
Demon Knight1434's page

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 49 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I don't know if this was brought up

But I'm curious about the amount of classes and what will be coming. The field test says 1 of 6 classes to be in the play test

Looking back at the presentation we have the Solider, Mystic, Envoy, and Solarian.

Alright that's 4 classes im sure that will be fully fleshed out for play testing.

But this is Starfinder the core had 7 classes
The above mentioned 4 plus Technomancer, Mechanic and Operative.

So if 6 are coming what's not?

My running theory As it seems from cover art on the Page portal and what we seen so far and some logic on my own part. PLEASE BE AWARE THERE IS ASSUMING HERE!

That the classes will be the 4 mentioned then Technomancer and Operative. leaving mechanic lovers as my self to the way side.

Any other input here?

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So I have been loving Starfinder ever since its release August 2017

And I feel I have a bit of experience in the system for running games and enjoying all the new little things that come out

But one thing that has always bugged me

the weapons ..DONT GET ME WRONG .. I love all the options I really due and yes. IT is a huge pain to only get 10% for selling them ....but then i look over at the pathfinder 2nd.

Being able to use the same sword as I level up the ability to MOD it to what i want the weapon to become and makes me wish

Wish that starfinder had a similar options.

Its kind of like you watch all the Sci fi movies and think wow they are still using the same gear fighting the ending ....Han solo really didn't change his pistole all the much from movie to movie.

Now like i said i love the system but always grabbing gear off the dead to eaither stay current ... or sell just to get the Few scraps of cash you need seems so ...wrong i feel for a system all about exploration. running jobs for big contract payoffs or stealing from a abadar bank

What do you all think i love to hear it

At the end it has made me think about making my own Mod system for guns that players could buy simlar to a rune system that pathfinder 2nd has

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber



Looking at this i understand the math from it but i pose the question

i have my first form being cloud array and want it to be full Class level

Then i choose Gear array for my second

and im a level 7 Character so i take a -4 to level making me 3

Is the weapon i make treated as level 3 for the BAB or how dose this work

Also since this includes major forms of weapons and cybernetics how would that apply here for the math and, what its treated as ?

Are the cybernetics not avliable to me if they are above lvl 3 ? or how would this effect me?

Any clarification on this is greatly appreciated

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Sooooooo question looking thru the book that I'm trying to run for my group there is no real rest option to recover 8 hours ... I'm trying to re read it slower but I'm still seeing nothing

its a race against the clock i know but is this supposed to be this difficult or did i miss something

any feed back as well to maybe seed something in would be helpful if this really is the thing i might just seed in a drug with the ability to offer a one time night rest but only enough for one for each party member not sure

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

After reading thru alot of the knacks here

Level 6 knacks stand out to me as some of the lack luster knacks ....... to use a Example

Heavy Armor Edge (Ex) You nanites allow you to move comfortably while wearing thick gear. You gain proficiency with heavy armor, and you treat the bulk of heavy armor you wear as 1 lower.


Heavy Weapon Edge (Ex) You know how to deal damage with big weapons. You gain proficiency with heavy weapons, and you gain weapon specialization in heavy weapons just as if your class granted proficiency. When you gain this knack, you can replace one of your major forms known with that of a heavy weapon. You add your Constitution modifier to your Strength score for the purpose of wielding heavy weapons formed from your gear array without penalty.

Taking into account that this is level 6....both of the knacks seem a bit to high for the price im paying for them

the first one armor edge gives a free feat but could have easily been done at level 2.....not 6 i feel its just to steep a price for what im getting

then the Heavy Weapons Edge

this alone feels like it should be level 4 .....by level 6 it seems to late for it ....you have a stat boost by 5 and already have 3 feats under your belt .....4 if your human ...the cost of both of the knacks seem very lack luster for some one of level 6 ..and there is more like this but ill end with what i have for now

thank you for reading

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Based off the wording

Rapid Reshape (Ex)
ever 1d4 rounds you can use a nanite surge to form a nanite array as a swift action.

