DruLeeParsec's page

Organized Play Member. 13 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Sovereign Court

Jason Bulmahn wrote:

Hi there all,

We are still debating bonus hit points at first level and I would love to see more opinions on the matter.

As for the sidebar placement, we are aware that there are a number of bits in the wrong spot. Fortunately, we have many, many months before the final goes to print to fix some of these issues.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

I think that the racial bonus described as a sidebar really shows that this is an option that is up to the GM as opposed to a core rule. But I do agree that it should be in the ability section rather than the Barbarian section. Until I had read through the book a few times I also had a hard time finding it.

The racial hit points make sense to me. Even though a 1st level character is still a 1st level character, they've received some sort of training or background that's made them a bit stronger and tougher than an average NPC. The Sorcerers have had some connection with their family bloodline, the fighters learned to swing a sword somewhere, the Barbarians were raised by, well, Barbarians, Clerics had to have some sort of religious upbringing and so on. So an additional hit point boost at the beginning feels right. It especially feels right since it's a one time boost at first level.

I understand that we don't want to get into 4E territory here where first level characters get 20+ hit points. But a one time boost of 4 to 8 HP seems alright to me in the same way that boosting a magic user's HD to a d6 feels right. And of course, the GM can always just say no.

I like the favored class rule because it really shows a new player how everything is a balance, You can get one extra HP, or you can get one extra skill point. If you take one you don't get the other. It shows how you can't have everything, no character is going to be the awesome dragon killer ninja bard sorcerer right off the bat. It's all about balance.

Sovereign Court

The Black Bard wrote:
Also, this one is a left fielder, and is completely dependent upon your comfort with your fellow faithful, but a church social or other casual grouping at a church event, could be a good one to try. Now, if you think this is the sort of thing that might get you excommunicated, then don't do it (and why are you still with that church, no offense, but seriously?)

I probably didn't make myself clear. I am not part of any church. I'm not a religious person in any way. But I have friends who are and these friends in particular are really nice folks who also play music and hang out at the same music jams sessions I do and we've become close. I've always known that they're Christians and I've had a feeling that they belonged to one of the more bizarre sects. But I didn't think that they were the type who would think that a game that included the concept of magic would be somehow dangerous or evil.

So hanging out at church isn't really an option. I've left that life and I'm a much happier person for it. :-) But I appreciate the suggestion.

Sovereign Court

I got the email confirmation. So it looks like my order did go through

Paizo Order #1091296, submitted December 20, 2008 at 10:47 AM (US/Pacific).

But there are no PDF downloads in my "My Downloads" link and still nothing in my order history.


Sovereign Court

Actually, I think the previous order was not done on this account. So that's why the previous order didn't show in my profile. But teh current order and shopping cart still vanished.

As long as I know that it didn't go through I'll go ahead and re-order. I just want to make sure I'm not double ordering.

Thank you


Sovereign Court

I just completed an order, entered my credit card number, address, the little code on the back of the card etc. I thought I completed my order but now there's nothing in my shopping cart, nothing in my downloads, nothing in my order history.

My account also doesn't show my previous order with a battle mat etc.

So I'm confused. Did my order go through or do I have to do it again? I certainly don't want to have an accidental double order.

Thank you.


Sovereign Court

There are still copies available via Amazon. They're actually being sold by various small game shops (support your local game shop! ) but they're distributed via Amazon.

I was close to buying a 2nd copy, but I think I'll just wait and buy the hard cover guide and the hard cover beast guide in August.


Wow! I just checked the Amazon price. New and used from $43. I got mine new for $14 just 2 months ago.

Printing it out yourself may be the better deal.

Sovereign Court

Thank you Paul. That makes sense. I like the idea of having the +3 skill bonus for in-class skills only applying to skills you purchase because it makes those precious skill points mean something. If we applied the +3 to all in class skills then the points themselves get lost in the noise.

Sovereign Court

I just want to make sure that I'm understanding the skill bonus situation correctly.

I roll up my character and find that several of my 6 abilities give me positive modifiers.

