After reading thru alot of the knacks here
Level 6 knacks stand out to me as some of the lack luster knacks ....... to use a Example
Heavy Armor Edge (Ex) You nanites allow you to move comfortably while wearing thick gear. You gain proficiency with heavy armor, and you treat the bulk of heavy armor you wear as 1 lower.
Heavy Weapon Edge (Ex) You know how to deal damage with big weapons. You gain proficiency with heavy weapons, and you gain weapon specialization in heavy weapons just as if your class granted proficiency. When you gain this knack, you can replace one of your major forms known with that of a heavy weapon. You add your Constitution modifier to your Strength score for the purpose of wielding heavy weapons formed from your gear array without penalty.
Taking into account that this is level 6....both of the knacks seem a bit to high for the price im paying for them
the first one armor edge gives a free feat but could have easily been done at level 2.....not 6 i feel its just to steep a price for what im getting
then the Heavy Weapons Edge
this alone feels like it should be level 4 level 6 it seems to late for it have a stat boost by 5 and already have 3 feats under your belt .....4 if your human ...the cost of both of the knacks seem very lack luster for some one of level 6 ..and there is more like this but ill end with what i have for now
thank you for reading