
Dom C's page

Organized Play Member. 132 posts (133 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Sovereign Court

I thought it would be interesting to see what other GMs have been writing as answers to Revelation Quill questions. Anyone doing something interesting with it, beyond farming ink?

In my case, the player's are looking for where the Runeforge is now, and piecing together the names and maps from today and those found in the Jorgenfist Library. The question posed by the players is in the "quoted by" text below:

What will we find at Rimeskull? wrote:

Face to face for centuries, the stones all hold the key.

Within the face of Rimeskull's bluff, a death by ice for thee.

Anyone have some examples of their own, or anecdotes on how they handled this artifact?

Disclaimer: It's been many a year since I've ever considered crafting a phrase in Iambic Pentameter, so I apologize in advance to the English Majors among you who are cringing. :)

Sovereign Court

I've been using this product (http://ebon.pyorre.net/) for many years to generate random names, especially during the MANY campaigns within Greyhawk. I've since moved on to Golarian and as a GM I have found myself at odds with the creative names that the adventure paths typically contain... it is a bit more difficult to come up with a name which fits seamlessly within the story. I'm one of those who always had difficulty when it came to naming NPCs or PCs anyway, so this just went from bad to worse.

I'd like to make my random NPCs fit more with the distinct flavor that each of these Regions have to offer, and in order to do that I thought that having a custom Golarian Book of Names in this generator would be great. Problem is, I'd have to craft it from scratch. :(

So I come to you, o' land of Pathfinder enthusiasts, to see who might be willing to work on this task or be interested in the outcome? Anyone have any experience with making new books for the program? Any suggestions or advice?

Thanks for taking the time to look!

Sovereign Court

So a player of mine asked if he could improve his +2 earthbreaker by making it adamantine.

My initial inclination (and a careful reading of the Core Rulebook indicated later) was that this is a property of the core weapon (a component) and was a material component that had to be in place prior to the item being imbued by magic. Essentially the metal is "consumed" by the magic and this cannot be changed without sundering the effects.

Therefore, in order for this to happen, he would have to craft or purchase an earthbreaker that was already adamantine and add the magic bonuses or pay outright to do so.

I'm comfortable with that ruling, as is the player (who is a smith & currently has Master Craftsman for weapons anyway), but I was curious as to what other GMs / Groups are doing or think on this.


Sovereign Court

I received the shipment with no visible damage on the box or package inside (yay!). However, after opening up the Bestiary 3, I found that it had been the victim of a printers binding error and has half of the first fold pushed out of the spine, a glob of .... something... underneath the inside front cover paper, and a general warping of the first 30 or so pages.

How can I go about getting this turned in for a correctly bound copy?

Sovereign Court

so... no delivery after a week or so and when I check, it is showing the same problem I had on the last order (order unavailable)

Me thinks that this is a bit more than a random mis-communication with UPS. :(

Additionally, the last time this happened (order 1806012) my book was shipped via USPS rather than UPS, which I had paid extra to have done in the first place. I'm not broken up about that for the last order, but I would appreciate that not happening for this larger order.

As always, thank you for your help!

Sovereign Court

sooo... I got a notice that it was supposed to ship a week ago, but it now says unknown. :( Any tracking number or problem with it?

Sovereign Court

Okay, so I received an email a few months ago about a directory to let our FLGS know about and sign up to so that others can know they carry Paizo merch.

Now I can't find the email after telling them about it and all my Google-Fu came up empty handed... it is like it never existed at all on the site.

Like... spooky gone.

Have I gone mad? Am I missing something? Did it go away, banished beneath the 1s and 0s of the rejected internet applications on the 300Baud connection island?!?


Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

First, thanks to everyone who's made awesome things and shared them!

Here's some quick ones I put together this past month from all the excellent mapping resources that are far too numerous to name. Not really perfect, but good enough for battle maps. :)

I'm using d20Pro to project them onto my game table, so they are only 100dpi. Not really high-res... The Shadow Clock and future maps are going to be at 200dpi default.

Anyway, hope they're useful to someone!


Currently has:
Foxglove townhouse - All Levels
The Seven Sawmill - All Levels

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Soooo... I found the module map was really confusing and less than optimal for my purposes, so I went another route. I based mine roughly on this 3d Ross Lucci did.

