Old_Man_Robot wrote:
Calpal wrote:
I'm not going to go wild and cancel my subscription because THIS ONCE they were busy and backed up.
There is no right or wrong way to engage with a business you are hoping to transact with.
If they can't meet what you personally deem to be a consistent level of good service, there is nothing wrong with changing how you do business with them.
Paizo consistently haven't rendered a service which I find to my liking, so I'm changing how I engage with them.
That's all there is to it.
Agreed. I've only recently gotten on the subscription ride but I don't have a problem with waiting a bit outside the release date to get my stuff. I am chomping at the bit with the Remaster though because of all the lead up to this point (I did a little bit with Rage but not as bad).
I haven't hit the level Robot has but I am definitely at the point where I start to voice my concerns with Piazo. Posting in threads and making new threads about this is our, the consumers, way of encouraging them to do something about the situation.