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No posts. Organized Play character for Zantumal.

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I would like to formally request to cancel my subscription. Is this the only method to accomplish this? I find no such option under my account settings.


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I'm debating on building an Ifrit Arcanist because it seems like it could be a good mix on the surface. These are my thoughts:

If I take Blood Archanist archetype and thus select elemental (Fire) bloodline, does this give the same benefit as it would to the vanilla Ifrit Sorcerer? The benifit being receiving an effective +2 bonus to CHA?

Same question applies when not taking the archetype but instead the bloodline development exploit for elemental (Fire)

Answers aside to the questions above, overall, what is anyone's opinion on an Ifrit Arcanist as a potential build?

Still new to this, I only have 4 tables of credit so far and this is the first time Out-of Subtier has affected a player and myself:

GTPSOP pg 35 said wrote:
Step 5: Determine the Max Gold for the scenario based on the PC’s advancement rate and the subtier played. Circle the applicable value (F). If the PC’s level is not within the subtier played (such as a 1st-, 2nd-, or 3rd-level character in Subtier 4–5), circle the Out-of-Subtier gold value or calculate the Out-of-Subtier value for Seasons 0–4 by taking the average of both subtiers and rounding down. Write this value beside area F and circle it. This value represents the total gold piece value a character may receive for defeating all enemies and finding all treasure in a scenario.

Table consists of a Lvl 1, 2, 3, & 1 so APL = 1.75 = Sub-Tier 1-2

Sub-Tier 1-2 session played on a Season 3 Scenario

Level 1, 2 & 1 player gets the Sub-Tier 1-2 Loot and gold
Level 3 player gets the Sub-Tier 1-2 Loot and Out-of-Level gold (which needs to be calculated by taking the average of Sub-Tier 1-2 and Sub-Tier 4-5 because this is a Season 3 Scenario which doesn't list it on the sheet)

GTPSOP pg 37 said wrote:
Should a GM receive a Chronicle sheet that indicates her character is between subtiers (for example, if she runs a Tier 1–5 scenario but gives a 3rd-level character the Chronicle sheet), she must always receive the Out-of-Subtier gold value. This rule is meant to balance the fact that the GM’s character doesn’t have to expend any resources or risk death while gaining a Chronicle sheet for running a scenario.

GM credit applied to a level 3 character gets the Sub-Tier 1-2 Loot and Out-of-Level gold

I'm looking for verification on the Player Level 3 rewards for gold getting the Out-of-Level gold value - since level 3 is not within the subtier played. It stands to reason that the GM's gold and the Level 3 players gold would be identical if they are the same level.

Am I good on this?

Is it significant if an event played in the first session of Friday Morning at PiazoCon 2013 doesn't show up yet? If yes, who should I contact? FWIW it also doesn't appear for my wife's character as well.

Not sure if this has already been covered. I did a search, but didn't see anything (didn't do an exhaustive search though). Also not sure if this is the appropriate location to post this clarification/question/observation.

Magus Special Ability:

Spell Combat (Ex): At 1st level, a magus learns to cast spells and wield his weapons at the same time. This functions much like two-weapon fighting, but the off-hand weapon is a spell that is being cast. To use this ability, the magus must have one hand free (even if the spell being cast does not have somatic components), while wielding a light or one-handed melee weapon in the other hand. As a full-round action, he can make all of his attacks with his melee weapon at a –2 penalty and can also cast any spell from the magus spell list with a casting time of 1 standard action (any attack roll made as part of this spell also takes this penalty). If he casts this spell defensively, he can decide to take an additional penalty on his attack rolls, up to his Intelligence bonus, and add the same amount as a circumstance bonus on his concentration check. If the check fails, the spell is wasted, but the attacks still take the penalty. A magus can choose to cast the spell first or make the weapon attacks first, but if he has more than one attack, he cannot cast the spell between weapon attacks.

-So you're taking a -2 penalty on an attack, but also casting in the same round to make it function like two-weapon fighting.

-Casting while in a threatened hex (which is the only time this ability would be used) provokes an AoO. It is quasi offset by giving the option to cast defensively increasing the penalty to the attack of the physical weapon.
-The concentration check made to cast the spell only comes into play if said character takes damage from the AoO, and would be d20 + caster level + int mod (plus bonus if you happened to cast defensibly) vs 10 + spell level + damage taken.

Given that concentration is no longer a skill, and therefore no reliable way to increase odds of success of achieving concentration as levels progress, why is this a core component of this class? At low levels, this might seem like a good gamble to take, but after about 5th level - you're going to be hit and the DC will be impossible to beat unless you roll a natural 20 for automatic success. The only way I can see this being remotely effective and possible, is with the feats combat casting and mobility.

