Kereda Harper

"Doc" Adams's page

43 posts. Alias of eriktd.


M CG human investigator 1 / swashbuckler 1 | HP 28/28 | AC18 T14 FF14 | F+3 R+7 W+4 | CMB+1 CMD14 | init+3 | Per+6* SM+6* | HH 2/2 inspiration 5/5 panache 6/6 | extracts 1st-2/3 | effects: tears to wine 10m

About "Doc" Adams

A grumpy, down-on-his-luck Pathfinder who just wants to retire becomes embroiled in a quest to discover the missing pieces of an ancient artifact that will save the world.

Race Human
Alignment CG
Deity Cayden Cailean
Class(es) Investigator / Swashbuckler
Role(s) Healer, lore master, crafter of alchemical supplies, occasional stabbing

"Doc" was born with the name Cam, but no one remembers that these days. Everyone, even his relatives, just calls him Doc. It probably started when he was a teenager, for he was always very curious in a dour sort of way. He was always asking annoying questions and offering his own (admittedly well-informed) opinions to the patrons of his parents' tavern in Kaer Maga. He took a special interest in gruesome injuries and illnesses, and some of the regulars from the nearby Academe started asking if the doctor was in when they visited. As he grew older, he seemed to have absolutely no interest in helping to run the business, though he was rather accomplished at brewing alcohol-- and drinking it.

When he came of age, his parents gave him a choice-- he could stay with them and continue to work at the tavern, or he could have a reasonable sum from the till and go off to seek his fortune. Doc chose the latter, making his way to Magnimar as part of a religious pilgrimage. His parents were Caydenites, and he distinguished himself early in the journey by helping to fight off wild animals with his rapier while drinking from a tankard, like Cayden Cailean was said to have done. When they reached the city, Doc decided to try his hand at the Serpent Run, and for a time was a regular in a group of gladiators who came to rely on him for his medical know-how as well as his ready supply of liquid cheer.

Eventually his star ceased to shine, however, and the group that he ran with broke up. His luck seemed to run out at about the same rate as his coin. He began to think that perhaps things weren't so bad at home, working for drunks and wastrels in the Reluctant Hero. Desperate for a job, he finally made his way to the Pathfinder Lodge, where he hoped his vast knowledge of useless trivia might actually come in handy. The Venture-Captains tested him, this scruffy and dirty man who had appeared on their doorstep, and were surprised to discover that he was excellent Pathfinder material. They offered him a temporary position, so long as he cleaned himself up and could demonstrate that he could go for thirty days remaining sober. (He failed spectacularly at that directive, but fortunately for him there were no consequences for his lapse.)

Now established at Heidmarch Manor, Doc wants nothing more than to save up enough money to leave, to go back to Kaer Maga and adopt a simple life working bar and avoiding the dangers of an adventurer's life. However, it seems Cayden has other plans for him, for he has just learned that Venture-Captain Shiela Heidmarch has sent for him, with instructions for him to join a secret mission already in progress that is greatly in need of his services. Sighing, he decides that he can put off his retirement a little longer, but only until he is sure that they no longer need him. He can't bring himself to leave as long as there is a task before him, as much as he might want to do so.

Doc is still a young man, yet his entire demeanor is that of an old veteran that just wants to take a nap after he finishes his drink. He dresses simply in artisan's clothing, with a suit of light mail over it when he is in dangerous situations, and carrying a rapier and a silver tankard on his hip. He often wears a miner's helmet on his forehead, giving him the appearance of a tired underground laborer emerging from a long day of digging for gems. His voice is gruff, and he is apparently impressed with the sound of it, for he often mutters and offers unsolicited advice to anyone nearby. He's not at all charming, and yet there is a kind of compelling energy about him that somehow makes him enjoyable to be around-- perhaps a contact high from all the whiskey fumes.

Str 10 (+0) (10[0 points]
Dex 16 (+3) (16[10 points])
Con 14 (+2) (14[5 points])
Int 20 (+5) (14[5 points]+2[race]+4[prodigy])
Wis 12 (+1) (12[2 points])
Cha 7 (-2) (7[-4 points])

HP 28 (10[1d10 HD]+8[racial]+5[average 1d8 HD]+4[CONx2]+1[FCB])

AC 18 (10+4[armor]+3[DEX]+1[dodge])
AC, touch 14 (10+3[DEX]+1[dodge])
AC, no Dex 14 (10+4[armor])

Initiative +3 (3[DEX])

Speed 30' (light armor)

Fortitude +3 (0[base]+2[CON]+1[resistance])
Reflex +7 (3[base]+3[DEX]+1[resistance])
Will +4 (2[base]+1[WIS]+1[resistance])

BAB +1
CMB +1 (+1[BAB]+0[STR])
CMD 14 (10+1[BAB]+0[STR]+3[DEX])

• light crossbow: +4 (1d8 piercing damage, 19-20/x2)
(attack: +1[BAB]+3[DEX]; damage: 1d8)
• masterwork rapier: +6 (1d6+3 piercing damage, 18-20/x2)
(attack: +1[BAB]+3[DEX]+1[enhancement]+1[Weapon Focus]; damage: 1d6+3[DEX])
• rapier and tankard: +5 (1d6+3 piercing damage, 18-20/x2) / +2 (1d6+0 bludgeoning damage, 20/x2)
(attack: +1[BAB]+3[DEX]+1[enhancement]-1[Two-Weapon Fighting, trait]+1[Weapon Focus]; damage: 1d6+3[DEX] / +1[BAB]+3[DEX]-2[Two-Weapon Fighting]; damage: 1d6+0[STR])

