Rocking Horse

DougFungus's page

Organized Play Member. 1,170 posts (2,199 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 7 aliases.

Description wrote:
It's a beautiful sunny afternoon and you are walking down a winding mud road in the heart of The Empty Forest. The road varies from about 10-15 feet wide allowing 2 medium sized characters and their mounts walk side-by-side with ease. Firewood from fallen branches and dead logs is plentiful and creating a campfire along the side of the road can be done without any serious hazard. The road is continually winding and at any point in time you can only see 3d4X10 feet ahead of you. The canopy from the trees is as thick as the rest of The Empty Forest and blocks all direct sunlight except for the occasional sunbeam that creeps through the treetops. The trees on either side grow thick and close together. They reduce visibility to poor conditions and movement to 1/4 normal. The dirt surface of the road is in poor shape, with deep ruts from generations of farm carts. Walking isn't an issue but trying to move any faster requires a DC:10 Acrobatics check to avoid stumbling and falling. In addition, enough branches and brambles stick out above the path overhead to make riding uncomfortable and maybe even a bit dangerous. Add +2 to the DC of any ride checks made while on the road. Despite the poor road conditions however, the forest is a beautiful, tranquil place. Wild flowers grow everywhere leaving a beautiful array of color wherever you look. The temperature is mild and comfortable on this beautiful sunny day.

If you are able to, you may roll a Knowledge Nature check to kick off the adventure.

Starting Level: TBD
Sources: Pathfinder content only.
Ability Scores: Heroic: Roll 2d6 and add 6 to the sum of the dice. Record this total and repeat the process until six numbers are generated. Assign these totals to your ability scores as you see fit.
Traits: 2
Starting Gold: TBD
Races: Any. No Custom Races. All choices are subject to GM approval.
Classes: Any
Alignments: Any, but you need to commit to working with the party and toward the adventure goal.
Background Story: Not a requirement but if you opt to make one please keep it short. Each player will be assigned a plothook for why they are taking part in this adventure.
Personality Description: Please provide a brief description for your characters personality. I want to know how they will act throughout the adventure. Morals, Beliefs, Attitude etc…

These are some rough guidelines for character creation. The adventure calls for level 7 characters but depending on how many people are interested in playing I might need to adjust. For now, I'm more interested in seeing who is interested in playing, generating Ability Scores and discussing Class options. I need a minimum of 4 players to run the adventure but am willing to take on as many as 8+.

The Standing Stone is designed to be a difficult adventure (expect player casualties). It incorporates an even mix of Role Playing, Combat, Puzzles & Traps. The setting takes place in a small village but incorporates even amounts of overland combat & dungeons.

My latest character just isn't meshing with the party so I've opted to write him out of the story and start fresh. This is what I have so far but I could use some input.

What Im trying to accomplish is a character that is useful in just about every situation. The order of my priorities is Healing/Spells/Fighting. Originally I was planning on selecting the Healing and Travel domains but have swapped out Healing for the Ash Subdomain. We dont have a dedicated arcane caster and there have been many times where a fireball could have solved a lot of problems. The current party is a TWF ranger, Druid, Monk, Bard and myself. Both the Ranger and the Druid have animal companions so there is absolutely no room on the front line. I was planning on healing and casting spells then firing arrows to save on resources. I was also thinking about keeping a stockpile of scrolls and other useful items for those just in case times of need.

I'm no specialist when it comes to optimization so any advice you have will prove valuable. Thanks.