I incorporated three of the details from the module maps to that, though - Clock face on the south, made the hole in the wall roughly flush with the bell supports to aid in making that battle with the Faceless Stalkers more interesting, and moved the roof entry to the south as the wrap around ended more naturally there.

If you stack the maps, you'll see the tower kind of leans back and forth. That allowed me to simulate the crooked, leaning tower and keep all the parts "on square". I modelled the clock gears, clock face & floor all in Sketch-up and pasted them in with shadows. The rest I made or adapted from mapping tiles.

I figure if my party TPKs here, they're going out in style!


There are two versions of most of the levels - one before the bell drop and one after. About 100MB of pictures overall. Each map layer represents 20' of height overall.

I would love feedback on them, good and bad.


Sovereign Court

I have my subscriptions mailed to my office, and we moved this past weekend. Wouldn't have been a problem execpt that the boss screwed up the mail routing applications so it won't get correctly diverted otherwise.

New address is on my account now. Thanks!!

Sovereign Court

7 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

One of my players is running a Druid / Ranger cross-class character and chose a Tiger as it's animal companion, which is of course available to Druids but not Rangers.

My question is are Ranger levels intended to stack with Druid-based animal companions that are not on the Ranger list, or should this companion only gain the benefit of the druid levels only?

Sovereign Court

I was able to pick the miniature up at GenCon this year! Yay!


Sovereign Court

The queen is indeed evil. :)

Can I get the back-ordered Queen mini moved to it's own order so that it can't foul up any further subscription orders? The payments are getting jacked up on timing with this and that's not making my wife happy at all (she handles the banking). I'd really like to continue my subscriptions! ;)


Sovereign Court

This order has been pending since June 30th... Is the back-ordered miniature holding up the entire shipment? Can I get that moved out and the rest of the books shipped asap?

Sovereign Court

So does that mean no one knows? Not even a link to something I missed (though I spent days trying to find it myself...) or reply? *sniff*

I'm in maryland right now, which is suffering from snOMG II: SNOW HARDER, so I have little more to do than check this. :)

Sovereign Court

Is it possible to delay Pathfinder Chronicles: Seekers of Secrets to the next month shipment and let the rest all get shipped to me via UPS?

I mean, the Bestiary is far more important to me than the Pathfinder Society this month. ;)

Sovereign Court

My current game has just finished up (finally!) Burnt Offerings. Returning triumphant from Thistletop, they are now beginning the lull between the first and second AP within which I'm inclined to line up some story depth, characterization and roleplay opportunities.

One of my ideas was to create an RP scene centered around...


the funeral of Ameiko's father and brother.

One of my players is running his PC as having fallen for Ameiko since the Swallowtail festival - a half-elf fighter, no less. During the festival, he even won a feat of strength that got him a free dinner coupon for winner of the food competition that year (Rusty Dragon, obviously). Never-mind that a certain obsessive man has, among other things, stolen that token from him, foreshadowing the next chapter.... (I even erased the item from his sheet between games and let him find out on his own later...) :)

But I digress.

I'm inclined to challenge him with his courtship of her. The level of depth and maturity for the group is well discussed and agreed upon before we ever started, so I'm confident that I could go fairly strong drama-wise without flipping him out. We're all in our thirties, FWIW.

In preparation for their funerals, the Gnome Bard has been enlisted to assist the 1/2 Elf Fighter in dressing appropriately and providing social instructions so as to not inadvertently disrespect her family. So she is looking for me to provide some detail about the funeral so she can tell him what not to do....

I'm looking at the funeral as being a Japanese / Buddhist ceremony, being that the tradition of Tian Xia is supposed to be loosely based on this. I'm willing to buy that their family has been in Sandpoint long enough to kind of incorporate local traditions in the mix, but I also would like this to be as inclusive as possible. Am I off the trail here?

I'm also sensitive to the idea of good game design doesn't mean one guy plays while everyone watches for an hour. Anything that provides a better experience for the group playing at the expense of "realism" or whatever is A-OK for me.

Any ideas on how to bring people together? My initial inclination is that the "Heroes of Sandpoint" and many of the townspeople will turn out for the Lonjiku funeral out of respect for the founding family patriarch and his former place in the region. This brings all of the PCs into it, and part of the ceremony may be shared among them.

The Bard arranged with the Sandpoint Boutique for getting a custom dress for Ameiko as a gift on this somber occasion. I figure since his wife's funeral was just a little bit ago that they are familiar with what is appropriate already. Do you think this jives?

