
Dorn Desslach's page

463 posts. Alias of Javell DeLeon.


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Dorn looks to the wizard and nods agreeably. "Yeah 'caution' does make sense."

With a disturbed look about him, "Well that's ominous. Feels like we're pirates or somethin'. I've got ta say, I don't like that captain. I'm thinkin' he needs me hammer in his face," he says, looking to the others matter of factly. With the looks he's getting back from the others, "What? Just thinkin' out loud is all."

Dorn crosses his arms and just stares at the others a moment. Eventually he pipes up with, "So I guess we just mind our own business and sit and wait? I gotta say, sounds borin'." He then finds himself a seat somewhere out of the way and relaxes. "Well if nothin' else, I can maybe get caught up on me sleep. Hopefully none of this lot will decide ta put an end ta me if I do. Probably have ta sleep with at least one eye open." The dwarf then closes both eyes before one pops open and looks around. "Can't be too careful ya know."

Raising an eyebrow, the dwarf nonchalantly looks to the others, as if everything is all right with the world. "Did ya hear that, lot? A full orc. Isn't that grand? Boy o boy that's grand. This just keeps gettin' better 'n better, don't ya think?" the dwarf asks rhetorically, the sarcasm in his tone quite obvious. "The way our luck's runnin', I'm thinkin' we might be safer swimmin' with the sharks," he concludes, possessing a look as if he's actually contemplating the thought.

Looking highly annoyed, "Boy that one's a real treat. With that kind of an attitude, I'm surprised someone hasn't attempted ta send him ta go swimmin' with the sharks. I surely wouldn't be cryin' in me ale if they did. In fact, I'd raise a glass to it I would," he gives an adamant nod.

Melira Ngige wrote:
Melira regards the party with neither delight nor surprise as they approach. "You made it," she states flatly. "One ferry, as promised. We went ahead and put the horses aboard to save time. You're still in a hurry to catch up to Gorewillow, yes?"

"Aye. That we are, lass. The quicker the better. We've already lost enough time as it is." Dorn then proceeds to move onto the ferry.

"That's a good question, lad. I was kinda wonderin' the same thing. If they ain't on our side, just say the word and Reaver and me will jump right on 'em before they know what hit 'em."

Raising an eyebrow as he accepts the bottle, "Arrows of flame, huh? That could come in handy. I'll definitely be keepin' that little nugget of info in mind. Thanks." He then stores it away in his pack.

"Well I'm glad that's over. Now let's get back ta the task at hand."

Dorn returns back outside, showing the others what he's found. "That's everything."

Nodding, "I got it." The dwarf then makes his way inside to look around.

Dorn waves her off, grinning sheepishly. "'Twas nothin', lass. All in a day's work for Dorn and Skyreaver and the rest," he says with a nod.

Dorn moves to get into flanking position and strikes at the large beast.

Move to G-9; Attack

+2 Impact Warhammer: 1d20 + 9 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 9 + 4 = 19 +4 for flanking
Damage: 2d6 + 5 ⇒ (4, 1) + 5 = 10

AC 18; Hp's 43/43

Seeing Alicia charge the beast, Dorn yells out for Skyreaver to attack and he himself doesn't waste another moment as he works his way right next to the rogue.

Double move to G-7

AC 18; Hp's 43/43

Dorn straps on his shield and casts more magic upon himself. Cast Feather step.

Skyreaver awaits Dorn's command.

Skyreaver is going to hold his attack until Dorn attacks.

Following suit, Dorn uses a bit of his own magic and gives himself a bit more speed.


Rolling his eyes in frustration, "Reaver!" the dwarf calls to his bird buddy, giving him orders to follow.

Recognizing the Shoanti woman, Dorn can only roll his eyes. "You gotta be kiddin' me. Not her again," he mutters, shaking his head in frustration.

"Well that's a relief," Dorn says sarcastically with a roll of his eyes. "It's not hungry... this time. Me problem's gonna be when it shows up the next time and hasn't eaten in a week. I'm thinkin' we need ta speed this up a bit. The quicker we can get ourselves out of the open, the better."

Pondering that a moment, he calls out to the bird who proceeds to drop down to a lower altitude.

"Downstream it is. I'll send Reaver up high so he can keep an eye out for us." Dorn does just that as the bird takes to the sky.

Stroking his beard as he finds himself in thought after hearing Mahath's tale, "Ya know, I heard they were all slaughtered by the orcs. The druids attempted ta make a stand but when that failed, the orcs hunted down every last one of 'em and put an end to 'em." He then thinks on that a moment before, "But I guess either way the tale ends the same," he concludes, shrugging.

"Sounds good ta me, lad. Let's see if we can catch this fellow, hm?" Dorn then gathers his things, calls on Skyreaver to follow and falls in line as they head out.

Raising an eyebrow and grinning, "Me? A financial backer?! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Blast no! I'm just here with me and me bird helpin' this lot out. As you can see, they need all the help they can get," he says with a wry grin, winking.

"Mornin'?!" he exclaims, looking to him incredulously. He then begins to stroke his beard in thought before shrugging. "Ah well. Can't win 'em all."

Dorn turns to the healer with a plain look upon his face before, "Pay the lass, lad. I got some coin I can throw in if need be and then we can get movin'. Because I'm all for 'a lot faster'. It's better'n slower."

"Okay, okay, enough with all the 'coins' and 'murderers' and 'forgiving sins' and whatnot. If you could just tell us, lass, where this Gorewillow character went, we'd be grateful. At least a direction he's gone in. We've got ta find 'im and find 'im fast and we've no time for all this bickerin' between the lot of ya," he says, obviously annoyed with them all.