Male Elf Cleric (Separatist) 9
CN Medium Humanoid (elf)
Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +10
AC 23, touch 14, flat-footed 20 (+8 armor, +3 Dex, +1 natural, +1 deflection)
hp 48 (9d8)
Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +12; +2 vs. enchantments, +2 trait bonus vs. charm and compulson
Immune magic sleep; Resist elven immunities
Speed 50 ft., dimensional hop (90/day)
Melee +1 Longsword +9/+4 (1d8+3/19-20/x2) and
. . Unarmed strike +8/+3 (1d3+2/x2)
Ranged +2 Darkwood Composite longbow (Str +2) +11/+6 (1d8+4/x3)
Special Attacks agile feet (7/day)
Spell-Like Abilities Comprehend Languages (1/day), Detect Magic (1/day), Detect Poison (1/day), Dimensional Hop (90/day), Read Magic (1/day)
Cleric (Separatist) Spells Prepared (CL 9):
5 (1/day) Breath of Life (DC 19), Teleport
4 (3/day) Dimension Door, Freedom of Movement, Restoration, Magic Weapon, Greater
3 (4/day) Magic Vestment, Prayer, Fireball (DC 17), Invisibility Purge, Dispel Magic
2 (5/day) Restoration, Lesser, Restoration, Lesser, Bull's Strength, Bull's Strength, Locate Object, Protection from Evil, Communal
1 (5/day) Divine Favor, Longstrider, Doom (DC 15), Bless, Liberating Command, Liberating Command
0 (at will) Guidance, Stabilize, Light, Create Water
Str 14, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 16
Base Atk +6; CMB +8; CMD 22
Feats Deadly Aim -2/+4, Extra Channel, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Selective Channeling
Traits Armor Expert, Birthmark
Skills Acrobatics +3 (+8 to jump, +11 jump), Appraise +5, Diplomacy +8, Heal +10, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (history) +5, Knowledge (nobility) +5, Knowledge (planes) +6, Knowledge (religion) +8, Linguistics +5, Perception +10, Ride +4, Sense Motive +8, Spellcraft +13; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Celestial, Common, Elven, Ral
SQ aura, cleric channel positive energy 5d6 (8/day) (dc 17), domains (travel), fire bolt (7/day), forbidden rites (ash), spontaneous casting
Combat Gear Oil of invisibility, Potion of reduce person, Potion of spider climb, Scroll of Dimensional Anchor, Dismissal, Scroll of Endure Elements, Communal, Scroll of Meld into Stone, Scroll of Plane Shift, Scroll of Remove Paralysis, Remove Blindness/Deafn, Scroll of Share Language, Communal, Scroll of Water Breathing, Healer's kit; Other Gear +2 Mithral Agile breastplate, +1 Longsword, +2 Darkwood Composite longbow (Str +2), Amulet of natural armor +1, Boots of striding and springing, Cloak of resistance +2, Efficient quiver (empty), Ring of feather falling, Ring of protection +1, Diamond Dust, Sinaskati, Scroll case (7 @ 0 lbs), You have no money!
Agile Feet (7/day) (Su) - 0/7
Cleric Channel Positive Energy 5d6 (8/day) (DC 17) (Su) - 0/8
Comprehend Languages (Envoy) (1/day) (Sp) - 0/1
Detect Magic (Envoy) (1/day) (Sp) - 0/1
Detect Poison (Envoy) (1/day) (Sp) - 0/1
Dimensional Hop (90/day) (Sp) - 0/18
Feather Fall (Constant) - 0/0
Fire Bolt (1d6+3) (7/day) (Sp) - 0/7
Healer's kit (10/10 uses remaining) - 0/10
Oil of invisibility - 0/1
Potion of reduce person - 0/1
Potion of spider climb - 0/1
Read Magic (Envoy) (1/day) (Sp) - 0/1
Special Abilities
Agile Feet (7/day) (Su) For 1r, you ignore difficult terrain.
Armor Expert -1 Armor check penalty.
Aura (Ex) The Cleric has an aura corresponding to his deity's alignment.
Birthmark +2 save vs. charm & compulsion
Cleric (Separatist) Domain (Ash) Associated Domain: Fire
Cleric (Separatist) Domain (Travel) Granted Powers: You are an explorer and find enlightenment in the simple joy of travel, be it by foot or conveyance or magic. Increase your base speed by 10 feet.
Cleric Channel Positive Energy 5d6 (8/day) (DC 17) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect.
Comprehend Languages (Envoy) (1/day) (Sp) With Intelligence 11+, cast Comprehend Languages once per day.
Deadly Aim -2/+4 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Detect Magic (Envoy) (1/day) (Sp) With Intelligence 11+, cast Detect Magic once per day.
Detect Poison (Envoy) (1/day) (Sp) With Intelligence 11+, cast Detect Poison once per day.
Dimensional Hop (90/day) (Sp) Teleport 90'/day.
Elven Immunities +2 save bonus vs Enchantments.
Elven Immunities - Sleep You are immune to magic sleep effects.
Fire Bolt (1d6+3) (7/day) (Sp) 30' Ranged touch attack deals 1d6+3 Fire damage.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Point Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Rapid Shot You get an extra attack with ranged weapons. Each attack is at -2.
Read Magic (Envoy) (1/day) (Sp) With Intelligence 11+, cast Read Magic once per day.
Ring of feather falling Feather fall activates if you fall more than 5 ft.
Scroll of Dimensional Anchor, Dismissal Add this item to create a scroll with spells on it.
Scroll of Endure Elements, Communal Add this item to create a scroll with spells on it.
Scroll of Meld into Stone Add this item to create a scroll with spells on it.
Scroll of Plane Shift Add this item to create a scroll with spells on it.
Scroll of Remove Paralysis, Remove Blindness/Deafness, Remove Fear, Remove Curse, Remove Disease, Re Add this item to create a scroll with spells on it.
Scroll of Share Language, Communal Add this item to create a scroll with spells on it.
Scroll of Water Breathing Add this item to create a scroll with spells on it.
Selective Channeling Exclude targets from the area of your Channel Energy.
Spontaneous Casting The Cleric can convert stored spells into Cure or Inflict spells.

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Welcome to the second chapter of our adventure. I want to congratulate you all on making it this far and I have high hopes that we will make it as far as I'm planning in the overall course of the campaign.

This module has a key difference from our last, and that is that it is very RP focused. I'm encouraging everyone to keep on a 1/day posting schedule in order to keep the game flowing. That being said, this module has a lot of potential for fun and I've been psyching myself up about it for a while. Lets all have some fun.

I've posted some house rules and notes within the "Campaign Info" tab. Relevant campaign info and character portraits will be added as events are unfolded. I'll let you know when I make updates there but remember to check back frequently for reminders.

