Dirkwolf's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Alright cool, that's sound logic there. Thanks guys =)

I haven't been able to find anything regarding one of the questions I have so I apologize if i'm re-asking something that's already been asked.

My first question is, say you have multiple attacks in a round. For the sake of arguement lets say I have 3, 2 at +11 and the last at +6. Could I take the first 2 without power attack and the last one with?

My friend says that you can because as power attack states "You must choose to use this feat before making an attack roll". So you make the first 2 attack rolls without taking power attack and when your third attack roll comes around you can then use power attack for it. Making the to hits 11, 11, and 5 (or less depending on your BaB) with the extra damage only applying to the third attack.

I thought this was weird because the way i've always thought power attack was used is either all of your attacks for the round are power attacks or not. But the way it's worded I can see if it can be used in that way.

The second question I have is can you declare power attack on an attack of opportunity? Assuming you weren't declaring power attack in the previous round (or if you have combat reflexes and someone provokes from you at the beginning).