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![]() I have a question about this, and just wanted to see what you guys think. I was thinking about writing up a varient wizard for a game, but they lose the arcane bond ability. I was thinking then that I could take Eldritch Heritage to pick up the Arcane Bond ability from the Arcane Bloodline. The problem is that unlike most bloodline powers (which simply give you an ability based on your sorcerer level) the Arcane Bond (Bonded Item) power lets you cast any sorcerer spell you know. Is this just a simple oversight with how the ability normally works for sorcerers vs somebody using the Eldritch Heritage feat? Or does it make taking a Bonded Item with the feat just worthless unless you are a sorcerer as well? ![]()
![]() So, I had a question about the Reanimator. They get an ability at 7th level where they add "Lesser Animate Dead" to their extract list. This allows them to create an extract to inject into a body, raising it as a Zombie under their control 1 hour later. This ability also allows them to create variant zombies (unlike the spell of the same name). But here is the thing. There seems to be no HD cap, creature type or even a control cap listed with these creatures. "At 7th level, a reanimator adds lesser animate dead to his formula book as a 3rd-level extract. When he uses that extract, rather than drinking it, he injects it into the corpse he intends to animate, which rises as an undead creature under his control 1 hour later. The extract can only create zombies (including variant zombies). " But, if we look at the Alchemical Zombie discovery for Alchemists ... "The alchemist gains the ability to animate a relatively complete corpse as an alchemy-powered zombie. This process takes 1 hour and costs 100 gp in alchemical reagents per HD of the corpse being animated; the dead creature gains the zombie template. Zombies that are created in this manner count as undead created by animate dead for the purposes of determining how many undead the alchemist can control. The created zombie is a creature, not a supernatural effect." This ability specifically states the the undead created are counted towards the control cap. Where "Simple Reanimation" (the Reanimator ability) does not list this as a negative. So ... wouldn't this ability allow a reanimator the ability to create as many Zombies (only zombies, but hey) of any HD or creature type, without ever worrying about his control Cap? ![]()
![]() Boon Companion Your bond with your animal companion or familiar is unusually close. Prerequisites: Animal companion or familiar class ability. Benefit: The abilities of your animal companion or familiar are calculated as though your class were four levels higher, to a maximum bonus equal to your character level. If you have more than one animal companion or familiar, choose one to receive this benefit. If you lose or dismiss an animal companion or familiar, you may apply this feat to the replacement creature. Special: You may select this feat more than once. The effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a different animal companion or familiar. A friend and I were having a discussion about how this feat works. One of us made the claim that a Pack Lord could use this feat to full effect, which the other one of us argued that as a full classed Druid, the feat would have no effect. The idea was that taking Boon Companion several times for different animals, would increase their abilities by 4 levels, since none of them are twenty hit dice yet. But, it was pointed out that Boon companion changes "your class level" not your animal companion ... Basically, the Pack Lord wants to have 3 animal companions, one at 16 HD, one at 3 HD and the last one at 1HD. Then, he wants to take Boon Companion 3 times, suggesting that since none of teh companions have reaches his character level yet in HD, they would still gain the benefit, bumping each one by 4 levels, giving him 3 animal companions at 20HD, 7HD and 5HD. Can Boon Companion work this way? Thanks ![]()
So, I was doing some random thinking today, and came up with an idea for a feat progression. I already know that it is gimp, I'm curious about your opinions and exactly how gimp it is. Human or Half-Elf
Racial Feat: Skill Focus(Dungeoneering)
So there it is. How bad is it? ![]()
So, I'm running an Eberron Campain, and decided to test the pathfinder rules at the same time. So far the group is loving it but I have come across a problem. A new player was wondering if they could play an artificer. I have no problem with this, but as I continued to think about it, I saw a major problem. Anybody familiar with Eberron knows that the Artificer is a core part of the entire world. They are meant to be the reason "pratical magic: exists the way it does. The problem I have with this is the changes to 0 level spells. Artificers however to not have any 0 level spells(although they have a few of the original 0 level spells on their list as 1st level spells). Basically, I'm just worried that the player playing teh Artificer will begin to just be completely overshadowed by the Sorcerer and Cleric in the group because of their 0 level spell utility. In the Original 3.5, this wasn't a problem due to 0 level spells having a daily limit. Personally, I'm pretty terrible at class balance myself, so I was wondering if anybody had any suggestions on bringing the Artificer a bit more in line with the other spellscasters. My orginal idea was to simply create a list of 0 level spells for them, basically moving any similar spells (Light for example, which is normally a 1st level spell for artificers) to the 0 level spell list. I'm unsure however if this would cause the Artificer to become a bit unbalanced. I just don't know. Any other ideas? Is mine a good one? (Thinking about it, it would really only cause 3 or 4 spells to actually become 0 level) is it enough? Another idea I had was to allow the Artificer to cast any 0 level spells on any arcane/divine spellcasting list(Or just the magewright list?you know, the npc spellcaster =P), but it took a full round action, and required the artificer to make a spellcraft check(DC 20). What do you think? |