The morning chill brings a thick fog. This is normal by the docks at this time of day. As soon as the sun brings enough warmth the fog will disappear and a beautiful day will follow.

As agreed, Cygar is patiently waiting for you while Captain Walren makes the final preparations aboard The Black Mist.

My Crypt of the Everflame game is quickly coming to a close and I am looking for a replacement player for the second module in the adventure. The party's Rogue disappeared over the summer and though it pains me, the time has come to replace him.

Masks of the Living God is the second instalment in the "Price of Immortality Trilogy". Following this adventure we will be continuing on to "The City of Golden Death".

I will be letting the party have final say in who is selected, therefore it is not necessary to submit a Rogue as a replacement. They have only asked for a replacement Skill Monkey so feel free to get creative.

Starting Level: 4
Sources: Any hardcover material that can be sourced on the PRD. Pathfinder content only.
Point Buy: 20 pts
Traits: 2
Starting Gold: TBD! If you'd like you may use 1000 GP for character creation.
Races: Core or any Human looking race.
Alignments: Any, but you need to commit to working with the party and toward the adventure goal.
Background Story: Not a requirement but if you opt to make one your character must be from Kassen. Please keep it short.
Personality Description: For each character I'd like a brief description for their personality. I want to know how they will act throughout the adventure. Morals, Beliefs, Attitude etc…

Other Things:

  • Creating an Alias for character submission is not necessary, though you can if you want to. I’d hate for you to go through the trouble of making one if your character is not selected. Also, feel free to re-use past Aliases for submissions. Your odds will not be affected by recycling Aliases.
  • Charactes must use the standard statblock for their character sheets to keep everything uniform.
  • Must be able to post a minimum of 1 or more times per day including most weekends. I try to do one large update per evening and many smaller ones from my phone throughout the day.

Recruitment will close once the party have decided on a suitable replacement.

I'd like to try something a little different. Something I've never seen here before. A classic board game.

While there more exciting options out there like Monopoly or Risk I feel that Sorry! is a good start merely for its simplicity. What I've done is created an excel document on SkyDrive to host the game board while the Forum will take care of the rest. I modified it to accommodate 8 players rather than the usual 4 to allow for more recruits. This means that there are 7 spots open as I will be playing with you.

The Gameboard can be viewed here but you will need to be accepted to the game in order to edit it. See the Info tab for rules on how to play.

Playing a game like this also offers some other interesting things. There will be no need for a GM. While I will be the one hosting and maintaining the game, everybody gets to be a player. It will be up to the group as a whole to ensure smooth gameplay and everybody will have equal input for rulings/violations. Players will not need to create a new Alias either, though they can use one if they prefer.

Game progression will only be as fast as players can post their turn so I'm looking for people who can commit to making a minimum of 1 post per day. I haven't the slightest clue about how I'm going to select players so I'm open to suggestions or just give me a reason why I should select you. Recruitment does not yet have a closing date since I will need to first gauge interest.



Looking to either start a new weekly Pathfinder group or join an existing one. Hoping to meet once a week between Sunday-Thursday.

I can bring to the table 2 years experience with Pathfinder and 2 years 3.5. I also have a lot of gaming material, energy and dedication. I live 15 minutes outside the city if there are any rural gamers out there besides me, or I can just as easily drive into the city.

I was playing around with some builds in HeroLab when I noticed that the program allows the Cleric's Crusader & Undead Lord archetypes to stack with each other. Is this possible? Crusader only changes the Domain feature while Undead Lord replaces it. In reading the text I can see how the two could work together but I thought you couldn't use two archetypes that modify the same feature. I'd like an outside opinion to see if this is possible. It sounds like a fun character to me.


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Description wrote:
For 5 years the faithful of Sandpoint have worshiped their Deities in temporary structures after the previous temple burned to the ground in a mysterious fire. After years of hard work from the dedicated citizens of Sandpoint, the new temple is finally complete. All that remains is to renew the temples blessings from the gods at the Swallowtail Festival, and it will be as if the Sandpoint fire had never happened.

The Swallowtail Festival begins promptly as schedules on the Autumn Equinox. The square before the newly erected temple becomes crowded as locals and travellers arrive. Several merchant tents featuring food, cloths, crafts and souvenirs are prepared to meet the incoming crowd. Once a respectable turnout has arrived the opening speech takes place featuring four keynote speakers. The first to step up to the podium is an overly cheerful woman featuring a large smile.

MAYOR DEVERIN: “Welcome one and all to the Swallowtail Festival. For those of you who may not know me, I am Kendra Deverin, Mayor of Sandpoint. It’s good to see such a lovely turnout. Why even Larz Rovanky, Sandpoints most notorious workaholic has managed to pull himself away from the Tannery to join us in celebration.” The residence of Sandpoint erupt into a fit of wooting and cheering and laughlaughter at the joke. Everybody except for Larz that is.” It should go without say that this year’s festival is very special to us as we commemorate the grand opening of the new Temple. 5 years ago, tragedy struck our small town as fire claimed out last temple. However, we banded together and from the ashes, we have rebuilt! And now after years of planning and construction, our place of worship is open to you, the public! Please go forth and enjoy the celebration and keep in mind what this year’s festival stands for. Today marks a day for new beginnings.” The crowd claps and cheers. ”Next up is Sheriff Belor Hemlock with a word on safety.”

