About Dog ToothDog Tooth
Speed 30ft Statistics
Feats: Extra Inspiration
Racial Traits:
Skills Acrobatics +8, Climb +5, Craft Alchemy +9, Disable Device +8, Escape Artist +8, Engineering +8, Geography +8, History +8, Nature +8, Perception +3, Sleight of Hand +8, Stealth +16 Languages: Goblin, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Gnome. Special Abilities
Student of Philosophy: You can use your Intelligence modifier in place of your Charisma modifier on Diplomacy checks to persuade others and on Bluff checks to convince others that a lie is true. (This trait does not affect Diplomacy checks to gather information or Bluff checks to feint in combat). Grave Robbery: You receive a +1 trait bonus to confirm critical
"A typical scene", he scoffed as he leaned against a charred tree and patted the sweat from his forehead. Setting his knapsack down, he pulled out a journal "these jungles have seen constant turmoil between the lizard folks, the kobolds and the goblins. We must consider ourselves very, VERY lucky to have missed the skirmish. I'm sure it would have jeopardized our mission. We must act quickly though, lest we find ourselves caught in the middle of a revenge plot." The three men accompanying the esteemed alchemist Lord Mordread quickly began to remove tools and contraptions as the alchemist stood and watched, barking orders while he dried the sweat from his brow. Within an hour, they had completed a camouflaged trap, designed by Lord Mordread himself, meant to capture a massive, possibly mutated tyrannosaur. Mordread was full of excitement. He'd heard reports of a tyrannosaur thrice the size of others, with rows upon rows of vicious teeth, and a roar so mighty, it shook the trees for miles. The idea of capturing such a creature left him giddy. He wanted nothing more than to study the monstrosity, cut it open and figure out how to become more like it. He was so close to achieving his dream, he could feel the ground rumbling beneath his...
Sickened and retching on the ground, the footsteps grew closer. The trap was set, the bait was dropped-- the time had finally come. The sinister alchemist Lord Mordread hid in silence, concealed by an elixir of his own concoction, as a monstrous tyrannosaur barreled towards the bait, first eating lanky Rego, then taking his time with hefty Tomas. The trap had yet to be sprung. Mordread panicked. He scanned the site of the trap, when he noticed a tiny green goblin scurrying down a tree. "Oh curses! Foiled by a bottom feeding gob--" he paused once he realized what the goblin was doing. He wasn't trying to dismantle the trap but fix it. The goblin jumped from one branch to the other as the tyrannosaur slowly made it's way to the last body, and the trap's spring. The little creature managed to complete the unfinished trap with enough time to take to a higher branch. Mordread watched in amazement. How could something so... Primal... be so.... Smart? He was almost too stunned to notice the captured tyrannosaur.
Years after returning back to Cheliax from Mediogalti Island, Mordread keeps that goblin, lovingly named "Dog Tooth" (after the dogtooth necklace found around his neck), locked away in his massive laboratory where he gladly slaves away to help his master.. Hardy, smart, nimble, surprisingly strong and unwavering loyal-- one could not find a more dedicated assistant than Dog Tooth. If Mordread needed a refresher on centuries old tomes, it was up to Dog Tooth to read and recite. Needed a neighboring tinkerer's contraption to unexpectedly fall apart? If you asked the right way, good ol' Dog Tooth would find a way to make it happen.
Upon reaching Talingarde, the rag-tag team of pint-sized (consisting of more acceptable races like halflings, gnomes and the like) lab assistants asked everyone they can about Lady Eurona's whereabouts, yet no one knew. Dog Tooth, cloaked from head-to-toe to conceal his appearance, took to the books. Surely, any woman worthy of Lord Mordread's love must be written of in books, no? From his research, Dog Tooth found out that Lady Eurona, the first love of Master Mordread, had died 70 years prior. Without hesitation, Dog Tooth gathered the appropriate tools and found Eurona's grave. Fully devoted to his master, Dog Tooth began digging up Lady Eurona. "If this is what Master wants, he'll get it", he told the others as they ran away in horror. As he hefted the body from the 6 ft grave, Dog Tooth wasn't surprised to see that the assistants returned, but he was surprised to see that with them came Talingarde guardsmen. They chattered and cheered the guardsmen on as the mad goblin fought back with shovel in hand.
Now it seems that he has three days to devise an escape plan, or lose his head. Escaping is no problem, but he's going to need some help...
Dog Tooth stands a bit taller than the average goblin. His skin is muddled green, completely scar-less save for the runic F branded on his right forearm. His wide mouth contains multiple rows of pearly white teeth and his hands and feet are particularly well kept (Master believed in great hygiene for all). His voice is gruff, deep and monotonous and he speaks very clearly and comes across well educated, though he may stutter and stammer at times due to nervousness. Personality:
After years of being locked up within the confines of a lab, interacting with only a handful of people throughout his lifetime, he comes across quite awkwardly and matter-of-factly. Unsure of all the proper social queues he's read about, he seems to stay rather shy,reserved and lacking confidence until he feels comfortable with others. As he interacts more and more, his walls may break down. He doesn't acknowledge that he is a goblin. He was raised by Mordread, so many of his morals and ethics were shaped by the alchemist. He loves to help others, and feels most comfortable when he is subservient to someone else, but since getting burned by his former master, he may start to shake that learned subservience in place for a more selfish attitude.
motivation :
Dog Tooth has never been his own person. He's been raised to be a henchman. He's both the super smart research scientist and igor. Now that he's been crossed by someone he never thought would backstab him, he is out for revenge. He's ready to take every lesson he's learned serving under a dastardly villain and put it into action. He knows there's more to learn than what he's been taught. He's willing to work with an asmodeus worshipping group because they are readily available to him. They'd have the resources he'd need to bring pain against his former master. He is willing to offer his knowledge and know-how to their cause in hopes that they'll teach him to be a leader and not a lackey.