
Dom C's page

Organized Play Member. 132 posts (133 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Sovereign Court

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Brian Bauman wrote:
Irrgardless wrote:


Is there a timeline for the page being overhauled?

We already have the designs, mock-ups, and proof-of-concepts completed for a fantastic new downloads page, and have for quite some time. Unfortunately, page and usability overhauls that you all ask for (and that we love to deliver) are frequently trapped in a prioritization limbo.

3. Essential business functions - we have to be able to advertise, sell, and ship/distribute our products effectively. This also includes proactive maintenance of our infrastructure. Without these, we have no business and no jobs, and our customers have no new products or content.

4. User experience - we want our users to have a wonderful experience navigating and using the site. Issues in this category are often inconveniences, but either have workarounds or affect non-essential site features. Things like overhauling the downloads page fall into this category.

This prioritization is a classic one from IT since the 90s. I appreciate the sentiments having run help desks and special projects as an architect for the past 25 years, but I would strongly implore you to consider the following points:

1. User Experience (UX) isn't an afterthought anymore - everything is getting too complex and digital platforms everywhere are going to live or die by whether their services are painful to use. UX review and design should be a required element of everything you produce, just like editing is for the written word. Whether it's a printed book or a website forum, how your customer interacts with it and whether that interaction is pleasant and compelling should not be an optional idea.

I urge you to consider a dedicated and trained UX designer; it's a role that engineers scoff at, and think they can do themselves, but most are terrible at it due to the curse of knowledge (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curse_of_knowledge).

2. Digital first / only approaches have exploded in importance since the pandemic. Paizo has been years behind since 2015 or so, and the market is quickly shifting at a speed it's never done before. It's not an understatement to call it transformative. We can't rely on "what you've always done" to make sense of this - check your analytics for how many users are getting PDFs only and VTT only products, for instance. I would imagine you're seeing a huge spike since 2020 that has only paced upwards.

3. Hasbro has given you one hell of a gift, and a lot of it was around their digital platform and experience. Thousands of customers have said very loudly (with their wallets) that they care about these things. To think that the website experience is not business critical in importance to your customers is absolutely outdated and dangerous thinking as a whole.

4. Splitting your tasks between Mission Critical and Not Mission Critical is absolutely smart, but each task (mission critical or not) should absolutely include User Experience 100%. The PDF downloads page, by your own definition, should be mission critical - it's how you distribute all of your PDFs in a secured fashion. Why would you think it's not mission critical to make that bottle neck as painless and pleasant as you can for your customers?

I wish the best for you and your team.

Sovereign Court

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Neil Spicer wrote:

...but at what rate? Automatically? Does the Intelligence fade a little at a time? Something akin to ongoing ability damage from a curse or poison? Could such an animal be capable of acting intelligently for a short period of time in order to carry out one last act in dedication to its master? Could it temporarily "remember" its former intelligence somewhere down the line to do the same?

Probably more out of nostalgia, but I can't help but think of the decline in Flowers for Algernon in parallel for this.

The entire book is a great story based on this concept of gaining / loosing superior intellegence. Highly recommend a read if you haven't already.

Sovereign Court

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First, thanks to everyone who's made awesome things and shared them!

Here's some quick ones I put together this past month from all the excellent mapping resources that are far too numerous to name. Not really perfect, but good enough for battle maps. :)

I'm using d20Pro to project them onto my game table, so they are only 100dpi. Not really high-res... The Shadow Clock and future maps are going to be at 200dpi default.

Anyway, hope they're useful to someone!


Currently has:
Foxglove townhouse - All Levels
The Seven Sawmill - All Levels

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Soooo... I found the module map was really confusing and less than optimal for my purposes, so I went another route. I based mine roughly on this 3d Ross Lucci did.

I incorporated three of the details from the module maps to that, though - Clock face on the south, made the hole in the wall roughly flush with the bell supports to aid in making that battle with the Faceless Stalkers more interesting, and moved the roof entry to the south as the wrap around ended more naturally there.

If you stack the maps, you'll see the tower kind of leans back and forth. That allowed me to simulate the crooked, leaning tower and keep all the parts "on square". I modelled the clock gears, clock face & floor all in Sketch-up and pasted them in with shadows. The rest I made or adapted from mapping tiles.