Mayor Deverin steps down as a large gruff man in uniform strides briskly in to take her place. His tone is considerably less cheerful than Mayor Deverin’s and he immediately brings the crowd down with his dour mood.

SHERIFF HEMLOCK: ”I just want to send a reminder out to be safe throughout the festival, especially tonight at this evening’s bonfire. We just got our new temple and I don’t want some drunken idiot burning it down again. In closing, I’d like a moment of silence to those who lost their lives in that nightmare of a fire 5 years ago.”
Sheriff Hemlock closes his eyes and looks at the floor of the stage for close to a minute. The crowd follows suit. Hemlock then walks off stage without announcing the next speaker. Mayor Deverin instantly pops up from her seat.

MAYOR DEVERIN: “And now we’d like to welcome Lonjiku Kaijitsu.” She begins clapping to welcome him. After a moment of waiting she speaks out again, ” Lonjiku?”. He does not come for his speech. Mayor Deverin slips back and whispers to her peers standing at the back of the stage, then returns to address the crowd. ”It appears Lonjiku has come down with a sudden illness and will not be able to present his speech today. Taking his place instead is Sandpoints own Showman Cyrdak Drokkus!”

Cyrdak moves up to center stage and entertains the crowd with various different acts. At the end he shamelessly plugs the Sandpoint Theater and promotes his play ”The Harpy’s Curse” taking place the following evening. Lastly, Father Zantus moves up to thank everyone before declaring that the Swallowtail Festival has officially begun!

The campaign begins here! Father Zantus has a special presentation planned for midday. Until then you are free to explore Sandpoint, Play Festival Games and go about your general business.

Point Buy: 20 Points
Races: Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Halfling, Humans, Aasimar, Dhampire, Fetchling, Ifrit, Oread, Ratfolk, Sylph, Tengu, Duergar, Grippli, Samsarian, Strix, Suli. I'd like the majority of the party to be a humanoid race. If there is something that's not on this list that you'd like to try, just let me know and I'll think about it. No custom Races.
Classes: Any, except Summoner and any character that is completely reliant on the Stealth Skill.
Alignment: Any, so long as you can get along with the rest of the party enough to(and) reach the AP's objectives.
Source Books: CRB, APG, GMG, UM, UC, ARG and the Inner Sea World Guide. I don't own Ultimate Equipment yet so its not currently allowed.
Traits: Any 2. One of these must either be a trait selected from the RotRL Anniversary Edition players Guide or the Shadows Under Sandpoint section located in the APG.
Hit Points:Max+Con at first level then average or roll after that. If you roll your HP you must take that number regardless of the result. You may choose either option at each new level.
Starting Gold: Average or Roll. If you roll your Starting Gold you must take that number regardless of the result.
Background Story: Feel free to put as much or as little effort into this as you'd like. It probably wont play into the adventure too heavilly...

Note: My games tend to rely HEAVILY on using maps. I use my SkyDrive as a file management system to keep track of all this information. You may need a Windows Live ID if you don't already have one in order to access some features on SkyDrive.

The Ballroom has already been fully setup for the party. Food and Drink are placed for anybody to take on lavishly decorated tables. A small orchestra plays from another balcony across from Eichorn Von Ryuko's over top a large dance floor poistioned in the middle of the room.

Hour 1 begins now!

I don't have a difinitive time for when the first cycle will end yet. I want to give everybody a chance to play their characters before the first Lynching/Assassination takes place.

This is the Murder Mystery Tour Discussion Thread.

Just so everyone is clear right from the beginning, the game is based on 16 players. For a complete list of players see the Campaign Info tab. Some of these players have communicated to me via PM and thus have not posted in the Recruitment thread. They have committed to play none the less.

All roles that have been handed out are as follows:

  • 5 Aristocrats
  • 3 masons
  • 2 Investigators
  • 2 Banners
  • 1 Head Assassin
  • 1 Stalker
  • 1 Assassin
  • 1 Devil

  • Of all these roles, 2 are also Lovers.

All roles have been handed out completely at random.


The Murder Mystery Tour is a simple diceless game of lies, manipulation and paranoia. Players vote every –in game- hour to eliminate other players until either The Aristocrats or The Assassins win the game. You may change your vote as many times as you like until the final call for the hour is announced and the cycle starts over. No player shall begin play knowing each other’s role except for those who specifically say they do.

This game has no official setting and any world-building done by the characters is encouraged and accepted. That means that if you say something it is considered fact until proven otherwise.

This game was started by Ryuko and has gained quite the following of loyal players. Since he is not able to continue running this game the torch has been passed to me to continue its greatness. It is on-the-edge-of-your-seat fun and new players are highly encouraged to sign up and play.

By submitting a character you are not just applying for a spot to play. Acceptance is guaranteed for all who apply.