• masterwork chain shirt (armor: +4, max Dex: +4, ACP: -1)

Human Bonus Feat, Skilled; favored class bonus (investigator): +1 hp

Traits Precise Treatment (+1 Heal, use INT for Heal), Serpent Runner (+1 attack on primary weapon when two-weapon fighting)

Feats Divine Fighting Technique* (Cayden Cailean's Blade and Tankard) (swashbuckler 1, replaced buckler proficiency), Healer's Hands (level 1), Two-Weapon Fighting* (Bonus Feat), Weapon Focus* (rapier) (swashbuckler 1)

Skills (adventuring) (22 ranks, ACP -1)
Acrobatics +7*** (1[ranks]+3[DEX]+3[class], -1[ACP*], +1d6[Derring-Do*], +1d6[inspiration*])
Climb +4*** (1[ranks]+0[STR]+3[class], -1[ACP*], +1d6[Derring-Do*], +1d6[inspiration*])
Escape Artist +8*** (2[ranks]+3[DEX]+3[class], -1[ACP*], +1d6[Derring-Do*], +1d6[inspiration*])
Fly +3** (0[ranks]+3[DEX], -1[ACP*], +1d6[Derring-Do*])
Heal +11* (2[ranks]+5[INT]+3[class]+1[trait], +1d6[inspiration*])
Intimidate +2* (1[ranks]-2[CHA]+3[class], +1d6[inspiration*])
Knowledge (arcana) +9* (1[ranks]+5[INT]+3[class], +1d6[free inspiration*])
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +9* (1[ranks]+5[INT]+3[class], +1d6[free inspiration*])
Knowledge (local) +9* (1[ranks]+5[INT]+3[class], +1d6[free inspiration*])
Knowledge (nature) +9* (1[ranks]+5[INT]+3[class], +1d6[free inspiration*])
Knowledge (planes) +10* (2[ranks]+5[INT]+3[class], +1d6[free inspiration*])
Knowledge (religion) +9* (1[ranks]+5[INT]+3[class], +1d6[free inspiration*])
Perception +6* (2[ranks]+1[WIS]+3[class], +1d6[inspiration*])
Ride +7** (1[ranks]+3[DEX]+3[class], -1[ACP*], +1d6[Derring-Do*])
Sense Motive +6* (2[ranks]+1[WIS]+3[class], +1d6[inspiration*])
Spellcraft +9* (1[ranks]+5[INT]+3[class], +1d6[free inspiration*])
Swim +4*** (1[ranks]+0[STR]+3[class], -1[ACP*], +1d6[Derring-Do*], +1d6[inspiration*])
Use Magic Device +2* (1[ranks]-2[CHA]+3[class], +1d6[inspiration*])

Skills (background) (ACP -1)
Craft (alchemy) +10** (2[ranks]+5[INT]+3[class], +2[alchemy lab*], +1d6[inspiration*])
Knowledge (geography) +9* (1[ranks]+5[INT]+3[class], +1d6[free inspiration*])
Knowledge (history) +9* (1[ranks]+5[INT]+3[class], +1d6[free inspiration*])

Languages Azlanti, Common, Dwarven, Shoanti, Thassilonian, Undercommon, Varisian*

Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade / Veiled Blade) 1 deeds (Derring-Do, Dodging Panache, Quick Draw), inspired finesse, inspired panache (CHA minimum 1 + INT minimum 1)

Investigator (Lamplighter / Reckless Epicurean) 1 a familiar taste, alchemy, extracts (CL 1), inspiration (half level+INT), lamplighter

1st (x3): cure light wounds, heightened awareness, keen senses, long arm, reduce person, shield, tears to wine; empty (3/3)

Equipment alchemist's fire 5/6 (40 gp, crafted), alchemist's lab (200 gp), alchemy crafting kit (25 gp), alkali flask 3/3 (15 gp, crafted), backpack (2 gp), belt pouch (1 gp), bottle of whiskey (20 gp), cold iron dagger (4 gp), crossbow bolts 10/10 (1 gp), durable bolts x5 (5 gp), lamp oil 30/30 (1 gp, crafted), light crossbow (35 gp), masterwork chain shirt (250 gp), masterwork rapier (320 gp), miner's lantern (15 gp), silver tankard (1 gp), silver weapon blanch 3/3 (5 gp, crafted), vermin repellent 6/6 (10 gp, crafted); 50 gp remaining

Build plan:
3. Brew Potion
4. Alchemist Discovery (Infusion)
5. Signature Skill (Heal)
6. experimental potable 1/day
7. Extra Investigator Talent (Quick Study)
8. Expanded Inspiration
9. Extra Investigator Talent (Alchemist Discovery: Combine Extracts)
10. Combat Inspiration
11. Extra Investigator Talent (Alchemist Discovery: Mutagen)
12. Alchemist Discovery (Extend Potion)
13. Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
14. sympathetic resistance
15. Extra Investigator Talent (Alchemist Discovery: Dilution)
16. Alchemist Discovery (Enhance Potion)
17. Extra Investigator Talent (Alchemist Discovery: Eternal Potion)