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Never mind. I didn't realize that there was a descriptor that sub-sub-categorizes the spells. The web site was correct there and the spreadsheet had a simple mistake.

I was doing some optimizations on the spell database for a project I'm working on when I noticed a few inconsistencies.

On the spell Flare Burst, I noticed the subschool was listed as Light, but I found no sources saying that Light is a subschool. On top of that, it's the only spell where this subschool seems to exist.

I found a similar problem with Malfunction being listed as of the Transformation school, despite none existing; but I found that paizo said that there was no official word but it was probability meant to be enchantment, so I listed it as such.

The weird thing is that on Flare Burst's page there is no such note. Does this mean that it indeed was intended to be light subschool or was this an oversight on paizo's part?

Thanks everyone for your responses and sorry I haven't been able to reply sooner (technical difficulties).

I took the spell reference Mark Garringer linked to and loaded it into an SQL Database. I'm working on making a site that will generate spell sheets like the ones I found for D&D.

Mark Garringer wrote:

Dornith see if this is something that will help you:

Perram's Spellbook

Or the new version under construction:
Perram's Spellbook (Alpha)

I'd found that before, but it designates a ninth of each page to one spell, which to me, just seems ridiculous. I'm looking for something that's just a one line description of each spell, like the one I referenced in my original post.

I've been DMing a 3.5 group for a little while, and we've started using these spell sheets with all the spells for any given class listed on them.

I've found it's really useful for divine casters, because they don't have to write down or memorize all their spells, and for arcane casters because when they level up, they've got a short summery of any new spell right in front of them.

I've recently joined a group that's using pathfinder and I've created a druid. I want to use something similar to that, but for pathfinder instead of 3.5. I've look around for quite a while and haven't found much. I've seen blank spell sheets, but that doesn't really address my reasons for looking for this.

So does anyone know where I could find something like this for pathfinder: