Ratfolk Troubleshooter

Dhomirren “Dhom” Tailbitter's page

14 posts. Alias of Blue Symbiote.


Male Ratfolk Hunter 1

”This orchard is by far our best lead thus far. My question, however, is how involved these youths were in the strange lights. And if they are entirely divorced from the mysterious proceedings, then who is their orchestrator?” His tail flicks back and forth as he thinks. ”Buzzing...lights...hm...torch-like lights...perhaps something with command of flame?” He gives Ngozi a significant glance. ”Has your...associate detected anything not of our realm, so-to-speak?” Can he even do such a task?

Naiyla meows sharply as she rubs against her master. ”Yes yes little girl. It is indeed mealtime.” He gives Eisith a sidelong glance. ”Might I recommend it be a dry one as well? We need put faculties about us. Even if they can be lackluster...

Male Ratfolk Hunter 1

Before anyone asks, I forgot that my Worldly trait gets me an extra +1 on rolls I haven't done yet. That's where the extra +1's from. :)
Knowledge (history): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19

Dhomirren slides gracefully between Gunty and the terrified apprentice, his arms already spread in a placating motion. "Come now sir, there's no need to be too cross. Carts can certain be repaired, but wills rarely so." As best he can the diminutive ratfolk leans into the baker and whispers: "Besides, he is merely a boy. Not trained for the battlefield like you and I. And still learning even this craft. How many errors did we make in training after all?"

What roll shall it be to calm our baker's anger?

As he speaks with the master, Dhom motions for Naiyla to move in front of the apprentice and shield him from the (possible) outpouring of wrath. When all of this is done, I am having words with the mayor about how her town treats the youth! The nerve of it all...

Male Ratfolk Hunter 1

A faint crunching sound signals Naiyla's return from the backside of the building, followed soon-after by an unpleased Dhomirren. "Nothing to find outside, aside from a new toy for Naiyla." The feline flops onto the cobblestone as she rips into a discarded piece of hat.

"It certainly would not surprise me if the children decided to leave. This town is not very kind to its future...too preoccupied with the past in my opinion." There's a loud ripping sound as Naiyla succeeds in dismembering the discarded bowler. "I agree with Ngozi, baker, then tavern, then temple, then apothecary. Follow up the chain of command, see if there's any evidence of meeting places."

@GM Chapel: can I/how would I go about asking around for "vermin" sightings? What would that be a roll for?

Male Ratfolk Hunter 1

As Naiyla is momentarily mesmerized by Ngozi's beads, Dhom rolls his eyes at the brusque shopkeep. Well, that solves the mystery of their divorce... "I have a strong impression this one will not give his secrets willingly...we'll meet you back out front." Pulling the panther away from her colorful fascination, the hunter cases the building for anything useful. I wonder if there is another spy-station around back?

Do I find anything interesting?

Male Ratfolk Hunter 1

Dhom's eyebrow raises slowly. Interesting. I was expecting a bedroom window. Using his tail to balance, he leans to the side of the glass portal, pulls a piece of bone-white chalk from a pocket at his hip, and writes on the wall: Attention apprentice watcher. Apprentice Pavolus is missing. If you have any information, please report to Mayor Trinelli immediately. The ratfolk pauses, then adds: You are not in trouble, we simply need to find him.

Bellow him, Naiyla voices her concern at her master's precarious position with a sharp growl.

"Yes yes, I'm coming down silly girl..." Stowing the chalk, he clambers back down the box stack. Petting the large feline absentmindedly, he rounds the building to rejoin the others.

"It seems our apprentice had an admirer of some kind. I found evidence of someone peering at his through a back window. And in such a way that he would have seen him or her. Did the shopkeep mention him having a lover of some kind?"

Male Ratfolk Hunter 1

All good man, I get it. Real life comes first. :)

Male Ratfolk Hunter 1
Ibuki Minamoto wrote:

Dorian is approaching my way, estimated to be coming through tomorrow. Should not be an issue, I am not in a major flood zone, but if I am suddenly quiet for a bit that is possibly why.

Not to jinx it, but I should be as prepared as I can be.


