Discojaddi's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts (115 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 21 Organized Play characters.

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How is all of this going to affect psychic?

Are the "special" cantrips they get going to remain as normal? Since amps are technically not focus spells, are they being affected at all by these changes?

Scarab Sages 1/5

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Name: Newton Kinos, the Adamantine Sage
Alignment: True neutral
Race: Human
Class: Aether Kineticist 11

Newton is a plain, if somewhat shabby looking human male, tall and somewhat overweight, wearing simple robes over a chain shirt. He would be almost unassuming, nothing but a random bystander, if it weren't for his tendency to float everywhere he goes, never touching the ground.

Newton had inherited his powers on his quest for pure laziness, accepted a job as a pathfinder due to the sheer amount of downtime he gets, and over the course of his adventures has stumbled his way into the legendary order of the Jeweled Sages. Never being one for scholarly pursuits who still ended up in this position, it is fitting that his jewel is not actually such, but a jewel-shaped chunk of adamantine, polished to a mirror shine. As with most things he has done in his career as an adventurer, it seems to work against all odds.