I'm open to all suggestions or brainstorming the idea that you're willing to expend on me. :) Maybe Mr. Jacobs with his impressive knowledge on the whos and whatfors of Cyclops diets and Boggard's leisure activities will have a dissertation on Tian Xia funeral practices. :)

Thanks for reading all this. ;)

Sovereign Court

I'd like to switch my pre-order to a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ongoing Subscription to gain the benefits of the subscription. I believe Mr. Wertz mentioned a few months ago that pre-orders might be "auto-switched" for one of the books (so if you had pre-ordered 3, 1 would now be a subscription and 2 more still a pre-order), but I didn't know if that wasn't the case anymore.

Thanks to everyone who may reply, in advance. :)

Sovereign Court

I'd like to pick up a Pathfinder RPG Launch Poster to hang in my game room, but I'm not really keen on doubling the price to just ship that alone.

Could I have one of these added to my next subscription delivery (I have them set to come once a month)? If it is something I could do, how might I go about doing it?

Sovereign Court

I saw that the Planet Stories are available, but I was wondering on the possibility of having the RPG books in that format as well?

If not directly, has anyone tried converting/reading the PDFs on their Kindle? I'm VERY interested on how that may workout.

This quite possibly would be the determining factor whether I would purchase the device on the whole - having access to my bookshelf for gaming and everyday/recreation reading is just too good to be true...

Sovereign Court

I know about the 1-hour limit to editing (learned this much to my chagrin), and the pros and cons of this reason are well documented at this point. The assumption here is that the stance on editing posts board wide is not changing.


I'm trying to figure out a nice, clean way to have an index thread to hold fan-made content and dev/editor clarifications. It's all Paizo's fault for being so dang awesome and active on the board!

James Jacobs and the rest of the writers/devs/users have made some fantastic clairifcations, suggestions & updates which are not official errata (though some of it should be) and don't have a centeral place to be found. They are buried like diamonds in the rough. The only two ways of finding them are reading every thread from start to finish and a very weak search engine.

The solution (which has been tried by a few others already) is to make an index list or GM reference page. However, without editing posts, this is a really messy prospect - one would have to keep posting updates as a new reply, which get lost amidst random link requests, "this is awesome! Thanks!" posts, and "any updates??" bumps.

SO, my suggestion is two-fold. First, make serious index threads sticky. Second, make sticky threads editable by the author only (their posts only) Anyone else who posts in that thread, the 1-hour limit applies as usual, Paizo employees not-withstanding.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Chapter One - Burnt Offerings
Consolidated Loot List
Page Found - Item [how much each valued] (x how many available)
Only small items are noted - (sm), all other items are considered default of medium size.

