DragoonV |
Thankfully, my DM is pretty open when it comes to things like this.
I don't have a solid spell list at the moment. The main thing I was looking for was if I was shooting myself in the foot not having metamagic feats or things like imp initiative as Sangalor said. The only reason I have Empower is because the rest of the Bloodline feats are melee combat stuff like cleave. Obviously, almost ALL of my feats are invested instead in powers and abilities that have all day use. But, are all ultimately things that could be mimiced by magic, or magic items (depending on the GM of course.) The campaign this character would be in will supposedly be a low magic campaign though, so magic items might not be as available as normal.
As for the abilities gained?
Acid Attack, Ranged Touch
20ft reach on Touch Attack Spells
50% chance to ignore crit and sneak attack
Spell Resist 10+Sorcerer Level
Touch Attack, Target Shaken, no save
+6 CON
Winged Flight
Takes 9 Feats ... is it worth 9 Feats? Is there a better way?
This is on top of the Abyssal abilities
+6 STR
Added Summonings
Immunity to Electricity and Poison
Acid, Cold and Fire Resist 10
Telepathy 60ft with any creature with a language
So, for 9 feats, I'd have all of that without casting a single spell ...
Once I start summoning however? If I summon a Demon or Feindish creature, Added Summonings makes it so that I summon a second, then the feat Superior Summoning will summon a third. So I could use max level summon spells and get 3 Demons ...
Spells would mostly revolve around Battlefield control, light blasting options, and Summoning.