Devargo Barvasi

Devargo, NPC's page

19 posts. Alias of Xaaon of Xen'Drik.


"Quite, dwarven stoicism, always looking at things at the deepest meaning."

"Now that our business is concluded...I have an appointment with a nice glass of Chelish brandy and a few lovely bits of flesh."

Hefting the coins given to him, "Let me know if you need any more information, and I'll see what I can do...for the right price of course, my network can be at your disposal."

You attention is drawn back to the corpse of the rogues on the table, as their gear begins to settle as their bodies are becoming dessicated as the spiders, their abdomens tripled in size, gorge themselves.

just a little reminder of the man you're dealing with...heh

Devargo accepts the bribe and then claps his hands in delight "Thank you all for your generosity and entertainment"


Immediately four guards rush into the room for a moment you think this might be an dirty double deal, as you reach for your weapons and drop into defensive stances.

"Calm down my friends, they're just here to watch the room whist I go below to get the papers."

Devargo returns after a few minutes

Devargo confides in the PCs "I learned of a scandalous affair Ambassador Amprei was having with the wife of an important noble back
in Cheliax.

[b]"Apparently, the ambassador and this woman had been corresponding while Amprei was stationed here in Korvosa—when I heard these rumors, I paid the man a visit. I attempted to befriend the ambassador, giving him a gift of several vials of shiver and making a proposition to the man to open a line of trade with Cheliax."

"The fool refused and had me escorted from his home, but I had lifted the man’s house key as I left, later that night I returned the key and stole these."

He holds up several letters.

Devargo laughs "I had been selling the letters back to the ambassador
at the rate of one every few weeks, taking great delight in his discomfort whenever he visits Eel’s End to purchase
one of them. "

The fact that the ambassador hasn’t gone to
the guard and is attempting to keep the re-acquisition of
the stolen letters as quiet as possible says plenty about how
dangerous the contents would be to his career.

Devargo hands over several of the ambassador’s letters to his paramour.

"This should be enough to destroy the man." Devargo nearly cackle with glee.

Panish Valimer wrote:
Wow. What a sudden but cool climax to the battle. I'll post Panish's commentary tonight - have to get to work first now :)

Glad you enjoyed it, thought it would be an interesting twist, and anyway to get things finished quickly in a PbP is good thing. Aliandara was going to kill him flat footed in all likelihood regardless, that bluff check was phenomenal.

"HAH! Straight to the point I like that, I like you people..." He says as he stares at Aliandara lasciviously "You all seem to work well together, I may have need for you sometime. Now, everything has it's price of course, I may indeed have the information you seek, for the right price."

Devargo moves quickly, instantly knuckle blades appear on his hands as he rushes the table, slamming the blades into the back of Verkton's legs, an audible sizzle is heard as the blades penetrate the tall leather boots, Verkton cries out just before Aliandara's dagger pierces Verkton's throat severing his spinal cord, he's dead before his falling form hits the table.

"Feast my pretties..." Devargo says as the spiders climb down from him and over to Verkton.

"I'll not have anyone betray me in, especially not a candidate; ON MY OWN SHIP! YOU LEAVE!" Devargo shouts as he points to the last of the candidates. "Come another day, but if you don't leave now I will cut you down where you stand!" They're gone in seconds, out scrambling out the door.

"Well, you have won the little dragon it appears, the things are all over the city, I'll get another" He muses with a sadistic grin.

"Now that the fun is over, why did you want to see me?" It appears Devargo's anger has fled as quickly as it appeared.

"Hah! So far your lot has a better chance of being part o'my crew than these fools!"

Sense Motive DC15:
He's being very honest about his feelings about your crew and these candidates.

Devargo sees through the ruse, and attempts to shout a warning to Verkton.

"Fool, she's tricking you!"

just window dressing, no actual bonus to the thug; also you'll note that the two thugs are Krev and Verkton.

Aliandara corrects for the first missed attack, quickly changing her grip and brings the dagger up and into the lungs of the shorter opponent, who clutches for the dagger in his back, before he slumps to the table, his chest making sucking noises before the lung collapses.

"HAH! I knew Krev wasn't up to the challenge of such a worthy adversary..." Devargo shouts. "She's like death dancing."

Sense Motive: He's genuinely impressed by the fighting prowess of Aliandara.

The two rogues straighten slightly and look at one another, suddenly the shorter of the two shoves the taller, with a sneer on his scruffy face. The taller wollups him on the head in rebuttal,which causes the shorter to have a slightly dazed look on his face.

"Very well then...BEGIN! Devargo muses, seeing the cunning in Aliandara pitting the two against each other.

"Well I'd be a bit disappointed in these recruits, but I;ll keep my word and free the dragon. I'm hoping they at least draw some blood..."

"Agreed! Aliandara, hold onto that knife, you two get on that table, strap them up. The remaining applicant's strap a piece of leather to each of the hopefuls, and one strap to each of Aliandara's arms, the dagger resting in her primary. You realize that if the rogues work together well, they will be able to really control Aliandara easily, but if they work against each other, Aliandara will be at an advantage. The two rogues know that whoever wins amongst them gets into the Devargo's family of vice; but they're also aware of the danger Aliandara represents.

Sense Motive DC 18:
The two rogues seem to be wary but cocky about the match. A push to one of their egos would probably pit them against one another

"Oh, I just want to see a challenge, the only one who could probably stand up to you alone, would'm thinking"

"Oh come now dwarf, Aliandara took down your tough, y'don't think she can take two of these fools?" The spiders climbing around him seem to be agitated.

Donagar wrote:

"Are you suggesting three fights instead of 2 or are you suggesting both at once!"

"Little late tah be changin things, maybe yah could pick tha best one an I can play a different game of my choosin with the other one...."

"Both at once of course" He states matter of factly with a chillingly cold smile.

"I'll let Aliandara start with the dagger..."

"Let's make this interesting, since I'm quite attached to the little dragon, you'll have to take on two of these fellows. You and you" he says as he points to the two thugs.

"Well played, well played, well looks like you'll be fighting one of my new rogues, Aliandara is it?

"Well played; uh, what was your name? Mavis? Obviously, the next match won't have the off the table rule in place. Standard tactic for a normal game of knivesies...for this game, you each have a hand weapon, you can use that razor of yours. And of course, feel free to heal before the which of you newbies would like to face off against the vixen? Victory and her death will guarantee you membership in my little family. And of course, failure means death."

Well by Marra winning, at least I'll be able to run the entire contest in one or two posts.

"That it is dwarf, that it if only there were some mud..."

Then Devargo shouts
"If'n y'want the little dragon, you'll have to put on a little better show'n this!!"

"I'll back the pretty one..."

All the rogues move to Aliandara's side of the table but one. That one is a one-eyed rogue, who obviously was on the losing end of a knife fight judging by the massive scaring on his face.

Devargo slyly looks toward his Pseudo dragon.

"Y'want my little dragon hmmm..." Devargo muses "I don't think you can afford him, and no contest for gold is worth his worth."

"Now...if you two ladies can impress me against each other, then perhaps you can face who I choose, you win, you can take the little dragon, you lose, well it will be a fight to the death."

Decided to create a Devargo...looks better with him talking