Tyrannosaurus Rex

Dino Tarak's page

42 posts. Alias of Remnar.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

I've spent the morning searching the boards for a clear ruling on exactly how a large mount charging with a lance works, and can't find a consistent ruling.

Does the mount stop 5' away for the lances reach?

Can the rider strike when the mount is adjacent due to sharing the two squares of the mount?

Does the mount get its attack?

Is it some other process?

I apologize if this was cleared up somewhere I can't find, but everything I've found today is inconsistent or confusing.


Hi all I'd love your help with my delema. I'm trying to decide on my next char, who'll be some type of battle caster/Gish. I normally play martial fronliners and wanted a BIT of a change, but not too much. Ranged and full casters need not apply, I have to be in the mix smashing things or I get bored. I also don't want another fighter/barbarian/ranger and hate paladins.

My concept is a world weary veteran mercenary who'll do most things asked if the contract calls for it, possibly a veteran of the Mercenary League or "Black Jackets".

My choices I'm stuck on are magus, oracle (battle or metal) or bard (probably arcane duelist). I think I can fit my concept to any of these.

The game will likely be SLOW leveling and cap/stop at maybe lvl 8-10. So I'm looking for something interesting to play at early/mid levels. We also have fairly long days.

Here's where I'm stuck. I'm used to charging in right away so the round of buffing the Oracle/Bard seem to need will bother me, while I worry about the magus' ability to handle a long day.

TL:DR, sell me on bard, oracle or magus