If you are curious at any point about how the game is played please check out the following links:

1. Ryuko’s Murder Mystery Tour
2. Wolves of The Weirwood
3. Mutants on the Coldstar


Eichorn Von Ryuko had decided that he bored of his modest oil fields in the south. Three weeks ago he had declared that he would carve up the land and distribute it, freely, to anyone that attended a masquerade ball in his Island Manor out in the middle of the Atlantic. The only conditions were that applicants had to be of good breeding, had to arrive via his airship, and—most importantly–were not allowed to remove their half-face mask at any time during the two-week voyage or one-day party. Arriving at the Island Manor via Airship you immediately realize that the invitees you have arrived with were not the only ones. Multiple airships from near and far have delivered passengers to the mystery location. Each one seems to have undergone some sort of strange calamity throughout their voyage. Word has it that a few Airships have altogether disappeared, not arriving to dock. Upon dropping all passengers and cargo, the large aircraft all take to the skies and leave the island.

Shortly after, everyone is escorted to the Manor’s Ballroom. Once everyone has entered, Eichorn Von Ryuko himself greets everybody from his personal balcony on the second floor.

“Hello everybody and thank you for attending. As I am aware many of you have come across great difficulties arriving here. Truth be told, several independent parties have caught wind of my generous offer and have taken it upon themselves to send Assassins to claim shares on their behalf. Since the invitation was extended to everybody who arrived, I cannot decline my offer to them.”

While all attention is focused on Von Ryuko, it is interrupted by the only door to the Ballroom slamming closed followed by the sound of a key turning a lock.

“I cannot in good conscience let my prize to you fall to the hands of an independent party. Until all the Assassins are purged from among you we will not be going anywhere. That’s not to say we can’t have a good time however. Food and drinks will be served throughout the event. Let’s all have some fun while we sort this fiasco out. Just remember, if you remove your mask, you will be ineligible to claim your land.”

With that, Von Ryuko takes a step back and has a seat. From that point on he remains silent and observes the party from his balcony.

Knowing that you are infiltrated with assassins, the fingers begin pointing. Each of you feels another should be killed for some reason. Each Hour, every character will make a public vote on who should be killed and exposed, as well as make impassioned pleas for themselves. Every Hour the Assassins will also vote for which player will be killed by Assassins. This will continue until the assassins outnumber the Aristocrats or the Assassins have been purged.



Your goal as an Aristocrat is to find and eliminate all the Assassins in order to claim your Land.
Aristocrats are broken into the following roles.

The Aristocrat (No Special Role): Unless you are PM’d a special role at the beginning of the game you are a regular Aristocrat. Each Hour (in game) you may vote to Lynch 1 player from the game. At the end of the hour the player with the most votes against them will be eliminated. In the event of a tie, nobody is eliminated that round.

Please make your vote obvious and not disguise it in your post.

Example – Player Votes For: Player

The Masons: The masons begin play knowing each other’s identities. They have checked each other for Tattoo’s and know their companions to be innocent.

There will be no Masons if the game has less than 10 people. If the game has more than 10 people there will be 2 Masons. If the game has 15 or more there will be 3 Masons. If the game has 20 or more there will be 4 Masons.

The Detective: Every Hour, the Detective may investigate one Aristocrat, determining his role with 75% accuracy. Investigators may investigate the same target over multiple Hours.

Should the game have more than 10 players but less than 20 players, there will be 2 Investigators. Should the game have more than 20 players, there will be 3 Investigators.

The Baner: The Baner may protect one Aristocrat from the Assassins every Hour. That Aristocrat will not be killed and the Assassins will gain no kill for the Hour. Only the Baner and the Assassins will know this happened. The Baner may also investigate a player, though their methods are inefficient and they require 2 Hours to gain a 75% accuracy check.
If there are more than 15 players, there will be 2 baners.


Of course, if you’re not one of the Aristocrats, you’re an Assassin, and your objective is to kill as many nobles as possible. Each and every one of them has a price on their heads, and if you actually manage to wipe out the whole room, it’ll be like getting a year’s worth of paydays all at once. Each Assassin works for a different party and does not know the identity of the others. The Assassins may vote every Hour (by PM’ing me) to kill a certain other player. The player with the most votes is assassinated that round. Should the Assassins vote to kill each other they instead learn the fact that the other is an Assassin. Assassins together are more dangerous than alone.

There is 1 Assassin per 5 players. Assassins win if the number of Assassins equals or exceeds the number of Aristocrats and all Assassins are aware of one another.

Assassins are broken into the following roles:

The Head Assassin: As The Head Assassin you get your kill first. This means that your vote counts twice. If the other Assassins tie on their kill votes you are the tiebreaker.

There will only be 1 Head assassin in play if the game begins with 3 or more Assassins.

The Stalker:Every hour, the Stalker can pick a certain player to keep a close eye on. If someone attempts to Investigate or Protect the Observed player, they are killed. This supersedes the standard Assassination of the Hour, so if the Assassins vote to kill Player A and then Stalk Player B, Player A survives the night and Player B is eliminated instead.

However, if the player that should be killed by the Stalker is currently being Protected, the trap fails. For example: Player A, the Baner, protects Player B, the Investigator. Player B attempts to Investigate Player C, who has been Stalked. The Stalk fails, Player B is given their investigation results normally, and whoever the Werewolves voted to kill is eliminated as per usual.