p11 - dogslicer (x3)
p12 - dogslicer (x4)
p12 - Armor - studded leather (sm) (x1)
p12 - Whip (x1)
p12 - short sword (x1)
p12 - shortbow (x1)
p12 - arrows (x20)
p12 - Coins - GP [Ea. worth: 1gp] (x20)
p13 - Armor - studded leather (sm) (x1)
p13 - MW horsechopper (x1)
p13 - small wooden shield (x1)
p13 - shortbow (x1)
p13 - arrows (x20)
p13 - dogslicer (x4)
p18 - knife (x1)
p23 - dogslicer (x8)
p24 - potion - cure light wounds (x1)
p24 - comp shortbow (+ Str) (x1)
p24 - Ring - Protection +1 (x1)
p24 - MW thieves’ tools (x1)
p24 - MW Flute (x1)
p24 - Silver Earrings (pair) [Ea. worth: 25gp] (x1)
p24 - Pouch - Gold Dust [Ea. worth: 50gp] (x6)
p24 - Pouch - Silver Dust [Ea. worth: 5gp] (x8)
p24 - Coins - PP [Ea. worth: 10gp] (x10)
p27 - Scroll (arcane) - flaming sphere (CL 5th). (x1)
p29 - Longsword +1 (x1)
p29 - MW handaxe (x1)
p29 - Silver Dagger (x1)
p29 - Scroll (arcane) - Burning hands (CL 3rd) (x1)
p30 - Wand - Shocking Grasp - 28 Charges (x1)
p30 - Ancient Prayer Book dedicated to the worship of Lamashtu, the Mother of Monsters. [Ea. worth: 100gp] (x1)
p31 - Dagger, +1, returning (x1)
p31 - Miniature tiara [Ea. worth: 50gp] (x1)
p31 - miniature black silk gown [Ea. worth: 25gp] (x1)
p31 - obsidian unholy symbol of Lamashtu [Ea. worth: 10gp] (x1)
p35 - dogslicer (x10)
p36 - Potion - Cure light wounds (x2)
p36 - Potion - tree shape (x2)
p36 - Potion - speak with animals (x2)
p36 - Wand - (made of iron) produce flame - 34 charges (x1)
p36 - Armor - Leather +1 (x1)
p36 - Spear (x1)
p36 - sling (x1)
p36 - cloak of resistance +1 (x1)
p37 - dogslicer (x4)
p37 - dagger w/ pearl handle [Ea. worth: 100gp] (x1)
p37 - dagger (x6)
p38 - dogslicer (x2)
p38 - dogslicer (x6)
p38 - potion - Rage (x2)
p38 - Armor - studded leather (sm) (x2)
p38 - MW horsechopper (x2)
p38 - small wooden shield (x2)
p38 - shortbow (x2)
p38 - arrows (x40)
p39 - Heavy Warhorse (Shadowmist) [Ea. worth: 250gp] (x1)
p40 - Potion - Barkskin +2 (x1)
p40 - Potion - Cure moderate wounds (x2)
p40 - MW Armor - Breastplate (x1)
p40 - dogslicer +1 (x1)
p40 - dented crown [Ea. worth: 20gp] (x1)
p40 - key ring (for locks in C11-C24 & D1-D3) (x1)
p40 - potion - Rage (x3)
p40 - Armor - studded leather (sm) (x3)
p40 - MW horsechopper (x3)
p40 - small wooden shield (x3)
p40 - shortbow (x3)
p40 - arrows (x60)
p40 - Potion - cure light wounds (x1)
p40 - Wand - Silent Image - 5 charges (x1)
p40 - Armor - studded leather (sm) (x1)
p40 - Whip (x1)
p40 - short sword (x1)
p40 - shortbow (x1)
p40 - arrows (x20)
p40 - Coins - GP [Ea. worth: 1gp] (x20)
p41 - dogslicers (x23)
p41 - shortbow (x11)
p41 - arrows (x80)
p41 - Armor - studded leather (sm) (x11)
p41 - Light Wooden Shield (sm) (x6)
p41 - whip (x2)
p41 - MW dogslicer (x1)
p41 - silver holy symbol of Lamashtu [Ea. worth: 40gp] (x1)
p41 - Large Iron Key (opens chest in C24) (x1)
p42 - Coins - CP [Ea. worth: 0.01gp] (x7432)
p42 - Coins - SP [Ea. worth: 0.10000000000000001gp] (x2490)
p42 - Coins - GP [Ea. worth: 1gp] (x89)
p42 - Coins - PP [Ea. worth: 10gp] (x3)
p42 - Malachites - badly flawed [Ea. worth: 1gp] (x34)
p42 - Armor - Chain Shirt (x1)
p42 - MW Scimitar (x1)
p42 - MW Pair of Manacles (x1)
p42 - Holy Symbol - Sarenrae [Ea. worth: 100gp] (x1)
p42 - Jade Necklace [Ea. worth: 60gp] (x1)
p42 - Fine blue silk gown w/ silver trim [Ea. worth: 150gp] (x1)
p43 - Coins - GP [Ea. worth: 1gp] (x100)
p43 - Spinel - Deep Green [Ea. worth: 100gp] (x1)
p43 - Kukri - Rusted w/ Voilet Garnet in Hilt [Ea. worth: 200gp] (x1)
p43 - Arrows +1 (x3)
p43 - Wand - (made of bone) Shield - 9 charges (x1)
p45 - Potion - Cure moderate wounds (x1)
p45 - Armor - studded leather (x1)
p45 - Heavy Flail (x1)
p45 - MW comp longbow (+4 Str) (x1)
p45 - arrows (x20)
p45 - Arrows +1, elf bane (x4)
p45 - dogslicers (x4)
p47 - Potion - Cure moderate wounds (x1)
p47 - Armor - Banded Mail +1 (x1)
p47 - MW Heavy Steel Shield (x1)
p47 - MW Bastard Sword (x1)
p47 - comp longbow (x20)
p47 - Everburning Torch (x1)
p47 - Coins - PP [Ea. worth: 10gp] (x2)
p48 - Armor - Hide (dog) +1 (x1)
p48 - MW Shortbow (x1)
p50 - Wand - Magic Missle (CL 1, 38 charges) (x1)
p50 - Potion - Cure Light Wounds (x1)
p50 - Scroll - Sleep (x1)
p50 - Scroll - Comprehend Languages (x1)
p50 - Scroll - Minor Image (x1)
p50 - Scroll - See invisibility (x1)
p50 - Scroll - Whispering Wind (x1)
p50 - dagger (x1)
p50 - cloak of resistance +1 (x1)
p50 - Silver Comb [Ea. worth: 25gp] (x1)
p50 - Fine Silk gown [Ea. worth: 60gp] (x1)
p50 - Everburning Torch (x1)
p50 - Pearl Earring [Ea. worth: 50gp] (x1)
p50 - Coins - PP [Ea. worth: 10gp] (x3)
p50 - Spellbook - Lyrie Akenja - See p50 (x1)
p53 - Armor - Breastplate +1 (x1)
p53 - Bastard Sword +1 (x1)
p53 - Sihedron Medallion - see p55 [Ea. worth: 3500gp] (x1)
p53 - MW Comp Longbow (x1)
p53 - Arrows (x20)
p53 - Gold Holy Symbol [Ea. worth: 100gp] (x1)
p53 - Coins - PP [Ea. worth: 10gp] (x7)
p53 - Coins - GP [Ea. worth: 1gp] (x5)
p55 - Surgical Tools [Ea. worth: 100gp] (x1)
p55 - Seven-Pointed Star Key (to Area E10) (x1)
p56 - Eternal Candles [Ea. worth: 25gp] (x60)
p56 - Silver Coffer [Ea. worth: 100gp] (x1)
p56 - Ring - Force Shield (shape of the Sihedron Rune) (x1)

