Sorry, but this was a let down. Falcon's Hollow is described as being more spread out, but what does that look like? No scale on the maps was bad, and needs to be addressed at some point, because not everyone has D)0 Hollow's Last Hope (which has by far the best map of Darkmoon Wood). Also, the major NPCs table has some names repeated with different stat info. Not good. When adding new character-use creatures, give us the stats, and proper gp value. Editing. Editing. Editing. Other than that, nasty cool. Secrets is a great section. I love the Falcon's Hollow setting, but was a bit dissappointed(?) with this one. Can we have a Map Pack of Darkmoon Vale someday? Thanks Paizo. Don't stop, just keep getting better. Too many mistakes, average rating.
Awesome. The art for "Andoran Guy" leaves a bit to talk about, but not having enough money to buy the CS let me buy this book and I am happy I did. I can still buy the CS later, but I have a "read this first before making your character" handout that makes total sense. Short and sweet. I wanted more maps of each nation, or at least each region, but I can cope without 'em. I have to say though that there are editing problems that are consistent with the whole line of Pathfinder products. I don't want the job, and I can understand a few mistakes sneaking in, but overall I have been dissappointed(?) with editing. Maybe some web-enhancement/errata pages to help? So what. It's an observation, not codemnation. Well worth it for any player in Golarion. I especially liked the way the poster map was secured to the back cover, no more torn perfs, just a small (very minor) mark if you know where to look. Just work on the editing all around. Slow down, don't be afraid of taking an afternoon stroll around the building and forgetting for a moment about having to meet that deadline on Wednesday. Worth the purchase. 5 STARS. Thanks Paizo.
Like I said, I agree with Nick on the Gore-O-Meter factor: Completely maxxed, and this adventure should have a specific warning in that regard. However, this module could have very easily been titled "Fey Gone Bad: The Sourceback For Running Adventures Involving Extremely Angry Faeries". And that is why I gave it five stars. There is absolutely no way that this particular title can be considered "E (for everyone)", and I have always felt that "PG" means exactly what it says, however for years now we have all wondered about what the fey would do in exactly this situation. My personal favorite is the fate-tweaker, great use of fore-shadowing. I do not reccommend this book to new groups. It is not at all what the hobby is normally about, but like I said: "Bad faeries. Very, very BAD faeries". Thanks Paizo, nightmare inducing, toe-curdling, but for me and my experience, this is a great addition to my stockpile of things to ruin a rangers' day. Don't love it, but for me-n-mine the value is superb.