There is no Stalker unless there are 3 or more Werewolves.


Special Roles:

The Devil: The devil is a regular Aristocrat who has a deep dark secret. Some part of this player wants the Assassins to eliminate all the Aristocrats and take their shares. The Devil has the same abilities as the Detective but is on the Assassins team. Thus Every Hour, the Devil may investigate one Aristocrat, determining their role with 75% accuracy. The Devil may investigate the same target over multiple Hours.

The Devil is not allowed to vote each hour to eliminate an Aristocrat since they are technically an Aristocrat themselves. The Devil wins only if the Assassins win.

There will only be 1 Devil in play. This is in addition to the number of Assassins that the game begins with.

The Lovers: Aboard the Airship on your journey here you fell madly in love. The kind of love that you know is eternal and unbroken. You have made a pact to each other that you will be together in both life and in death. This role is granted –in addition- to each player’s current role as a secondary role. It consists of 1 randomly selected Aristocrat and 1 randomly selected Assassin regardless of primary role. Each of the Lover’s roles will be revealed to one another. However, if 1 of the Lovers is eliminated, either from Lynching or Assassination, the other commits suicide and is eliminated along with their partner.

If either of The Lovers is investigated their primary role has the standard 75% chance of being revealed. The Role of “The Lovers” however, is immune to all forms of investigation and cannot be revealed if investigated.

The Lovers have special conditions that must be met in order to win the game. If the standard win condition is met and the 1 remaining Lover on the losing team is alive, the win condition defaults to the winning team and The Lovers win. The other condition is that The Lovers must be the last 2 survivors in the game, essentially playing as their own team.


When creating a character, consider including the following details:


Airship you arrived on:

One or two lines about appearance:

One or two lines about personality:

Any other relevant information:

If anybody has any questions ask and I’ll reply at my soonest convenience.

Is the Dice Roller not functional in PM's? There are a few dice rolls I'd like to make privately in my PBP games but it doesn't seem to work. I find this funny since all of the other tags work in PM's.


It was this day so many years ago on the 4th of Neth 4535 that Ekat Kassen left to fight the mercenaries of Asar Vergas and rid them of this town forever. It’s a huge honor being selected to retrieve the Everflame for this year’s celebration. After all, it’s only every couple years that the Mayor bestows the privilege among a few hand selected individuals rather than undertake the task himself. Over the years the ritual has grown quite a bit more elaborate and when the task is granted to persons other than the Mayor and his Dignitaries, a few of the townsfolk set out a days in advance to setup traps and puzzles for the young adventurers. Although most everyone in the town plays along at the hint of danger, everybody knows that they are nothing more than tricks and illusions. Every adult knows that the “Solemn” ceremony is really just for show. Children tell wild tales to one another about what happens during the quest. Some even claim that there have been a number of deaths over the years which is untrue. There have been injuries but never a death.

It is early in the day. You have been instructed to rendezvous in the centre of town and meet your fellow adventurers. “Pack light” said Mayor Uptal when he delivered the news to you personally. ”Bring only what is absolutely needed. Weapons, Armor, Spell Books etc… We will meet at midday in town square. You should probably show up early.”

Thank you all for your interest in joining this adventure. I am DougFungus and I will be your DM. I have high hopes that things will go well enough for this first module and that we can continue on well after.

The first thing I will need everybody to do is PM me an email address I can use to set permissions on my SkyDrive. I will make each character a folder that can only be accessed by that email account that way nobody else can snoop through your stuff.

The next thing we will need to figure out as a group is how turns are coordinated. I would like everybody to tell me how they think turns should work because once we get to the Crypt I will be running everything round by round until they leave. I have an idea but I’d like to see what everybody else thinks and then a decision will be made.

Even though a background story was not a requirement feel free to work it in as we go through the adventure. I’m hoping to see an active dialog between players in between map updates. The way I have designed things will let characters function very independently of each other. Ex. If you want to sleight of hand every piece of treasure you come across, PM me and I’ll make something happen. If you get caught and the party kills you for it as a result, I won’t stop them either. Another example is things like subplots, I like them. If you want to work something in go for it as long as it doesn’t stray too far from the adventure. Don’t be afraid to use the SkyDrive storage I’ve provided to keep notes and other things you don’t want to be public. PM me things you don’t want public either. Other than that, continue to function openly and with the party. Have fun, Be Creative.

I'll get the Gameplay thread started. I know some of you don't even have Aliases made for your characters so don't feel the need to rush in. The town square is a place for characters to make introductions. Once we have everything up and running we will segue into the game as a group.

Crypt of the Everflame is the first module in the Price of Immortality trilogy. It takes characters from level 1-2 through a simple dungeon crawl. If things are go well with this adventure I’d like to continue playing out the whole trilogy and then maybe continuing on with some other stuff I have planned. For now though I am only committing to this adventure module. This will be my first attempt at running a PBP. I have some experience playing PBP but nothing too elaborate.

I have recently reworked all the maps for this adventure using MapTool. Each player will be given their own dedicated map with each update. The Line of Sight feature that is incorporated in MapTool will be used to add certain aspects of realism to the adventure. I’m hoping to allow each player to function as much independently as with a group.

