Forest Drake

DragonAstik's page

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Jason Beardsley wrote:
I'm curious about this. I'd like to use this thread to address specific concerns regarding High Level Play (12+). What specifically makes it unplayable?

Unplayable is not the right choice of

To brake this down simply it is lack of preparation and DM / GM skills. The amount of things that can occur with charters at higher levels is astounding... and can turn the course of an adventure very quickly.

Combat becomes something that has to have some thought and planned a bit more carefully than just , "I pull my Axe of whoop @$$ out and cleave him." Rather a party is force to really utilize theirs skills and there comrades, feats, special abilities, to maximize the battle.

My point here is... if the DM/GM is not "prepared" to handle a party of 6 players at this level with his arsenal of foes with countering powers near or at the same levels. He / she has has to be prepared to known the parties abilities and the foes abilities in order to exploit them to make the battle fair. Many of the higher level adventures that I have played the the GM runs the game and the story fine but really could have done a better job using all of the tool sets at his disposal which could have easily turned the battle around. Its a touch or DM/GM overload.