Am I wrong on my assessment, or is there something else I'm not seeing to make this a worth while class feature?

The description specifically states wielding a light or one-handed melee weapon, but it doesn't say said melee weapon can't be used as ranged i.e. dagger or spear and 5 ft away so you aren't within something's threatened square to provoke the AoO. Is this an acceptable interpretation?

So... my wife and I are actually taking a real vacation this year for the first time in probably the last 10 years or more. Besides ReaperCon that I went to by myself approximately 4 years ago, this would be my only other con that I attended (will attend future tense?) to date.

At what point will whatever PFS gaming events be released and how does one register for them?

What other kind of events could one expect to see at PaizoCon this year?

What is said lottery that I read of?

Is there anywhere one could see last years itinerary to get an idea of what to expect?

My wife and I are also attending the banquet - to me "banquet" infers that food will be involved. So, this event will be "showing off upcoming Paizo and Pathfinder products, as well as super-secret things" and possibly sitting next to Paizo staff while I eat, yes? (If yes) who do we need to contact in regards to dietary restrictions?

I need to give you a little background first before I get to my questions. Sorry in advance if this becomes lengthy.

Let me first say, I've been playing tabletop games with my small group of friends in Champions Hero System and D&D for about the last 15 years. For the most part we're still stuck in D&D 3.0 because the campaigns we have are home-brew that the GM(s) don't want to attempt to retro-fit the game world to the changes presented in 3.5 as well as Pathfinder system. We can't manage to finish a campaign either because we're all adults with busy schedules, where sometimes we can go anywhere from 2-4 months between a game session when we all get super busy. Sometimes we do get to play twice in the same month, but not often. Compounding this we have 3 GM's in the group (myself one of them) that we rotate to reduce burnout of GM-dome and each of us has about 2 separate campaigns to boot. Summary about 6 campaigns on rotation with the potential for long gaps between sessions.

I am an advocate for the Pathfinder system (and so is my wife who is one of the other GM's of the group) because we really like the changes that have been presented. I've tons of the Pathfinder books and adventure paths sitting on the shelf ready to go once we complete something - but alas we have yet to. So... I have YET to honestly play the Pathfinder system. I'm a friken Adventure Path charter subscriber who's never played this wonderful game!

One of my campaigns, is actually a pickup game "system" where I came up with a set of rules in an effort to bring players to the table more often, if one or two people couldn't make the game. I won't run a pick-up game unless I have a minimum of 4 players or in special circumstances 2 players who play two characters a piece (yea I know what you're thinking).

One night I decided to read the PFS rules, and I really like how it handles characters and keeping them honest, how buying items works, ect, that I want to convert my pickup world to something close to PFS. It is well structured for dealing with not needing story line continuity between sessions or to the same exact characters / number of characters between sessions. The added bonus is I actually get to play Pathfinder. In addition, my wife and I are already registered to come to PaizoCon this year and we're both in the process of creating our first characters in preparation.

Finally getting to my questions:
1) I notice there is no mention of gold in regards to carrying capacity for saving up to buy something expensive or even exchange rate of coin conversion to reduce weight. Are we to assume we have "floating bank accounts" / "ATM cards" where our wealth is accessible anywhere we go? Would I be right in thinking that my gold (wealth) would never put me at a medium or heavy load if I were saving up to buy something worth 4000 GP?

2) Lets pretend that I'm the GM of a game, and we're playing my pickup game world described above and rebranded to closer align to the PFS system. What we're using for the scenario happens to also be a PFS scenario (because I feel like being lazy and it is already formatted to fit the needs of the day).
a) As a registered PFS member and a GM, I'm entitled to apply the chronicle sheet to any of my own characters. I'm clear on that. What I'm not clear on is when a chronicle sheet has two subtiers. If the scenario was played at 1-2 the chronicle sheet is applied to my character at the same 1-2? What about the subtier 4-5 equipment when the character reaches 4th level. Is that equipment now available to me the GM, or no because the scenario was played at 1-2? Is that the same for a regular player as well?
b) Again as a registered PFS member and being the GM... my wife is also a registered PFS member. Let us suppose that no one else at the table is a PFS member though. There are 4 players at the table, but only 1 registered PFS member. Can this be classified as a legal table and legal event, and therefore eligible for giving the chronicle sheet to the one player?

I appologize if this is the incorrect place to post this question. I've read through the FAQ and it did not give an answer. I scanned down the list of the entire message board and I did not see anything appropriate.

I'm looking to find out who I would contact to speak about a potiential product idea (probably sold under the GameMastery line). I already have a preliminary mock-up and have approached a local press company in order to print it for me (to not use up all my ink in my regular printer and cut more professionally than my cutting board).