
Dr Vinnie Boombatz's page

3 posts. Organized Play character for Mr.Nightray.


Grand Lodge 2/5

I took a ORC Shaman, i know silly me. Ive been looking at Undersized Mount as well. I was even toying with creating a Eidolon Devil Pig with Tentacles (Think Displacer beast) But I have to wait Forever before I can Increase him to large. It just seems a little odd to me that Pathfinder wouldn't take advantage of the Iconic mounts \ Animal companions. I know there is a lot of Rule bloat already, so I can see why they would Hesitate as well. But thanks everyone, Just trying to scratch an Itch.

Grand Lodge 2/5

it looks like I better go pick up the new book. I assume you are referring to the Familiar Folio?

Grand Lodge 2/5

So, I read thru The Great Pig Debacle of 2011. And I decided that the guy trying to have a pig mount might be onto something. We'll that and I want a pig mount for my medium creature as well.

Although its not Pathfinder's fault there are some Iconic mounts and companions out there. There is some dark skinned elf with a 600 pound cat, There are Dwarven Griffin riders. There are Elves on what I think is a big deer or a small moose. Another pirate Dark Elf has been spotted riding a Nightmare, and a Ax Beak. And of course his friend Riding on a fiendish Dire Boar

My point is that these images create a want that is not being addressed in PFS. Its being addressed in home games just fine by modifying the rules. But I fail to see what harm it would do to modify the rules.

Would it just be easier to create a template system like Eidolons to create animal companions \ Mounts? But i do worry about folks trying to Optimise something like that. But there doing it any way by looking thru all the animals they can choose from.

.. Let me get this straight, you took a Dire Fiendish Giraffe??..

What does everyone think Am i alone on this?