Exapmle: This is a quick scenario I created to demonstrate what each player will see on their map. Let’s just say in this scenario that the adventuring party was hired to investigate the disappearance of a wealthy noble. The party starts by exploring his house and immediately moves on to the basement and then splits up to cover every room.

  • Player 1 is holding a candle for light. She forgot her torches at home and the basement is not lit. More candles are located on a nearby table. She lights them to help her see. It’s still very dark, but she can make out her partner through the shadows over in the next room thanks to player 3's torch.
  • Player 2 has no light sources. He figured everybody else would have one so he didn’t need any. He also has low light vision so he can see quite well with everybody else's light.
  • Player 3 has a torch. He also discovered the missing Noble lying in a pool of his own blood. I guess the noble didn't make it out alive.
  • Payer 4 has Darkvision. He went straight to the store room. He is currently eying the nobles safe against the East wall. He’s debating on taking its contents since he’s sure the others probably wouldn’t find out. He probably doesn’t have a good alignment either.

All maps will be uploaded to my Skydrive for easy file management. This will also be handy for keeping other things like lists or character sheets etc… if you should so desire. Keeping them in your Alias is fine too if you prefer.

  • Sources: CRB, APG, UM, UC, World Guide. Other content may be available on DM approval.
  • Point Buy: 20 pts
  • Traits: 2
  • Starting Gold: Average. Trail rations, water skins, tents and blankets are all supplied at the beginning of the adventure. You are welcome to purchase more if you think you need them though.
  • Races: Core or any Human looking race with a CR ½ or less.
  • Alignments: Any, but you need to commit to working with the party and toward the adventure goal.
  • Background Story: I’m not really looking for a background story since the adventure is pretty linear. If you feel you must include one go for it but it is not a requirement for selection. If you opt to make one you character must be from Kassen and please keep it short.
  • Personality Description: For each character I'd like a brief description for their personality. I want to know how they will act throughout the adventure. Morals, Beliefs, Attitude etc…

Other Things:

  • Players who are both new to PBP and experienced with PBP are encouraged to apply. I will ask that you have a fairly good understanding of the Pathfinder rules if applying though.
  • Creating an Alias for character submission is not necessary, though you can if you want to. I’d hate for you to go through the trouble of making one if your character is not selected. Also, feel free to re-use past Aliases for submissions. Your odds will not be affected by recycling Aliases.
  • I will ask everybody to use the standard statblock for their character sheets to keep everything uniform.
  • Simple characters will have higher odds of being chosen. i.e. a basic sword and board fighter will be chosen before a complex summoner with an archetype. I’m imagining things will be fairly complex on my end already so if your character is more straightforward it will make things easier for me.
  • I’m hoping to keep things moving on a regular basis so please only submit a character if you can post a minimum of 1+ times per day. I can do frequent updates from my smartphone from work to keep the dialogue flowing but I will need my computer to update the map. Right now I’m hoping to update the map 4-6 times per week but we will need to work out a routine as a group. The map for the Crypt is fairly large and will be run on a turn by turn basis. I don't want to get hung up on players who don't keep up with the group.

I will give the closing date for recruitment at a later time depending on how applications go. Ask any questions you may have and I will answer them.



7th level is coming up in my party and I have decided to take the leadership feat. We don't come across many towns in our campaign so getting new gear is difficult. I want to build a Cohort that just tags along and builds whatever the party needs. They will never see combat. I need somebody thats is completely optimized for building and nothing else. I am not very creative when coming up with these types of builds so any and all advice you may have to offer would be greatly appreciated.

15 pt. buy
All Pathfinder sources welcome

Thank you

My character died last session. I put a lot of time and effort into him and have grown attached. Rather than starting from scratch I would instead prefer he be brought back some how. The party is on book 2 of Serpent's Skull and was killed by Zenj Spirit dancers. Since then the party has moved on to the Ruins of Tazion carrying my corpse with them.

There are a few issues concerning my coming back though. For starters, we have no spell casters in the party. My character was the only one and he's dead now. Furthermore, the party is in the middle of nowhere and venturing deeper nowhere. The party is also nearly broke, so even if we come across a spellcaster we would have trouble paying the material costs. and finally, in-game the party has more pressing issues to deal with. Out of game is a bit of a different story but we're refusing to metagame my character back into play.

I'm looking for some solutions to my situation weather they be radical or obvious.

Note: Please keep any Adventure Path spoilers out. The only person who has future knowledge of whats to come is our DM and I would like to keep it that way.

Thank you in advance for any help you can offer.

A theologian is an expert on one particular area of her religion. She is so focused on that area that she eschews the broader sweep of her deity's dogma and focuses intensely upon that aspect of it, embodying its power in all she does. Theologians tend to be more zealous than other clerics, and many crusades are started by theologians. A theologian has the following class features.

Focused Domain: A theologian chooses only one domain from her deity's portfolio rather than the normal two domains. All level-dependent effects of the granted powers from the theologian's domain function as if she were two cleric levels higher than her actual cleric level. This does not allow her to gain domain-granted powers earlier than normal.