I figure if my party TPKs here, they're going out in style!


There are two versions of most of the levels - one before the bell drop and one after. About 100MB of pictures overall. Each map layer represents 20' of height overall.

I would love feedback on them, good and bad.


Sovereign Court

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Held for Chapter 2

Sovereign Court

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Chapter One - Burnt Offerings
Consolidated Loot List
Page Found - Item [how much each valued] (x how many available)
Only small items are noted - (sm), all other items are considered default of medium size.

p11 - dogslicer (x3)
p12 - dogslicer (x4)
p12 - Armor - studded leather (sm) (x1)
p12 - Whip (x1)
p12 - short sword (x1)
p12 - shortbow (x1)
p12 - arrows (x20)
p12 - Coins - GP [Ea. worth: 1gp] (x20)
p13 - Armor - studded leather (sm) (x1)
p13 - MW horsechopper (x1)
p13 - small wooden shield (x1)
p13 - shortbow (x1)
p13 - arrows (x20)
p13 - dogslicer (x4)
p18 - knife (x1)
p23 - dogslicer (x8)
p24 - potion - cure light wounds (x1)
p24 - comp shortbow (+ Str) (x1)
p24 - Ring - Protection +1 (x1)
p24 - MW thieves’ tools (x1)
p24 - MW Flute (x1)
p24 - Silver Earrings (pair) [Ea. worth: 25gp] (x1)
p24 - Pouch - Gold Dust [Ea. worth: 50gp] (x6)
p24 - Pouch - Silver Dust [Ea. worth: 5gp] (x8)
p24 - Coins - PP [Ea. worth: 10gp] (x10)
p27 - Scroll (arcane) - flaming sphere (CL 5th). (x1)
p29 - Longsword +1 (x1)
p29 - MW handaxe (x1)
p29 - Silver Dagger (x1)
p29 - Scroll (arcane) - Burning hands (CL 3rd) (x1)
p30 - Wand - Shocking Grasp - 28 Charges (x1)
p30 - Ancient Prayer Book dedicated to the worship of Lamashtu, the Mother of Monsters. [Ea. worth: 100gp] (x1)
p31 - Dagger, +1, returning (x1)
p31 - Miniature tiara [Ea. worth: 50gp] (x1)
p31 - miniature black silk gown [Ea. worth: 25gp] (x1)
p31 - obsidian unholy symbol of Lamashtu [Ea. worth: 10gp] (x1)
p35 - dogslicer (x10)
p36 - Potion - Cure light wounds (x2)
p36 - Potion - tree shape (x2)
p36 - Potion - speak with animals (x2)
p36 - Wand - (made of iron) produce flame - 34 charges (x1)
p36 - Armor - Leather +1 (x1)
p36 - Spear (x1)
p36 - sling (x1)
p36 - cloak of resistance +1 (x1)
p37 - dogslicer (x4)
p37 - dagger w/ pearl handle [Ea. worth: 100gp] (x1)
p37 - dagger (x6)
p38 - dogslicer (x2)
p38 - dogslicer (x6)
p38 - potion - Rage (x2)
p38 - Armor - studded leather (sm) (x2)
p38 - MW horsechopper (x2)
p38 - small wooden shield (x2)
p38 - shortbow (x2)
p38 - arrows (x40)
p39 - Heavy Warhorse (Shadowmist) [Ea. worth: 250gp] (x1)
p40 - Potion - Barkskin +2 (x1)
p40 - Potion - Cure moderate wounds (x2)
p40 - MW Armor - Breastplate (x1)
p40 - dogslicer +1 (x1)
p40 - dented crown [Ea. worth: 20gp] (x1)
p40 - key ring (for locks in C11-C24 & D1-D3) (x1)
p40 - potion - Rage (x3)
p40 - Armor - studded leather (sm) (x3)
p40 - MW horsechopper (x3)