Sovereign Court

The figure is indicating a drop of back-order status in stock for my back-order (goblin commando on dog). Is my order from Sept. just stuck, or are there no goblins on doggies and the website is not informed? :)

Thanks for the assistance, as always!

Sovereign Court

I have been following some of your products, most notably the Pathfinder Rise of the Runelords miniatures from Crocodile Games (which are filled with awesome!). I've gotten almost all of them as they have been released.

I understand that pre-orders are made not only as a convenience to the consumer, but as a yard-stick of interest and committed funds for the manufacturer to better determine interest and the quantity they want to order. As such, I try to pre-order things that I am interested in to help keep those numbers "true".

However, when I do this through your online system, I am forced to pay full shipping on each piece just to tag them. While I understand the reason for this to keep the money straight in general, it makes doing a number of pre-orders vastly more expensive than if I just waited for them to be released. In my mind, that would kind of negate the (what I see as crucial) point that I want you and Crocodile to know I REALLY want them to be made!

When an order is made, the in-stock items have the option to ship together or wait until all of them are available with the pre-orders/out-of-stock items. Would it be possible to break the pre-orders out to their own group? Then have the option to set them "wait til all are available to ship" and set only one shipping cost for the pre-orders, independent of the in-stock stuff?

My intent is to show that I have interest in the product and put money behind that interest. I'm sensitive to the issue that a check box saying "yay!" is NOT the same in business as having paid in advance!

Sovereign Court

Basically I'm curious as to who still confirms their criticals and who has decided to house-rule that out and let all combat 20s crit?

Obviously pre-3rd edition confirmation was unnecessary. Additionally, having run SAGA Star Wars since launch, I'm really seeing critical confirming as an anti-climatic, miniature time-sink.

Sovereign Court

I currently have an 8'x4' wooden train-layout table that I use(d?) for gaming. I used to run 6-7 player tables, in which this worked great for.

However, over the past three years or so, not only has my group shrank down to 4 players (so 5 total people instead of 8) but so has my inclination to be 8' away from my players. One day about a year ago the game room became unavailable so I ended up playing at my (smaller) rectangular dining room table.

We never moved back. Being closer together made the game more enjoyable - or at least that's how it felt.

I then went to GenCon and ran at a 6' circular table for the first time. Now I want to get back to the game room and revamp the space and

I'm having a hard time deciding:

Circular table or smaller rectangle?
Kidney Bean?!?

I'm thinking a 5' or 5-1/2' circular table would be ideal for a table of 5 people. Anyone with experience or opinion on this matter, I'd love to hear it.
