Nationality: Andoran
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 180 lbs
Physical Appearance: Drake is tall and wiry. He has green eyes and dark hair. He wears a dark blue robe with grey trim decorated in small runes over his common traveling clothes. He carries a staff of blackened wood which is transcribed with a few runes.
Drake hails from the Arsenal District of Augustana originally. He originally enlisted in the Eagle Knights, but didn't pass the physical enterence exam. It was noted on his record that he was extremely intelligent and showed some magical apptitude. He was then enrolled into Almas University on a scholorship through the Knights and did well. Upon graduating he was assigned to the Diamond Regiment near Olfden and spent his down time learning from the gnomish wizard, Findit Tobblemouth. When he finished his deployment he moved into Olfden proper and opened a small investigative office, where he mainly helped the town guard track down missing people and items. He was recently contacted with an anonymous tip to look into the going's on of the Lumber Consortium in Falcon's Hollow.
Ancestry: Human (Versatile)
Class: Wizard (Staff Nexus)
Background: Detective
Size/Traits: Medium Humanoid Human
Deity: N/A
Languages: Common, Draconic, Elven, Fey, Gnomish, Jotun