Full Name |
Donato Elba |
Race |
Tremere |
Classes/Levels |
7th gen |
Gender |
male |
Age |
10 |
About Donato Elba
Str - 2 Char - 4 Per - 3
Dex - 3 Mani- - 4 Intel - 5
Stam - 2 App - 1 Wits - 3
Alertness - 3 Ride - 1 Investigation - 5
Brawl 1 Melee - 2 medicine - 3
Empathy - 2 Stealth - 2 occult - 5
Intimidation - 3 Survival - 2 Science - 3
Street wise - 3
Celerity - 3 Generation 4 Conscience - 1
Path of blood 5 Retainer 5 self control - 5
Elemental Mastery 5 Courage - 5
lure of flames 3
Vicissitude 4
Path of levenbolt 2
Humanity - 6
Willpower 10
merits - Light sleeper, iron will, medium
Flaws - Child, infamous sire, impatient, thirst for innocence