Dogfax's page

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"...we sometimes forget all about using the cool new toy that we picked up during the last level or two."
This! I have spent almost an entire level forgetting I took Accursed Hex. I have spell cards, Hex cards, cards for everything except my poor brain!

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I used to have that all the time until I found a spell card generator. Prints out PDFS two sided colour cards.. so much nicer having a deck of cards now for spells rather than scraps of paper.
Also some satisfying about slapping a spell down.

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another one I forget... fighting defensively/total defence increases when you have acrobatics ranks I seem to remember.... I am not sure I have ever added that on in combat!

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It has happened to me many times, where I will happily go up a few levels in a game, and then for some reason check a rule and realise something I have went up in power as I levelled up... which I totally forgot about.
most recent example being certain skills at 10 ranks increase their bonus (with a feat). Just totally glossed over that..

So what weird rules/abilities have you found out about, that should have changed with level and you didnt??