Male Ratfolk Hunter 1

The ratfolk scratches his chin as he studies the assemblage of boxes. "Vermin" indeed. Unless that's local slang for young lovers...which wouldn't be all that surprising...

Are those boxes underneath a window right now, or are they stacked at window height? Should I make a Perception check to find the right window? If they are at a window right now, I'm going to climb up it and peek in.

Male Ratfolk Hunter 1

Good news guys! The hurricane apparently is afraid of firearms! It stop right in front of my county and screwed off north! :D

The panther allows the halfling to touch her flank, but the second he tries to move his hand any father up she growls lowly as Dhom snickers. "Careful friend. She bites."

Knw. Local: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20

The ratfolk mentally recoils at the elder's sour chit-chat. Humans and their bickering! If this is how the elders speak of their progeny, I would not blame them for fleeing for kinder lands... Naiyla quickly tenses to her master's unexpressed reaction, but he settles her with a scratch of the chin. "No need girl, nothing for you to be troubled about..." If only the solution was so simple. But it never is...

Upon arriving at the store, Dhom waves a dismissive hand at the others. "You three go in. I've never been much for talking to strangers OR footware." He wriggles his bare paws in emphasis. "We'll check around the area. See if we can't find any sign of the mayor's 'vermin.'"
What check will it be to search around the cobbler shop for any...unusual activity?

Male Ratfolk Hunter 1

”His words also carry enough booze to drown a sailor,” Dhom adds as he mockingly waves a hand in front of his nose. ”But, I suppose his method is no better than any other. To the cobbler it is.”

He turns to Eisith as the hint of a smile peeks through his coarse fur. ”Can you walk straight? Or do you need Naiyla to guide your way?”

Male Ratfolk Hunter 1

Always be prepared my friends! :)

Male Ratfolk Hunter 1

Throughout the conversation, the dark-furred ratfolk does not say a word, nor indeed even given any indication he is listening, instead opting to absentmindedly stroke the lean feline nestled to his side. But as the others turn to leave, Dhom opens one of his many pockets and produces a small pouch that smells strongly of dirt and freshly turned earth. He tosses it onto the desk as he turns to leave. "Add that, and the lavender'll take a harder edge. More sage-like. Just don't overuse it."

He taps his knee and Naiyla rushes to his side, purring affectionately as the group exits the building. "I didn't want to say anything in front of the Mayor, but there might be a chance this is a racket. Slave-smuggling, extortion, hells I wouldn't be surprised of drug-runners come through here. They love towns like this where they people like to blame weirder s$#! first..."

Side note, my head cannon is that Dhom is voiced by David Hayter as Solid Snake, just in case you're wondering what his voice is like. ;)

Male Ratfolk Hunter 1

In order of response:

> Hahaha NO.
> You have no clue man. I'm lucky my folks instilled in me the idea of being prepared. I ran out of matches, went to get some more, and there were none in my entire town and the next two over! Plus, I've had two separate people try to take my bike because I had to move it out of the garage to get to the shutters. Crazy people...

> My work gave me no time off. So long as the hurricane is not right on top of us, I'm supposed to come in. That is not happening, as I value my life much more than they do. Plus, I already shuttered myself in. :T
> Don't get too excited. It's by no means a sure-fire thing, and unfortunately they might just scrap the open position all-together if they ever finish re-working the computer system. (I swear that thing hasn't worked right since I started.)

> Current trajectories have it staying off the mainland, but all the same my hatches have been fastened and valuables collect for rapid getaway if need be. Also yes, shooting at is is a thing. I don't really have an explanation other than it's Florida. People just have too much pent up crazy from being in proximity to Disney. (Also drugs. Lots of drugs.)

Side note to all of this, if I end up being silent for the next week or so, I've probably lost power. I'l post if I can get signal/time, but I do need to conserve battery. Just a heads up.

Male Ratfolk Hunter 1

Okay, I’ve got stats finalized and the alias created, but my stupid phone won’t let me put the stats on the alias. 9_9 Until I can get the stats published here, I’m gonna read through gameplay and get my first post ready. Thank you all so much for your patience. (I tell ya’, nothing ruins your schedule like an incoming hurricane combined with a possible job promotion.)