
DiscipleofAslan's page

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I'm playing a changeling in my new campaign. Does anyone know if I need to do them at a disadvantage if I use both claws to attack? Or do I get to use them as a natural attack and just get 2 rolls to hit separately with no drawback of attacking with two hands?

When creating our brand new characters our GM gave us 84 skill points to apply to our skills. I told him I thought a skill couldn't go past our HD. He said that wouldn't make any sense. Am I wrong?

So I am new to pathfinder. But I get the distinct impression my GM is rather new to GM'ing. He has our APL 2 party fighting hell hounds and ambush drakes and keeps having the monsters run away because we are having a hard time with them. Any advice on how to just hunker down and bear it in silence. I don't wanna be the guy who stands up and yells, "this isnt how it should go, I could do this better!" but I'm having trouble controlling myself. Also 4 of our party of 6 have never played a table top RPG so they don't really understand its things we shouldn't do yet. (like finding a plus 2 flaming sword)