Shiyara the High Mediator

Drusilla1977's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 Organized Play characters.


Liberty's Edge

How would a Gnome Sage Sorcerer work? Gnomes have high INT and CON but low STR, but STR is kind of a dump stat for Sorcerer anyways. The INT based bloodline plays towards the gnome's strong points, and Breadth of Experience would make the gnome the party brainiac while still having some useful 0-level spells to use once the 1-level spells are depleted.

I have a Level 1 Gnome Bard, and I enjoy being the party nerd/skill monkey, but once I'm out of rounds of bardic performance I am pretty much useless!

Liberty's Edge

I have heard different people say different things on this and I just want toe official PFS answer. In order to hit a foe with a spell, do you have to take into account cover and the foe being in melee like you do with ranged weapons? I mean, if you need Point Blank Shot and Precise Shot and whatnot to hit anything with a spell, it makes playing any kind of caster almost impossible for the first several levels! About the only thing a caster can do at that point is just spam Magic Missile until they run out of spell slots...