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Ok, I'm a touch confused on this wild talent and was hoping for some clarification. It states that with this you add your elemental overflow damage to fire based simple/composite blasts. Is that in addition to what your overflow already adds? Example: My level 6 pyro with 2 burn (+4 to damage) has this wild talent and uses a simple fire blast with no infusions. Assume no Con modifier for simple math. Is the damage equation 3d6 + 4
Or am I simply confused about the whole process? ![]()
I'm confused. Pathfinder, being an RPG, has a nebulous definition of "cannon" as it is. I mean, everything in one's game is technically a house rule, even use of the ideas from the core book. If everything was cannon we'd have how many heroes who defeated the Runelords? I guess what I'm saying is cannon is what ever you want it to be, and I promise you what is cannon for you, won't be for my group. I'm not sure why the OP has such a hate for Unchained, but like any (and I do mean any) rule in the game, it is optional. Decide for yourself, or with you playing group, what you want to use. That will be cannon. ![]()
Mark Seifter wrote:
Awesome, thanks. I can't wait to see the final product. Is it July yet? ![]()
I love the class. Can't stop loving it. Seriously considering all my future classes being some kind of Kineticist. Right now my group and I are in the initial planning stages for the next campaign, character concepts, stats, history, etc. I have an idea for a teifling hunter of demons, ala Ao No Exorcist (though I had thought of the character concept before I saw the anime or read the manga...there really are no original thoughts out there.) but crossed with Natsu from Fairy Tail. A fire using demon slayer. However demons are immune to fire. Any hint that I'll be able to actually fight a demon and be effective or should I just go with a combo of magus bladesinger/kensai. ![]()
Safe to assume you are new to the system? In Pathfinder (and at least 3.5 D&D and beyond) the higher the AC the harder you are to hit. Example, say your AC is 30. The enemy rolls a d20 and gets a 10. Their Base Attack Bonus is 5 and weapon bonus is +3, that combines to an 18. 18 is less than your AC of 30 which means the attack misses you. Example the two, again your AC is 30. Enemy rolls and gets a 19. Base Attack Bonus is 8 and weapon bonus is +4. Total equals 31. That total is higher than your AC of 30 so you get hit. I hope that helps. ![]()
Hey, he wants the Dragon to be raised by the Paladin, I'm all for it. You all want to debate the nature vs. nurture issue, that's cool too, however the OP asked for plot hook ideas involving a black Dragon being "goodish" and what not. That debate should probably be handled in another thread. In line of that, how about the fanatical Dragon Hunter? One who refuses to believe anything but black Dragons are evil because they are black. Maybe an organization of hunters, solely dedicated to their extinction? That would give the possibility of a reoccurring enemy for the party. ![]()
So, quick back story. I'm playing a monk/sorc/Dragon Disciple. In my party, we have an Order of the Dragon Cavalier. What I'd like to do, if possible, is make my FotD II last long enough for the Cav to be able to use me (in dragon form) as her mount. Thematically it would fit both character concepts. Unfortunately the ability says it works like the spell, and the spell has a comparatively short duration. Is there any way, items or Feats that I've missed, to extend the duration? Thanks,