Coral Golem

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Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Aaron Shanks wrote:
Thank for the feedback. Cosmo and I are in communication about what the right level of announcements are. Paizo is in the process of a huge update to our systems and tech, so one-time problems should not continue.

Got my books in on either Dec 2nd or 3rd which was a nice surprise since I was updated with a 15th projected date.

Thanks for all your work and to the warehouse guys/gals too!

#goingintotheyearofremaster #yearofremaster

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Cosmo wrote:

Hello! I know y'all are wanting to know what going on with your subscription shipment and I am here to give everyone an update.

On behalf of the CS team, and all of Paizo, I sincerely apologize for these errors. Rest assured that we have taken steps to address the issue to ensure that it doesn’t happen again.

I'm glad we got an update but Piazo needs to get it's processes and tech updated. A post in the forums is not enough. I had to spend too much time trying to figure out what was going on. I just got my sketch cover books in today from an order I put in on Friday last week. I'm not removing them from their plastic so I just emailed customer service to get the PDFs- thanks for that info. I don't mind waiting but I need timely updates that are easy to find. We all deserve at least that.

Thanks and good luck fixing the issues!

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Old_Man_Robot wrote:
Calpal wrote:

I'm not going to go wild and cancel my subscription because THIS ONCE they were busy and backed up.

There is no right or wrong way to engage with a business you are hoping to transact with.

If they can't meet what you personally deem to be a consistent level of good service, there is nothing wrong with changing how you do business with them.

Paizo consistently haven't rendered a service which I find to my liking, so I'm changing how I engage with them.

That's all there is to it.

Agreed. I've only recently gotten on the subscription ride but I don't have a problem with waiting a bit outside the release date to get my stuff. I am chomping at the bit with the Remaster though because of all the lead up to this point (I did a little bit with Rage but not as bad).

I haven't hit the level Robot has but I am definitely at the point where I start to voice my concerns with Piazo. Posting in threads and making new threads about this is our, the consumers, way of encouraging them to do something about the situation.

Paul Watson wrote:

My not-so-lonely watch continues.

Stay safe from the raptors, warehouse crew.

I'm with you in this, comrade!

I got an email with a pending charge on Oct 27 and still nothing more. :(

Looks like another book I'll have to add to my collection.