DetectiveKaz's page

4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Tim Emrick wrote:
Yes, and yes.

Thanks brother.

zza ni wrote:
just pointing out (since the op had hard time reading the rules he quoted) it only increase with higher Investigator class levels. if you level up in a different class (that doesn't use this pool. some class's pools do stack) the pool size will NOT increase!

I had no hard time reading the rules, I was verifying that I interpreted it right because of the two possible meanings. Also, I am playing an investigator but thanks for clearing that up anyway.

AwesomenessDog wrote:
zza ni wrote:
just pointing out (since the op had hard time reading the rules he quoted) it only increase with higher Investigator class levels. if you level up in a different class (that doesn't use this pool. some class's pools do stack) the pool size will NOT increase!
Eh, it's a new account likely a new player needing to learn the limits of literal rules terminology. The better question is why they went straight to a rules forum instead of asking another player in whatever group/game they would make an investigator for.

cause I felt like it.

On the d20 investigator page, it states: "The investigator has an inspiration pool equal to 1/2 his investigator level + his Intelligence modifier (minimum 1)." does this upgrade as you level up? If it does, do headbands of intelligence increase the pool due to the increased int Mod?