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Currently I have a lvl 8 halfling sniper and I want to find some things to save up for.
I have a +1 bow
ring of prot +1
cloak of resistance +2
amulet of natural ac +2

I could use some things to help my stealth checks or help me snipe in general. Any suggestions would be great.

It was probably Moander. Just saw little shop of horror and was inspired to work on an adventure.

I seem to recall a religion that was fond of shambling mounds, I dont know if they just liked them or worshiped them. Does anyone know where I may be getting this from?

Mines pretty front loaded Physical with some high ACs in melee. Maybe Ill play around with some different Barb archtypes for what kind of barbs are in his encampment.

would the adamantine armor DR stack with Armags current DR?

Has anyone tried rebuilding Hannis drelev in a prestige or archtype like duelist ect?

Ive got a fun Idea I just need some help on where to do my research. What organizations/countries would be most like to be pitted against Cheliax?

Adamantine: was your archer druid just a druid with feats to bump up her archery or did you multiclass?

what in god's name is a "special or physical wall with a pump switch moveset." :D seriously though, no clue what that is.

Lol, sorry its MMO lingo infecting rpgs, yes its short for cartoon.

So im thinking of rolling a druid for a certain unnamed AP, not naming it to try to go in blind as possible besides the players guide.

The party consists of:
a two handed weapon fighter
an alchemist
a cleric
a summoner
and a wizard

Im thinking of rolling a druid as it looks like all the major roles are covered pretty well.

Heres the hitch, I like the saurian shaman archtype but it seems that joining a game at 8th lvl there wouldnt be much benefit to that archtype and it would be better for me to go just normal druid.

Many of the players in this game will probably have above average characters as far as competency I'm assuming. I'm not trying to trick out this toon but if Im gonna fill a jack of all trade kind of role it seems like a bad idea to be going in gimped. Should I be looking at a different class or just go straight druid or am I blowing this out of proportion.

If i do an intimidate on an opponent and cause them to be shaken can another party member intimidate them into frightened? Could we stack this all the way down to Panicked?

Depending on the build, maybe the Summoner should be focusing on his summons.

Do you mean like his summon monster spells? This is not really how hes RPing the character and I dont want to penalize him for being completely RP. So Im looking for a different method to make sure the combat portion of the game is not lacking for him. If thats not what you meant please explain?

But by 9th level the Eidolon should be respectable.

What kind of attack bonus should an avg 9th lvl eidolon be swinging with? That way I have something to gauge him against.

Im a fairly new DM and between learning the modules Im running Im trying to grasp at the classes as well as I can to make things challenging as well as fun, but I only have so much time between sessions. So I hope the great paizo hivemind can help me fill in some gaps. Thanks to any suggestions and advice!

The eidolon is kind of like a dog, and I dont believe its using any magic slots. it mainly just bites its opponents. I dont have the stat block for him yet, Ill see if my player can get it to me.

The eidolon isnt being able to land hits very often any more. What should I do as far as gear to throw his way to help with this?

Hey Ive got a party of 9th lvl players and the summoner is being all super RP and sticking to his eidolon, buts it having big issues landing blows. What kind of loot should I throw his way to help ensure less combat boredom!

Is there any fluff out there on charon besides basic info? My pcs are to the point of almost slaying big V and I could use some xtra info just in case, Ive done some searching but to no avail.

Are there any quick and easy charts or instructions about how to use monsters in combat.

I find some things difficult like knowing which attacks are secondary, how flanking works on really big creatures?

Burning Disarm is in which book?

Im not so good with spell casters and Im pretty sure this wizard is going to be fighting lots of fighters and rangers. Im wondering what spells would be most advantageous to have and what gear to look into. Any advice would rock!

Ok so is the eidolon proficient with weapons the summoner is proficient with since essentially the summoner is wielding them.

could use a little advice on an encounter build with a mob from this book

more evil dm plots:
So i want to use a "swarm" of claw bats particularly near the dread cyclops in the valley of the dead as I know that cyclops will not be a challenge for my party. I have a level 7 party of 4 damage dealers and no real healers, but Im wondering if even 16 of these will pose of much of a danger.

I figure if i do have them strike out on the stair perhaps they could be gaining cover from rocky out croppings ect, but other than that Im still uncertain.

evil DM plans:
Im tempted to put a monster in the pool for my party to have to deal with at the same time as the wyverns. The rorkoun seems like it could be fun for that. Also I have a question, whatever happened to the original jade bracelet that started it all. I couldnt find it in any treasures ect.