DruLeeParsec |
Hi there all,
We are still debating bonus hit points at first level and I would love to see more opinions on the matter.
As for the sidebar placement, we are aware that there are a number of bits in the wrong spot. Fortunately, we have many, many months before the final goes to print to fix some of these issues.
Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing
I think that the racial bonus described as a sidebar really shows that this is an option that is up to the GM as opposed to a core rule. But I do agree that it should be in the ability section rather than the Barbarian section. Until I had read through the book a few times I also had a hard time finding it.
The racial hit points make sense to me. Even though a 1st level character is still a 1st level character, they've received some sort of training or background that's made them a bit stronger and tougher than an average NPC. The Sorcerers have had some connection with their family bloodline, the fighters learned to swing a sword somewhere, the Barbarians were raised by, well, Barbarians, Clerics had to have some sort of religious upbringing and so on. So an additional hit point boost at the beginning feels right. It especially feels right since it's a one time boost at first level.
I understand that we don't want to get into 4E territory here where first level characters get 20+ hit points. But a one time boost of 4 to 8 HP seems alright to me in the same way that boosting a magic user's HD to a d6 feels right. And of course, the GM can always just say no.
I like the favored class rule because it really shows a new player how everything is a balance, You can get one extra HP, or you can get one extra skill point. If you take one you don't get the other. It shows how you can't have everything, no character is going to be the awesome dragon killer ninja bard sorcerer right off the bat. It's all about balance.