OK the party I run for currently consists of:
Dwarf fighter 7
human paladin 7
half elf ranger 6
human cleric 6
A standard party setup, without a magic user.
So far they have been moping the floor with anything that looks the wrong way at them. At the start of Zenith Trajectory the paladin charged the fiendish umber hulk on his warhorse, in just a pair of trousers! (he had been working in the blacksmiths that morning.)
The combat lasted 4 rounds and resulted in one dead umber hulk.
I thought they were going to walk through the whole adventure once again until they met gottrod. (Hookfaces son, I think thats his name.)
The dwarf and the ranger legged it leaving the paladin to square up to the dragon. It wasn't long before he was very poorly and needing rapid clerical assistance. The combat drew on eventually ending in the dragon being killed.
They then went to face the hydra, who i thought would be more challenging then the dragon. it was dead inside 3 rounds. (frustrating really after all the prep I had done on him.)
They are currently running away from bhal hamatung after the outsider took the cleric down to minus 35 HP.
Now, the cleric player cant decided if he wants to be resurrected. the paladin and the ranger players have said that if they cant resurect the cleric then there characters will retire and the paladin player will come back as a mage and the ranger as a cleric and the cleric player as a rouge no doubt (cos thats what he always plays.)
It would be nice to have a balanced party but how the hell am i supposed to keep continuity up if every time one of them dies they all decide to retire and come back as different characters.
I want the players to enjoy the game, and to do what ever they want but i think there running the risk of spoiling the campaign here. Ive put a lot of effort and money into this AP and to see it kind of derailed like this is irritating.
Any one experience anything similar or got any advice?