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363 posts. Alias of Rogar Hammergun.


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I'm up for Jeff's homebrew if that's the way we want to go!

Koloran wrote:
Maybe we could brainstorm some ways to keep up the pace of the game to keep everyone motivated. I for one would suggest letting this AP drop for a while and trying something homebrew. I'm still up for GMing something.

I'm game...I'll check with the other two and see that they attempt to post their response.

After our discussion yesterday, did we want to finish this or just drop it?

Giving James a little more time to post!

Janiven fires into the barrage of tieflings at the end of the hall missing every single one.

Arael raises his symbol to Iomedae and blesses the party.+1 save and +1 attack

James rushes up and catches one of the tieflings off guard. His dagger and rapier both find the weak spot in the tiefling’s armor and he goes down.

A tiefling from the back quickly gets behind James and takes a swing at him, missing his shot.

Drolgun rushes up from the back, shield and axe at the ready.

In the background you see another mummy like creature (he looks almost exactly like the one you saw earlier). He puts his hand up and a bolt of magic flies from his hand striking James. 5 points of damage

Another tiefling rushes up from the back, drawing his sword he swings at Drolgun, causes blood to flow from a fresh wound on the dwarf. 6 points of damage

The other tiefling follows his compatriot and rushes up to attack James, drawing his sword he swings as James deftly dodges the attack.

Koloran quickly frees up a hand and reaches out to Drolgun infusing him with power. Touch of Law


Encounter Round 1
Actions in Order Below:
Janiven 23, Bow ready
Arael 20, cast bless
James 18, dagger and rapier ready
Tiefling4 (U25) 18, short sword ready, attacking James
Drolgun 13, Shield and axe ready
Vethamer (X27) 12,
Tiefling2 (V26) 9, short sword ready, attacking Drolgun
Tiefling3 (W26) 8, short sword ready, attacking James
Koloran 4

As you head down the hallway, you hear someone shout FIRE in a guttural tongue and are fired upon by numerous crossbows. One glances off of Koloran's shield.


Initiative and Actions!
BTW - I hope we can get at least one fighter to post!

Okay...now that we have a new map. Care to say what your next actions are?


Just as you start to head to the wider tunnel, you hear the sound of footsteps coming from the tunnel to the southwest. Shortly thereafter you see a light and in comes Janiven and Arael.

'Is everyone okay? We haven't heard anything in a while!' Janiven says with a look of concern on her face.

Current Map

Giving Drolgun and John some time to post!

Is everyone waiting on me?

You look around the area, trying to determine where the path to the building above that turned its lights on; but try as you may the small maze of tunnels seems confusing.

Add or subtract any modifier you may have on intelligence.

Intelligence check!

New Map

Koloran and Drolgun:
You meet back at the intersection. A wide tunnel exits to your right while, the narrow tunnel that was examined before, lies to your left.

Looks like I may have to bring Arael and Janiven in since the other memebers aren't posting...
BTW - I guess if you two want to run another character once we finish this first book...looks like the space is open!

You make your way back down the tunnel to the intersection. Where to now?

Giving some of the others time to post...if nothing in a few hours will continue.

You look through the opening you originally passed through. There doesn't seem to be anyone or anything approaching.


Sorry...been sick the last few days. I'll remind John and James to check the post. Haven't heard anything lately from Lythar, I'll try to check in on him also.

Once you reach the top of the stairs you notice a well-crafted bed, chair, and small table. The windows on the second level are boarded up as well.

It is probably around 9-10 pm. The time that has passed (game wise) is relatively small. Probably only about 20 minutes. Almost every battle has taken around a minute or less (in game time, 10 rounds equals a minute).

I believe the discussion thread disappears if no one has used it in a certain time period. As far as the current characters go, James has been busy this last week so his posting is sporadic. John really doesn't post unless I mention something to him plus he's started working nights. And as far as Lythar goes, I don't exactly know for sure what he's up to. I talked to him last week and he mentioned he was checking the post but I haven't seen him in a while. If you have another person in mind that would be interested that would be fine or if you want to try another character that would work as long as you can keep them separate (mentally). I would prefer we get another person, but if we need to have someone run another character we can.

We are almost done with book one...once we finish this dungeon area so that would be a good time to bring in another person.

Drolgun, Koloran, James, and John:

The small wooden shop has not seen use in a long time. Tiny nails, a finishing hammer, and several incomplete wooden chairs clutter the corners of this room. A stairwell in the southern section of the shop heads up to a second floor.


