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RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter, 8 Season Star Voter, 9 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
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my question is. Is a arcanist a spontaneous caster i.e. do they qualify for the dragon disciple prestige class?
Dinch wrote: Has the list of winning items been released yet ? There was a technical issue. I believe it will be released at noon, Pacific time - about 8 hours from now, if my math is right.
Has the list of winning items been released yet ?
There was a technical issue.
I believe it will be released at noon, Pacific time - about 8 hours from now, if my math is right.
huchster is in my top 8 but i have to say it is the best of all 32, and i would love to play one some time. hope you make it
very nice. original idea and well designed
of all the wondrous item i think this is one of the best!