Ok ....thats well and good but for a nanite surge i can already do this

as the nanite array (ex) states i can use a nanite surge and change it allready as a swift action..

do they mean as a free action then every 1d4 rounds i can change as a free?

other wise what am i missing?

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So ....as the title says ...would blind sight life work on a borais its pretty interesting thought but im trying to just put this one to rest and part of me says .... NO of course not because first part of there type is UNDEAD but then you read the rest of them and its like .....Maybe?...

So yay or nay on the blindsight life would it work on a borais or not

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

im trying to make encounters for a one shot im creating

but how many encounters should i plan for

im thinking either a level 3 party of 4

or level 5 party of 4

but a good base line that people could get it done in one sitting for this is what im looking for any advice ?

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

As the name suggests i am trying to put together a one shot story for a small party most likely either a level 1 survival or may be make em level 3 to get a bit more flexibility with monsters ill be creating the idea should be for a party of 2 to 4 team

the idea is a Ghost buster theme with costume weapons

the weapon idea is that they would be custom to deal full damage to ghosts with out the seals so more thought is a heavy weapon for it

the damage would be full for incorporeal but either 1/4th or half damage vs Corporeal

the thing is i was hoping to get a little feed back or some help in creating some weapon templates

you can view the story here My story

I got some feed back on more description so this is already going to be in the work but like i said a idea for level to kinda of go with as well as if any one got a idea for weapons to kind of put in im all ears

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

i have been looking at *trick attack for the operative and i have a question

It says on page 93 "you can trick or startle a foe and then attack when she drops her guard. As a full action, you can move up to your speed.

whether or not you moved, you can then make an attack with a melee weapon with the operative special property or with any small arm.

just before making your attack, attempt a bluff, intimidate, or stealth check (or check associated with your specialization; see page 94) with a dc equal to 20 + your target's CR.

IF you succeed at the check, you deal 1d4 additional damage and the target is flat-footed this damage increases to 1d8 at 3rd and ect ect."

Ok ok the long text out the way i because i want to run the Adventure path. i was watching some people "Lets Play" it and saw a operative use a Grapple as part of the action and also got the trick attack damage....

i found it odd due to the fact that grapple is a standard action and this ability super seeds it by being a full action that allows only one attack and that attack being with the weapon.

I ASSUME to do damage am i wrong in thinking it was just a miss play on the players part for it being a new game or am i over thinking it here and you can trade the attack ..... with the attack of a grapple and still get the trick?

any and all feed back please so i can nip it now before i sit down to play it with players

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

SO im looking at the spell chill touch its cast time is Standard does it sit there till i cast it or do i need to touch right away

so i guess it brakes down like this

1.) if im next to you and cast this spell do i take AOO
2.) is casting this spell the touch part of the cast?
3.) if i cast this spell dose it sit there till i get in close to touch with it.

This clarification will help me with future builds

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So we are playing thru S&S and stumbled what I believe to be the most op spell and i just wanted clarification on it



Discard this card to evade a monster. If there is another character at your location, that character may encounter the monster.

After playing this card, if you do not have the arcane or divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an arcane or divine 8 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.

at first glance im thinking ok it allows me to escape if im at my location and if im with some one cool it lets me let them fight it.

Im just a support toon i dont really want to fight if i dont have to.

But after looking more into i noticed a few key words missing. ..."Your Location" is missing for the first power. was this meaning that the power alows you to use it for say the lonely gunslinger who dose not have the magic pistol for the ghost.

But make the magus who dose at my location have to fight it.

Or dose that mean i can if the player wishes to allow them to evade a monster but not allow that monster to come over and fight me it seems vary unclear about this first power part.

I could easily overview the fact that a monster would be swimming hundreds of yards in sea water just to fight some one else be a little silly but i don't worry about that if the card says it ....should it?

Just a little clarification on this card be nice