Peeking out the boarded window you can see that you are in one of the buildings not far from the chapel. As a matter of fact, it seems to be one of the buildings you had hid behind when you were sneaking up to the chapel.

Drolgun, Koloran, James, and John:
As the wolf slips from the bar, Drolgun swings hard with his axe. The sound of the axe reverberates off the wolves skull, cracking it.

Seeing another member of his party hit the ground, Koloran calls for another show of power from his god. This time, one of the wolves crumbles to powder while the other shies back from the aura.

Drolgun lets forth another powerful swing taking the last wolf skeleton down in a heap of bone.

As you look around, you see what appears like an abandoned carpenter's shop. The windows and door are boarded and a set of stairs heads to the second floor.

Drolgun, Koloran, James, and John:

Korolan reaches out with a prayer for Iomedae, healing Drolguns wounds. heal 6 points

James stands up, taking another shot at the wolf. Cracks run down the wolf's skull.

Drolgun stands back up and takes a shot at the wolf that had taken him down. His axe barely missing the beast.

The wolf next to James takes him down hard.6 damage

The wolf attacking Drolgun slips on the bar. Attack of Opportunity.

Need initiative and actions John.


Encounter Round 3
Actions in Order Below:
Koloran 23, casts cure light wounds on Drolgun
James 18, rapier and dagger drawn
Drolgun 18, axe and shield drawn
Wolf 1 (O9) 15, attacks James
Wolf 2 (P9) 12, attacks Drolgun

Drolgun, Koloran, and James:

Korolan steps forward, his symbol showing prominently on his shield, he begins speaking aloud to Iomedae. Suddenly a force of energy ripples through the room as the skeletal wolves momentarily fall to their knees, taking damage.

James, knowing his dagger and rapier won't do much to the hard bones of the wolves, attempts to use them as not designed and swings at the wolf. Missing with both shots.

Drolgun, now aware of the danger in the room, draws his axe and steps toward the wolf up on the bar.

The wolf next to James bites his leg, dragging him to the ground.3 damage

The wolf attacking Drolgun bites his arm, dragging the stout dwarf to the ground.5 damage


Encounter Round 2
Actions in Order Below:
Koloran 23, Holding a lamp and shield
James 18, rapier and dagger drawn
Drolgun 18, axe and shield drawn
Wolf 1 (O9) 15, attacks James
Wolf 2 (P9) 12, attacks Drolgun

You rush up through the hallway, seeing the light from Koloran's lantern, you make your way through the opening, coming up behind Drolgun.

This two-story building is unusual for the miniature chairs hanging above the doorway from large hooks; odds are good this was a carpenter’s shop, probably one specializing in chairs.

The ground-floor window is boarded up, but the boards are of quality wood and cut very evenly.

The empty eye sockets of two skeletal wolves can be seen over the downed body of James and Drolgun.

Drolgun, Koloran, and James:
This two-story building is unusual for the miniature chairs hanging above the doorway from large hooks; odds are good this was a carpenter’s shop, probably one specializing in chairs.
The ground-floor window is boarded up, but the boards are of quality wood and cut very evenly.

The empty eye sockets of two skeletal wolves watch as you move into the room after clearing the overturned furniture.

Koloran, being extra observant, shouts a warning to the rest of the group as he moves to support Drolgun.

James draws his weapons and blocks an attack from one of the wolves as the other jumps on a bar that stands in the middle of the room.


Encounter Round 1
Actions in Order Below:
Koloran 23, can't remember...was the shield still lit or are you caring a light source?
James 18, rapier and dagger drawn
Wolf 1 (O9) 15, attacks James
Wolf 2 (P9) 12, moves on top of bar

Lythar and John:
You hear a shout from Koloran coming from the path to the left.

James and Koloran:
As Drolgun slides the upside down table away from the opening, in the corner you can see what appears to be the skeleton of a wolf; its empty eye sockets looking your way.
Initiative...partial action.

Perception check as well!

Koloran and James:
Perception check!

Is there anybody out there?

You look at the roughly chopped opening and slowly move what appears to be a table flipped upside down. You notice the table appears to be scarred with many nail-holes, gouges from what you would guess as a carving tool. The smell of death and decay hits your nostrils as the opening gets wider and as you peer further into the room, you notice many unfinished chairs laying about one of the corners.

Perception check!

All of the doors lately that have been found are in the ceiling. So...the location that James mentioned has some sort of furniture turned over blocking entrance from below. I'm assuming you were going to try and slide that furniture out of the way and go up through the opening?

