Dr. Chicago |

hazel monday wrote:Fighters are pretty great.No, they're not.
The entire cast of options that Fighters have, is, indeed, the subset of options all other classes have.
And that should be a self-obvious enough definition to tell you that fighters suck.
Fighters need to be able to hit the opponent. That's all they have the bonuses to do. They can't entangle them from afar, throw fog or darkness down, hide, sneak, turn into wild beasts or the enemy's friends. These are all things other classes can do, and the fighter cannot.
The fighter also does not innately have any counters to any of these options other classes have.
It's really, really simple. Fighter has less options, and therefore is an NPC, not a PC. Any attempt to say 'But they're just harder to play!' is a cop-out, because in no cases is the fighter doing something which isn't an option to another class.
Hitpoints do not make up for not having spells.
For a long time I've wondered about how good the fighter is compaired to other classes. I think you make some valid points but I don't think the Fighter should just disappear or die. Its got a solid foundation with a lot of possibilities. And in early levels of the game the Fighter is just down right king of the party.
I think the weapon and armor training is a step in the right direction. But I think more is needed. Though the Fighter is somewhat suppose to be the simple class to play I think they may need to add more to it. The Fighter needs to be the undisputed king of martial combat!