Donald McKinney's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


My apologies, just found this discussion... I'm the chairman of WW, so perhaps I can answer some non-PFS questions about the convention. And if you want to talk at WW, feel free to chat with me, I try to spend some time around all the events.

Warhorn: The problem our convention has with Warhorn is that it did not handle what we call "per slot locking", which means to us that if you signed up for an event on Saturday Afternoon, access to Warhorn allowed you to muster for any and all events, instead of just the timeslot you had actually signed up for, leading to events being full on Warhorn while half of the events actually had open seats. Now, this was a problem back in LG days, and may not be an issue now with Warhorn -- I lost track of Warhorn's management after a while.

Multiple Events A/B/C/D: Our convention database primary key for the Event Submission table is by unique event name. So we needed a way to track these. When we first had this problem (1991?) GenCon used A/B/C/D for some events, so we used it because many people understood what it meant.Not so much anymore, so that might need to go into the site FAQ. I'll make a note about that for after Sunday, once I regain consciousness. Events that continue or have multiple parts should explain in the description or have (continued) in the event name in the program.

Preregistration Closing: We have found a problem with taking payments via Paypal, and closed pre-reg early to account for it.

I'll try to stay up with postings here, but just look for the purple badge attendees at WW - those are our committee members. And I'll be around the PFS room from time to time, so if you have any questions, please feel free to chat with me at WW, or drop me a note at

We'll see you all this weekend at Winter War!

KnightErrantJR wrote:

Thank you for the kind words everyone, and I had a great time running these sessions for all of you guys. I had a lot of really great players and it was a lot of fun to see the new and different faces at the table.

I really enjoy running these events, and I want to than Paizo as well for setting up the Pathfinder Society as wonderful Organized Play experience.

And I want to throw in that for WW37 (January 29-31, 2009), we would like to see more Pathfinder Society events being run, but we need judges willing to run them.

And I want to thank you for stepping up and running those games!