Demondog's page

14 posts. Alias of Doug Hood.


Situation: A witch is hit with Baleful Polymorph, fails fort but makes will save. Say transformed into a sparrow.

Seems clear casting normal witch spells is problematic, but can the witch still use Hexes since Hexes are SU? And so SU then do not not have Somatic, Verbal, Material? (also what if witch has eschew materials feat)?

Example evil eye? What about Cackle? seems is sound needed? but what about a bird 'laughing'?


If you have both Amplified hex and Split hex..

Can you set a hex DC +1 (Amplified) then Split it to hit two things with DC +1? <assuming both within 30')

What about if you have a hex with a 30 ft range, then add +30 ft range (Amplified) then split hex.. does that mean you could do say hit target at 30 and second at 60? or two targets at 60 feet ?


sorry to necro.

>>Liquid-based magic items (such as potions) and items in a creature's possession must succeed on a Will save or be destroyed.

How do we calculate each potion's saving throw "bonus" against this ? ex: Is a first level potion's save bonus the same as a 3rd level potion?

Sorry to necro.

>>and the teleportation cannot end in a space that is by nature hazardous to the creature you are teleporting

By hazardous, does that mean putting a person next to an enemy is allowed or not?
ex: Can a party bard jaunt the party rogue directly behind the BBEG right into say a flanking position? or must they jaunt them behind but out of the BBEG's melee range and the rogue needs to step in on their turn?

Fully understand cost is a limiting factor :-) its the DC I am finding confusing.

<sorry I dont know how to quote people with gray text on this forum>.

>>Expeditious is CL 5 + 5 = 10.

This is exactly part of my confusion since Pearl of Power FAQ says to ignore items CL listed near price for create DC purpose, and only look at requirement section.....

>>Though the listed Caster Level for a pearl of power is 17th, that caster level is not part of the Requirements listing for that item. Therefore, the only caster level requirement for a pearl of power is the character has to be able to cast spells of the desired level. However, it makes sense that the minimum caster level of the pearl is the minimum caster level necessary to cast spells of that level–it would be strange for a 2nd-level pearl to be CL 1st.

so then in this case expeditious retreat is a first level spell, only need to be CL 1, so DC=5 + 1? and then you compare that to the initial/existing DC to add the +1 enchant (DC 8) pick the higher, so the DC is only 8 to add expeditious?

I get that it must be +1 first, THEN can be enchanted to say add the "expeditious" enchant.

I am trying to understand is the exact DCs.

6th level caster/crafter has the craft magic arms/armor feat, and makes a Master work Chain shirt to magic +1
(Spellcraft) DC = 5 + 3 for CL = 8 ... I understand that....

But now wants to add "Expeditious" enchant... what is DC to add that enchant, assuming they had the right spell ready to go... does it use the DC of the existing "+" on the item, aka DC 8 again - or is there a different formula?

After that... say now adds "energy resist" enchant, assuming they had the right spell available, is it DC 8 again?

Just to make sure I fully understand formula.. if above all was DC 8, If the armor was magic +2 *then* add those enchants, is the DC 5+6 = 11 for each of the enchants?

Thanks for any help clarifying this.

The spell itself does not say mind affecting, just evocation, so can it affect any undead?
The FAQ mentions itimidate *skill*, but this is caused by a spell not a skill.

Spell details:
>>When you cast this spell, make an Intimidate check to demoralize each enemy within 30 feet of you. Enemies that are demoralized this way take 1d10 points of fire damage and must succeed at a Reflex save or catch fire.

or is that regardless that spell lacks the tag [mind-affecting], undead just cant be itimidated regardless of method of itimidation?


Can you spend 2 actions to cast Levitate (so now 5 ft off ground), then immediately concentrate as third action to add 10 ft, net 15 high in the round the spell was cast?

(wish Levitate was still a second level spell, but that's a different topic).

Imagine a summoned animal "SM", and the summoner wants it to attack the "M1" monster. "F1" is friendly fighter attacking the M1.... The summoner spend 1 action to sustain.

01 02 03 SM
04 05 06 07
F1 M1 08 09
10 11 12 13

Ideally - the SM should take a move action to 07 then 08 (just in case to not trigger Attack of opportunity M1 may have) to get flanking bonus from friendly fighter F1.

Can the summoner influence the animal (or will it naturally) move in the best way to flank then attack - or will the SM just move to 06 then attack - with no flanking bonuses...


Say a friendly caster casts summon animal of a swarm, say vampire bat swarm which is "large".

if friendly melee attackers are attacking a monster who is IN the swarm - and friendlies are attacking positioned the other side of parts of the swarm.. does that give flanking to any friendlies?

(pardon poor text picture, swarms being large)
Friendly 1...empty
Friendly 2...Enemy &swarm...swarm
..empty.....swarm.... ... ... ...swarm

Does friendly1 and/or friendly2 get a flanking bonus?

Sorry, not sure why my phone posted multiples. Thanks to whomever is forum moderator for fixing :-)

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A summoned bloodseeker attaches [1 action] then blood drains as second action so enemy is drained 1. Next round, assuming caster sustains, is 2 auto blood drains?

The enemy does not keep advancing drain beyond 1, right? This summoned creature just keeps drinking twice each combat round?

All that right?

Can a caster cast 2 spells in 1 round? Sorry for a rookie question, but I cant seem to find a clear answer in the book.

ex: Shield (1 action) + say Burning hands (2 actions) for their 3 actions? If not why, and (follow up question) is there any other spell permutation that allows multiple casts in a round (ignoring reaction spells).

Thanks for the rulz help.