A theologian can prepare domain spells using her non-domain slots. She cannot use her spontaneous casting ability on domain spells, even if they are prepared in non-domain slots. In all other respects, this works like and replaces the standard cleric domain ability.

Domain Secret (Ex): At 5th level, the theologian chooses one domain spell. That spell becomes permanently modified with one of the following metamagic feats: Bouncing Spell, Disruptive Spell, Ectoplasmic Spell, Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Focused Spell, Intensified Spell, Silent Spell, Still Spell. This metamagic feat does not increase the level of the spell. Once chosen, this modification cannot be changed. The domain specialist need not have the metamagic feat to apply it to a spell using this ability. At every 5 levels after 5th, the domain specialist may choose an additional domain spell to modify in this way. She cannot modify the same spell more than once.

Crusaders serve the militant arm of a church, ready to stand guard over the religion's holy places and to be its swift, avenging arm against those who resist its truth.

Diminished Spellcasting: A crusader chooses only one domain and gains one fewer spell of each level than normal. If this reduces the number to 0, she may cast spells of that level only if they are domain spells or if her Wisdom allows bonus spells of that level.

Bonus Feat: A crusader gains a bonus feat at 1st level, then again at 5th level and every five levels thereafter (to a maximum of six at 20th level). These bonus feats must be chosen from the following list: Heavy Armor Proficiency, Improved Shield Bash, Martial Weapon Proficiency, Saving Shield, Shield Focus, Tower Shield Proficiency, and Weapon Focus*. At 10th level, a crusader may also choose from the following feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency, Greater Shield Focus, Greater Weapon Focus*, Improved Critical*, Shield Slam, Shield Specialization, and Weapon Specialization*. At 20th level, a crusader may also choose from the following feats: Greater Shield Specialization and Greater Weapon Specialization*. Bonus feats marked with an asterisk (*) must be applied to the favored weapon of the crusader's deity. A crusader need not meet the normal class- or level-based prerequisites for these bonus feats.

Legion's Blessing (Su): At 8th level, a crusader gains the ability to confer beneficial spells quickly to a large group of allies. As a full-round action, the crusader may confer the effects of a single harmless spell with a range of touch to a number of creatures equal to half her cleric level. The spell's range remains touch, so all intended recipients must be within the crusader's reach when the spell is cast. Using the legion's blessing expends the prepared spell, but it also requires the crusader to sacrifice another prepared spell three levels higher, as when spontaneously using a cure or inflict spell. The higher-level spell is not cast but is simply lost, its magical energy used to power the legion's blessing.

The reason I ask is because Focused Domain and Diminished Spellcasting do almost the same thing but are not replacing any of the same abilities.

A character can take more than one archetype and garner additional alternate class features, but none of the alternate class features can replace or alter the same class feature from the core class as another alternate class feature. For example, a paladin could not be both a hospitaler and an undead scourge since they both modify the smite evil class feature and both replace the aura of justice class feature. A paladin could, however, be both an undead scourge and a warrior of the holy light, since none of their new class features replace the same core class feature.

I'm hoping to find a list of Pathfinder spells that have a casting time of less than one standard action. I can't seem to think of any besides Feather Fall which is an immediate action. If you can think of one or know where I can find a list please post it.


I’m looking for some character ideas to build a partial melee or utility sorcerer. By this I mean that I’m looking for a build that can do other things than just cast spells. Occasionally I might like to be on the front line with a weapon and shield or fulfilling some other role that’s useful to the party. Though I like the idea of primarily being a spellcaster there are always those instances where arcane magic is not always the best option. I want to take advantage of those situations as rare as they may be.

The character concept I’m looking into playing is the bastard son between a dragon and some other race, likely human. I’m looking into the idea of playing as the son of Mengkare the gold dragon of Promise but I’m open to other dragons or types of dragon as well. Though in saying that, I usually sway to the side of good. I’m also open to non-dragon concepts.

The reason I want to play a Sorcerer is because I’m not fond of preparing my spells in advance. I have played a few Wizards in the past and this has always gone poorly for me. I have looked in to Witch but I like the spell selection for Sorcerer/Wizard better. The healing capabilities of the Witch are extremely tempting though. And again, I’m still open to concepts for these classes and others if you have a good idea. As for bloodline I was thinking Sage. I like the additional skill points from being an INT based caster. Most any bloodline would work though. I have also been looking into the Crossblooded archetype. I’m willing to lose at most 2 levels in my spellcasting so I can still get 9th level spells.

Prestige classes are also a thing of question. I’m strongly considering moving into Eldritch Knight for the Melee bonus. Dragon Disciple also looks tempting but not as much so. I know that neither of these PrC’s are very well received but they look so incredibly tempting to me none the less. I’m also wondering if it’s possible to have at least some melee/utility ability progressing as a straight sorcerer?

Race options are wide open but I like the idea of playing an Ifrit. It needs to be a playable class though that has no level adjustment. It’s a 15 point build and the books I have available are The Core Rule Book, Advanced Players Guide, Bestiary 1 &2, The Inner Sea World Guide, Ultimate Magic and Ultimate Combat.

Suggestions for feats would be a big help since I have so many to choose from.

Thank you in advance for your suggestions