You look back down the tunnel (to the east) at your two choices. Up...through the path to the north, or continue in the carved out cavern to the south.

You quietly move up to the hallway in the west. As you approach you notice that the door is not really a door at all, but it seems to be some kind of overturned furniture used to block the entrance. As you listen you can hear what sounds like fingernails scratching on the floor.

Just waiting to see what you guys are going to do!

Looking at the door, it does not look locked. When you push on it though it only moves slightly. As if something may be atop the door.

You cautiously walk further into the room, all senses trying to focus on everything around you. You can see the prints Lythar has pointed out but your vision is blocked by the darkness out past the light you carry.

You make your way down the path slowly and up a small set of stairs that look to stop at a door in the ceiling. Listening, you can hear faint voices, but cannot quite make out what they are saying.

Here's a map to help out what you see.

You cautiously walk further into the room, all senses trying to focus on everything around you, but you find nothing.

You cautiously walk further into the room, all senses trying to focus on everything around you. You look closely to the floor for any signs of recent passage. The most recent thing you can find seems to be a few hours old. It looks like a small group of three human sized individuals moved from the passage to the south toward the narrow opening in the north.

Those going around the corner:
The narrowly carved out tunnel continues to the right. After 20 feet it opens into a slightly wider cavern (about 10 feet wide) and continues to an opening in the left (going south). Two other exits from this 'room' are in the northern end. One of the narrow tunnels leads back parallel to the tunnel you just entered through; while the other narrow tunnel leads north (opposite the wide opening to the south).

Okay...in case you didn't catch it there are two narrow tunnels leading from the room you just entered and a wider tunnel going to the south at the far end of the room.

James is going around the corner. Anyone else?

As you look around at the intersection, you notice Lythar intently viewing the area up the stairs to the west while James slowly moves up to the corner in the north to do a look out.

It looks like nothing has disturbed this spot in quite a while.

You slowly ease up to the corner and listen intently. All is quiet...too quiet.

Drolgun leads the way, followed closely by Lythar and Koloran with John and James taking rear guard. As you move down the 'man'-made tunnel you notice it continues north for about 35 feet before opening up on the west side; while the rest of the tunnel continues on past the opening another 15 feet before making a sharp turn east. The opening to the west houses a steep set of stairs that lead up to a crude door set loosely in a brick frame. The door is boarded over with stout oak planks.

Okay...So far we have Drolgun then Lythar. Out of Koloran, James, and John. Who's next? Will Koloran (or someone else) be carrying a lamp or lantern when Koloran's spell runs out?

Yes...and the claw marks go all the way to the ceiling, roughly 10 feet in height.

The tunnel to the north is only 5 feet wide. I will need to know marching order going down the tunnel.

Koloran lashes out with his longsword, 'For Iomedae!', he screams as he cuts a big gash in the 'hell' dog in front of him.

Drolgun, seeing a tactical opportunity, steps behind the hound engaged with Koloran and swings mightily with his war axe, falling the beast to the north. Continuing his swing, he aims at the beast between him and Koloran and misses.

The beast bites back at Drolgun, but it is unable to take him down. 2 points damage

Lythar, brandishing his bastard sword, puts the final 'hell' dog out of its misery with a mighty swing, nearly cleaving the beast in two.

As you finish off the last hound and look around you can see that the mortared stone walls of this room give way to roughly chiseled rock walls to the west, where a narrow corridor turns to the north.

Craft (stone masonry), Knowledge (engineering), Perception, or
Profession (miner) DC 15:
Whatever carved these tunnels was more like an animal’s claws than a manufactured tool.

Using his shield to produce the only light in the area, Koloran quickly steps around the corner so that the party may see down the previously dark hall.

Drolgun rushes up, taking a big chunk from the red eyed mutt with his waraxe.

James moves up to backup Koloran as another dog rushes up from the hall to aid it's comrade against Drolgun.

Lythar slides past Koloran and James to backup Drolgun.

John begins his melodic chant to rouse the party as the dog in front of Drolgun takes a nip at the husky dwarf. His foaming maw misses the attempt to open up the fighter.


Encounter Round 1
Actions in Order Below:
Koloran 14, shining light down hallway
Drolgun 10, Attacking hound at AD19, shield of Faith active
James 9, rapier and dagger drawn
Dog 1 (AE20) 6, moves near Drolgun
Lythar 4,
John 4, Inspire Courage
Dog 2 (AD19), attacks Drolgun

perception check!

I need initiative John.

giving a little longer for the others to post.