Took too long writing my review so the system ate it. Trying to help you out here Paizo but I guess F that. My lovely 6 paragraph review, now boiled down to the TL:DR
Railroading? No more so than like 75% of other scenarios in PFS play
Bad Plot? Plenty of subtle evidence to find, its just the GM isn't explicitly told it. Make sure you reread the entire scenario and focus on that for your players. Not easy, but very possible. The GM should definitely consider making the background information from the pre-adventure intro accessible to the players as it is important, but glanced over in the in-game briefing.
Murderhoboism? Player's are obsessed with getting through every encounter without expending any resources whatsoever besides daily spell slots. News flash, being unwilling to part with you money or prestige for a valuable service when you could beat it out of someone instead means you were already a murder hobo at heart. That's a problem with the way other PFS scenarios are written though, handwaving the players through all costs and negotiations like they "aren't real" and players just got used to it. It's not even that much gold if you have an old dusty potion of Daylight or Wand of Endure elements sitting around from 5 levels ago you that you don't use anymore.
This scenario is fine, it just needs better information conveyance to the GM. I liked it alot and it has a clever ending if run well. If it doesn't end like a scooby doo mystery, you've done it poorly!