p40 - small wooden shield (x3)
p40 - shortbow (x3)
p40 - arrows (x60)
p40 - Potion - cure light wounds (x1)
p40 - Wand - Silent Image - 5 charges (x1)
p40 - Armor - studded leather (sm) (x1)
p40 - Whip (x1)
p40 - short sword (x1)
p40 - shortbow (x1)
p40 - arrows (x20)
p40 - Coins - GP [Ea. worth: 1gp] (x20)
p41 - dogslicers (x23)
p41 - shortbow (x11)
p41 - arrows (x80)
p41 - Armor - studded leather (sm) (x11)
p41 - Light Wooden Shield (sm) (x6)
p41 - whip (x2)
p41 - MW dogslicer (x1)
p41 - silver holy symbol of Lamashtu [Ea. worth: 40gp] (x1)
p41 - Large Iron Key (opens chest in C24) (x1)
p42 - Coins - CP [Ea. worth: 0.01gp] (x7432)
p42 - Coins - SP [Ea. worth: 0.10000000000000001gp] (x2490)
p42 - Coins - GP [Ea. worth: 1gp] (x89)
p42 - Coins - PP [Ea. worth: 10gp] (x3)
p42 - Malachites - badly flawed [Ea. worth: 1gp] (x34)
p42 - Armor - Chain Shirt (x1)
p42 - MW Scimitar (x1)
p42 - MW Pair of Manacles (x1)
p42 - Holy Symbol - Sarenrae [Ea. worth: 100gp] (x1)
p42 - Jade Necklace [Ea. worth: 60gp] (x1)
p42 - Fine blue silk gown w/ silver trim [Ea. worth: 150gp] (x1)
p43 - Coins - GP [Ea. worth: 1gp] (x100)
p43 - Spinel - Deep Green [Ea. worth: 100gp] (x1)
p43 - Kukri - Rusted w/ Voilet Garnet in Hilt [Ea. worth: 200gp] (x1)
p43 - Arrows +1 (x3)
p43 - Wand - (made of bone) Shield - 9 charges (x1)
p45 - Potion - Cure moderate wounds (x1)
p45 - Armor - studded leather (x1)
p45 - Heavy Flail (x1)
p45 - MW comp longbow (+4 Str) (x1)
p45 - arrows (x20)
p45 - Arrows +1, elf bane (x4)
p45 - dogslicers (x4)
p47 - Potion - Cure moderate wounds (x1)
p47 - Armor - Banded Mail +1 (x1)
p47 - MW Heavy Steel Shield (x1)
p47 - MW Bastard Sword (x1)
p47 - comp longbow (x20)
p47 - Everburning Torch (x1)
p47 - Coins - PP [Ea. worth: 10gp] (x2)
p48 - Armor - Hide (dog) +1 (x1)
p48 - MW Shortbow (x1)
p50 - Wand - Magic Missle (CL 1, 38 charges) (x1)
p50 - Potion - Cure Light Wounds (x1)
p50 - Scroll - Sleep (x1)
p50 - Scroll - Comprehend Languages (x1)
p50 - Scroll - Minor Image (x1)
p50 - Scroll - See invisibility (x1)
p50 - Scroll - Whispering Wind (x1)
p50 - dagger (x1)
p50 - cloak of resistance +1 (x1)
p50 - Silver Comb [Ea. worth: 25gp] (x1)
p50 - Fine Silk gown [Ea. worth: 60gp] (x1)
p50 - Everburning Torch (x1)
p50 - Pearl Earring [Ea. worth: 50gp] (x1)
p50 - Coins - PP [Ea. worth: 10gp] (x3)
p50 - Spellbook - Lyrie Akenja - See p50 (x1)
p53 - Armor - Breastplate +1 (x1)
p53 - Bastard Sword +1 (x1)
p53 - Sihedron Medallion - see p55 [Ea. worth: 3500gp] (x1)
p53 - MW Comp Longbow (x1)
p53 - Arrows (x20)
p53 - Gold Holy Symbol [Ea. worth: 100gp] (x1)
p53 - Coins - PP [Ea. worth: 10gp] (x7)
p53 - Coins - GP [Ea. worth: 1gp] (x5)
p55 - Surgical Tools [Ea. worth: 100gp] (x1)
p55 - Seven-Pointed Star Key (to Area E10) (x1)
p56 - Eternal Candles [Ea. worth: 25gp] (x60)
p56 - Silver Coffer [Ea. worth: 100gp] (x1)
p56 - Ring - Force Shield (shape of the Sihedron Rune) (x1)