
Dizi_Izzi's page

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This thread is super necro'd but I might as well since it has been. I've been reading more into True Seeing and Mind Blank

So like earlier stated -
The description of Mind Blank says "The subject is protected from all devices and spells that gather information about the target through divination magic (such as detect evil, locate creature, scry, and see invisible)."

Here's True Seeing description -
You confer on the subject the ability to see all things as they actually are. The subject sees through normal and magical darkness, notices secret doors hidden by magic, sees the exact locations of creatures or objects under blur or displacement effects, sees invisible creatures or objects normally, sees through illusions, and sees the true form of polymorphed, changed, or transmuted things.

And now here's See Invisibility -
You can see any objects or beings that are invisible within your range of vision, as well as any that are ethereal, as if they were normally visible. Such creatures are visible to you as translucent shapes, allowing you easily to discern the difference between visible, invisible, and ethereal creatures.

See Invisibility specifically states that it is revealing to you that one is invisible or not.

I want to argue that True Seeing lets you see an Invisible Mind Blanked person for the simple reason of True Seeing isn't revealing a creature is invisible like See Invisibility does. They just see you.

If I were to walk into a town with True Seeing on. Everything would appear as it should to me. If there's some guy that's invisible in the middle of the town square, I don't know he's invisible. I just see him normally. I'm not getting information about the fact that he's invisible. He's visible as day to me. And say one of my teammates has See Invisibility on, my teammate would see him and know he's invisible because that information is revealed to him by the spells effects. He would then have to inform that the guy is invisible, for me to even know. Now if the guy were Mind Blanked because it blocks gathering info about him, my teammate's See Invisible would fail because See Invisible specifically calls out the fact that it's informing you if a creature is invisible. But True Seeing does not I just see him as is. I actually find True Seeing to be capable of being a double edged sword because you see things as they really are it doesn't give you an option, and because you have the potential to see things so differently from everyone else. It can be a hindrance as much as it can be helpful.

I mean I feel this is a reasonable argument. I really just want this to be proven wrong so I can drop it.

I really enjoy the concept of Aldiss. I'm fairly new to pathfinder, and I've wanted to build a magus for quite a while and I want to make one similar. Different spell choices and whatnot but this is a outline for me. The one thing that's confusing me is with bladed dash. How are you getting 6 attacks? It says "You may make a single melee attack at your highest base attack bonus against any one creature you are adjacent to at any point along this 30 feet."

I'm just lost at where the other 5 attacks come from I mean I understand haste lets you do one more. But it's a standard action to cast the spell right? So how can you attack more after that standard action to cast bladed dash?

I'm curious on the Elemental Ally Druid Archetype. I'm really excited about this book. I love summoners, but I avoid them due to the fact that I often play and big groups. So I don't play those classes to avoid slowing combat down. But with this book I may be able to have access to proper information faster and not slow combat down too much.