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Goblin Squad Member. 49 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Goblin Squad Member

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How would a free to play game have a collector's edition?

Goblin Squad Member

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One thing I've always wanted but rarely seen in a game is the ability to melt down the weapons and armor I come across for raw materials. I can't count how many times I had to kill some mob wearing a full set of armor so I could get to some mining node to make armor.

I'd like a system where gathering steel weapons and armor was a viable alternative to mining the iron and coal and smelting it myself. It could have interesting effects on the economy by giving value to lower level items without needing a steady stream of new buyers. Deconstructing gives value to odd, underpowered, or underused weapons that would generally sell for a pittance.

Obviously, for game balance, it would be more efficient to set up a mining camp to get the materials. I'm thinking this alternative would be a good way for adventurers to contribute to the crafting economy.

Goblin Squad Member

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Elorebaen wrote:
Question: You mentioned craftsmen needing to bring the product to market. In what sense do you mean "need?"

I think the idea is that you could sell your items locally, but chances are you won't get a good price for them since they'll be made from local resources. You'll want to move your goods to the settlement that has the best prices.

Goblin Squad Member

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The Blog wrote:
Of course, you won't always move at the fastest possible rate. Tracking, searching, and other such activities will slow you down. And while some conveyances will allow you to move a lot of stuff at one time, the draft animals that pull them generally move at less than walking speed.

It looks like wagons and the like are in the plans.

Goblin Squad Member

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The Blog wrote:
Harvesting hazards: These are opponents that are generated randomly as an effect of harvesting certain resources.

It seems they're planning the gathering minigame to be fending off generated monsters. The most efficient way to gather will be to get friends to help you fend off the monsters while you mine.