I look down the right side of my character sheet and I see a long list of skills that I can choose from and they each have an ability related to it.

Question #1: Do I apply my ability modifier to every one of those skills or just the ones where I spend skill points?

Then I pick the skills where I want to spend points (up to my hit dice number. So one point per skill for my new first level character).

Question #2: Does my bonus of +3 for in class skills apply to every skill that is in class or just the ones where I spend skill points?

I could see how if the answer to Question #1 is "You only use modifiers on skills where you purchased ranks" then question 2 is moot.

Thank you

Sovereign Court

Penny Sue wrote:

A fun encounter for new players to be sure!

I should have clarified that these players are veteran players but we are all new to Pathfinder. They just haven't taken the time to read the PF books yet.

Ah! Veterans.

Run, Run away quickly!

Just kidding.

Well, the things that confused me for a bit were:

Monk: Flurry of blows. This does not stack with Two Weapon Fighting. It basically replaces TWF for monks.

Size modifier: Not sure if this is Pathfinder specific but it confused me at first. Just be sure to apply the size modifier (Table 9-1 I think) to both the attack and the AC and everything works

Sovereign Court

Not unique to Pathfinder, but here an idea I want to try to get new players use to the basic system of using dice. I want to do the following exercise before they build characters.

I have them walking down a road looking for a place that needs adventurers, a place where they can increase their fame and fortune. On that road they meet a farmer with his hay wagon stuck in the mud. He can't get the wagon out of the mud by himself so he needs the adventurers to help him.

For a group of 5 players I tell them they need to have 3 people roll a 15 or better on a d20 to get the wagon out of the mud. If 4 people roll a 12+ then we need to have another roll with 4 people (not necessarily the same 4) roll 12+ again. If we don't have 4 people rolling 12+ 2 rounds in a row or 3 people rolling 15+ on a single round then the wagon slips back into the mud.

It takes several rolls to get the wagon out of the mud.

Then we create our characters and do the same scenario but this time we apply our strength modifiers. This should be a fun little encounter that shows how to apply modifiers to rolls and it makes a good point of how those modifiers can change the outcome of an event.

Sovereign Court

I'm so excited about Pathfinder that it's brought me back to RPGs after a break of nearly 2 decades. I haven't played an RPG since 1st edition AD&D.

I really need to find some players to get together with. I'm excited enough that after downloading the free PDF of the Beta Playtest I bought the Beta book, downloaded D0, bought D1, a DM screen and a flip mat, and downloaded D1.5.

I can't wait to kick some kolbold butt.

Sovereign Court

The real question is: do you think you would purchase any stuff from Paizo in the future?

Absolutely. I'll certainly buy the hard cover Pathfinder book as well as their new Monster book. I'm already playing their modules.

I see the choice as:

A) Keep playing the 3.5 books knowing that there is no longer any support for that system from Wizards and that players will have an increasingly difficult time finding the 3.5 books.

B) Go to 4E and completely change the game that you've grown to love. You're now playing a game that can barely be called "D&D".

C) Play Pathfinder, get new modules, watch new products being released, get support from Paizo, have fun.

Sovereign Court

I was wondering about this last night as I created a new Monk Character.

The quarterstaff is a 2 handed weapon. The damage is listed as 1d6/1d6 so that's 2 hits. Does that mean I roll my d20 twice and do 2 "to hits" per round? If I understand the monk weapon proficiency rule then I don't get a -2 for using the quarterstaff twice per attack (both ends)

Then, flurry of blows at 1st level is -2/-2. So are my 2 attacks at -2 each? Or does a flurry of blows give me two attacks with each end of the staff? (essentially giving me -2/-2/-2/-2 )?

I'm just kind of lost here.

So the question is: As a first level Monk, how many hits do I get with a quarter staff and is there a penalty on the d20 to hit roll? Then, when I add in flurry of blows how many hits do I get at what penalties?

I really like the Monk character, but the quarterstaff + flurry thing has me baffled.

Thanks for your advice and clarification.