DougSample's page

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Ion tape and a zipstick.
They'll become the solution to so many problems once you start using them.

BigNorseWolf wrote:
DougSample wrote:

Sure. Full party telepathy at unlimited range is mechanically no different than 1 on 1 telepathy at 30 ft because they're both telepathy.

No. you were told the reason they're no different.

You ignored the reason they're no different: because there IS back and forth communication

You ignored a citation from the faq that they're no different because there is in fact back and forth communication.

You continue to insist the only thing that they have in common is the telepathy, rather than the ability to communicate back and forth.

Functionally, they provide very different advantages. Same mechanic, entirely different abilities.

Besides range, name one. If you can do anything but repeat your claims its just telepathy.

Mystic bond has some utility when

1) You're further away from 60 feet AND 2) for some reason can't use your comm units. Since 99% of the reason you need to telep to your party is over dinner so your guests don't see you using the calm units to tell them not to eat the salmon moose, it's a pretty limited area of the venn diagram

I didn't mean to ignore your citation. I'd forgotten about that. Thank you for the correction.

The advantages you requested are range, duration, number of individuals affected, the ability to grant full telepathic communication to a group of individuals (doesn't always have to be party members), not needing a common language for your limited telepathy, making team comms obsolete, stealth, and the simple freedom to get creative with any of these.

As a shirren mystic, it's addition was an obvious boost. Put simply, limited telepathy is very limited. Telepathic bond has a few elements that are unlimited. It's comparing an apple to orchards.

BigNorseWolf wrote:
DougSample wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
I just don't get why the mystic waits till level 11 to do what a shirren can effectively do from level 1.

A shirren can communicate telepathically to someone within 30 ft. This confers no benefit to the recipients of that communication.

Telepathic Bond essentially creates a telepathic chat room with 6 other targets that allows everyone bonded to communicate telepathically. And it functions over any distance as long as you're on the same plane of existence. And the bond is permanent.

Respectfully, the only similar factor is that telepathy is involved.

The shirren can telep to player a , A can telep to the shirren and the shirren can telep to B and then vice versa. To the people involved having the chatroom instead is a convenience but in terms of a talking to each other mechanically there's no difference.

From the FAQ Can creatures respond to a telepath?

Yes, until the telepathic creature ends communication.

Sure. Full party telepathy at unlimited range is mechanically no different than 1 on 1 telepathy at 30 ft because they're both telepathy. Functionally, they provide very different advantages. Same mechanic, entirely different abilities.

BigNorseWolf wrote:
I just don't get why the mystic waits till level 11 to do what a shirren can effectively do from level 1.

A shirren can communicate telepathically to someone within 30 ft. This confers no benefit to the recipients of that communication.

Telepathic Bond essentially creates a telepathic chat room with 6 other targets that allows everyone bonded to communicate telepathically. And it functions over any distance as long as you're on the same plane of existence. And the bond is permanent.

Respectfully, the only similar factor is that telepathy is involved.

Our table ruled that it was allowed just because the spell description does spell out the capability of producing 2 separate blasts. I think we're prolly leaning heavy into RAI for that understanding. But, it's hard out there for a mystic trying to stay relevant.

Helvellyn wrote:

On Swashbuckler styles on page 84: Battledancer does not state the type of performance used.

As it stands it doesn't specify if the player can select the type of performance used or if the performance gains the traits associated with that type of performance.

For example: If the player chooses to make the performance a dance as per the Performance skill listing it would have the move and visual traits (and therefore provoke as per the rules for the move trait. If the player chooses to use a different type of performance (say sing) it would have the Auditory and Linguistic traits.

Is that an issue though? Since Battledancer is taking its cue from your performance check, doesn't the lack of specified performance just mean you've got some flexibility? I don't believe there's anything that states you must set your performance type in stone so you could change your performance to one that has the most helpful traits, as determined by the situation. I also love clarity, but this seems to be a boon for quick thinking Battledancers.

Assuming you had panache, Derring-Do would grant its bonus on a Battledancer using Leading Dance, right?

It's fantastically good. Prolly too good for the balanced tone that Paizo is trying to strike with SF. But it's nice for mystics who've been feeling underpowered.