master!?

 Wow l,maybe good stuff!

My DM's campaign sessions adopt this option below.

Flurry of blows


If you act First Strike◆ as Flurry of Blows,
Useing agile: +MAX Attack Bonus/+MAX Attack Bonus
Useing No agile: +MAX Attack Bonus/+MAX Attack Bonus

If you act Second Strike◆ as Flurry of Blows,
Useing agile: +MAX Attack Bonus-4/+MAX Attack Bonus-4
Useing No agile: +MAX Attack Bonus-5/+MAX Attack Bonus-5

If you act Third Strike◆ as Flurry of Blows,
Useing agile: +MAX Attack Bonus-8/+MAX Attack Bonus-8
Useing No agile: +MAX Attack Bonus-10/+MAX Attack Bonus-10

NOT animal but Humanoid Trainer(Awaken Animal) Archetype!

It's a hard task to manage the circus in trpg campaign.

I'd like to play PCs and thier NPCs families Campaign,
Commoner,expert classes and babies,chielden build rules so on are helpful.