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Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 97 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Sovereign Court

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Ambrus wrote:

It's been noted by others before in the Battle of Bloodmarch Hill thread. As has been suggested...

** spoiler omitted **

The explanation of the vermin is possible, but the explanation of the haunt strains credibility for me.

You're right about the items just laying around for decades - how are the ruins not picked clean by now?

Sovereign Court

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The whole "I was hacked" story doesn't hold much water; however, it is possible to lose control of your media files through file sharing software.

Several years ago, I downloaded a popular file-sharing program and installed it in order to download a patch for an MMO that was in torrent form (official patch servers were down). I started the download and went to bed. When I woke up, I discovered that over the course of the night I had uploaded about 10gb of files because the software automatically searched my hard drive for sharable media and allowed other users to download it. It wasn't just .mp3s. Lots of .pdfs, .docs, .xls, and the like were taken. Fortunately there was no banking or significant personal information stored on the computer, but I had a heart attack nonetheless.

I was really mad about it for a while, but I eventually concluded that I got what was coming to me for dabbling in that sort of thing.

Sovereign Court

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R_Chance wrote:
I thought this old horse was flogged to death a few years back... but have fun with it.

Ehh, sorry to dredge up old material. I won't do that again.

Would anyone like to discuss how monks are stupid?

Sovereign Court

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Valegrim wrote:
hehe there will be another edition for the same reason there has been all the current editions; to make money; its all about capitalism and the mighty dallor.

Yep. Fourth edition will be released when the sales data say that releasing a new edition will be more profitable than continuing the current edition.