
Delbin's page

Goblin Squad Member. 49 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Goblin Squad Member

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One thing I've always wanted but rarely seen in a game is the ability to melt down the weapons and armor I come across for raw materials. I can't count how many times I had to kill some mob wearing a full set of armor so I could get to some mining node to make armor.

I'd like a system where gathering steel weapons and armor was a viable alternative to mining the iron and coal and smelting it myself. It could have interesting effects on the economy by giving value to lower level items without needing a steady stream of new buyers. Deconstructing gives value to odd, underpowered, or underused weapons that would generally sell for a pittance.

Obviously, for game balance, it would be more efficient to set up a mining camp to get the materials. I'm thinking this alternative would be a good way for adventurers to contribute to the crafting economy.