Dorn quickly pipes up to get past the awkwardness of the situation. "As far as which other forts we're investigating... I'd say whichever ones are nearby. Sorry, but I've got no names for 'em. Maybe the lad might know 'em," he says as he nod toward Marikel, "but I sure don't."

"Works for me. Definitely simpler."

As he concentrates upon the scene through the eyes of the roc, Dorn relates what he sees to the others. "Okay, lot, there's a fire goin' near a pretty pathetic lookin' tent of some sort. It's toward the back of the fort and it looks like she might be near a stable or somethin'. Oh! and by the way, there seems ta be the only one human lass. Not seein' anyone else at this time though. Just her. I'll keep lookin' until ya give me the word; but unless someone's hidin' inside of somethin' somewhere, there's only the one lass."

Crap I forgot about that. Ugh.

Just remembering something, "Oh! I can handle that for ya. Give me a sec."

Dorn closes his eyes and places two fingers from each hand upon their respective sides of his temples as he appears to be in concentration.

Skyreaver's snaps his head up, from whatever it was he was trying to catch upon the ground, and turns his attention to his dwarven companion. Not a moment later he takes to the air and makes his way high and above the fortress wall.

Dorn chuckles at the complain-y rogue. Ah she keeps me laughing. He then narrows his eyes as he takes notice of the smoke. "Oh we're there, lass, and I've got news for ya... we ain't the only ones. It appears we're about ta be the intruders," he warns.

Dorn, already awake due to dictated guard duty, watches the cranky Alicia with interest, chuckling at her antics. "Boy that lass sure cracks me up."

In response to her question, "Works for me."

"Sounds good ta me."

Dorn shrugs. "Wyvern, River drake. Whatever. Either way, it was a big enough beastie ta be keepin' yer distance from. And big enough ta do the damage it done."

"Hm. Will ya get a load of that. Now that's interestin'. Why would a tack from here, be found in a wyvern's nest?" The dwarf ponders that a moment before turning to the others. "Would ya believe this tack we found in the wyvern's nest matches that of those of this chest here? And if that's the case, I'm no longer thinkin' they'll be returnin' any time soon. I'm thinkin' it's not lookin' to good for the previous tenant. Goin' ta have ta go with 'abandon' now. But not by choice. Hopefully I'm wrong."

"Sounds good ta me. And I'd have ta say someone's got ta be returnin' soon." Dorn follows the cleric, making his way to the front door and seeing if it's unlocked. If so, he turns the knob and enters, hollering out: "Hello! Anyone home?!"

"Of course you'll be fine, lad. I'm sure it didn't inject an egg in ya or anythin' like that. Not ta worry!" he says, waving it off, as if it's no big deal.

Looking around to make sure Skyreaver is still around, the dwarf follows behind the others.

Stroking his beard in thought a moment as he examines it, he draws his conclusions and heads back over to Mahath. "The way I'm figurin' it is, I'm fairly certain the wasp did lay an egg inside the spider. Once the egg hatched, the larva then ate the spider from the inside out," he explains plainly, shrugging. "At least, that's how I'm figurin' it."

@Mahath: Don't worry bud, you'll be fine. I'm sure nothing like THIS will happen. You're good. Also, I'm thinking we should all stop for lunch. ;)

"On it, lad." The dwarf then moves over to the spider and pulls it out of its burrow to examine it.

Heal: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14 I've really no idea what kind of roll that involves so I went with heal.

I'm guessing all he really needs to do is describe the shape the dead spider is in physically. And then we can just guess from there. :)

Dorn raises his bow, takes aim, and fires!

Comp Longbow(+1 str): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25
Damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

AC 16; Hp's 35/43

Dorn rolls his eyes at the cleric's lack of cooperation. He then drops his weapon and unstraps his shield and drops it as well before drawing his bow.

Drop shield(move); Drop weapon(free); Draw bow(move)

AC 16; Hp's 35/43

Yeah delay.

No longer able to reach the bug, "Get it, 'Reaver! Get that blasted thing!" He watches with interest for a moment before glancing at Marikel. Pondering an idea, "Toss me, lad." he tells the healer. He then prepares himself to be thrown until he looks back over at Marikel who just so happens to possess a look as if the dwarf has lost his mind.

Quite annoyed at the delay, "Toss me! What are ya waitin' for! Ya toss me at the bug and I try and smash it on me way down. It's fairly simple. Now toss me!" He then looks back up and starts to contemplate on exactly where to strike at the bee.

Fort: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 8 + 2 = 22 +2 is for poison if applicable.

Dorn doubles over from the nasty sting. "Blasted bug! We've got ta kill that thing quick!"

AC 18; Hp's 35/43

"Mynnwch ef, 'Reaver!" the dwarf yells as he steps up and attacks himself.

"Get 'im, 'Reaver!"

5' step; Attack
Mwk Warhammer: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

AC 18; Hp's 43/43

Dorn moves up to take a look for himself. "Ya gotta be kiddin' me. Who in their right mind would stick spider legs out like this? And why? Because it didn't scare us off. There's got ta be more to it than that."

Dorn nods in agreement and draws his weapon, following right after the healer. "REAVER!" he yells.

The bird angles his head in the dwarf's direction as he circles before finally focusing on following directly.

Shrugging, "Ya got me, lass. Let's keep goin'." Dorn then continues on, keeping his eyes out for said spiders all of the sudden.

Looking at it one more time, Dorn ponders tossing it aside but shrugs and decides to throw it in his pack for who knows why. "Sounds good ta me."

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